Ok I did it pic.twitter.com/SJPOlpbFuN
— Sadie Farrell ? ?????? (@Marusya_1312) March 14, 2021
This is kook shit. None of these people have ever been to Syria let alone could accurately inform you on the conflict. To be this obsessed over a single chemical weapons attack out of hundreds during a now 10 year long war begs the question what the fuck your actual point is? https://t.co/4Go24q2RSx
— Sadie Farrell ? ?????? (@Marusya_1312) March 14, 2021
What is Joe going to do now?
Nothing. He is basically a lame duck now. The shock and awe is behind us. Unless Joe Manchin agrees to use budget reconciliation to pass the infrastructure bill.
The Democrats are too culturally toxic with White working class voters in rural states to have the power in Congress to pass their agenda. Giving people free money requires the use of budget reconciliation and is an FDR-like lift for them because progressive activists are highly skilled in the art of alienating and driving away working class voters and narrowing the appeal of the Democratic brand. The problem is also getting worse by the day because all of the woke brats are taking over and they are even worse. They are going to wreck the Democrats like Ghostbusters, Star Trek and the New York Times.
Note: As W. James Antle III points out, Obama came to power with a 257 seat House majority, 59 Senate seats and 53% of the popular vote. The “Coalition of the Ascendant” was a flop.
Dementia Joe was a lame duck as soon as he was elected or should I say selected. The real fireworks start When Harris takes over.
Hunter, you endorsed this guy. And it’s not turning out well. And it’s only been a few months.
Do you expect things to turn for the better?
1.) I never endorsed Joe Biden.
I sat out the election, shifted my attention to other interests like history and monitored the situation. BTW, that is what I am still doing. I’m not really on either side. I am just analyzing what has changed over the last year or so.
2.) It is actually turning out better than I expected.
How come? Trump losing moved everything in our direction on all issues across the board. Also, Joe used budget reconciliation to pass the COVID bill, which gives everyone $1,400 and the child tax credit and forces the GOP to become more populist. He doesn’t have the power in the Senate to pass anything else except for maybe infrastructure. This will also prove the stupidity of the current Democratic coalition which makes no sense because it can’t get anything done. I suppose he can issue some more executive orders. That’s it.
3.) Sure, there is an immigration crisis, but it is hurting Joe badly in the polls. Immigration is now the single most important issue on the Republican side. FOX News is covering it 24/7 which is hardening racial attitudes. Also, we had an immigration crisis in 2014 and that changed the politics of the issue, which is the reason Trump became president. It wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
4.) In light of the numbers that I am seeing, I can’t believe anyone still thinks that four more years of Trump would have turned out better for us. Trump losing will work out well for us in the long run.
I’m sure Lenin and Co. really brought the Russian public around to realizing that the Czar really wasn’t that bad after all too, but by then it was too late.
I know that are border was more secure and the wall was being built. That’s for sure. There is no more time to persuade voters, that is over.
The political games of swaying people this way of that way is pretty much over. When Texas and Florida go that’s it. And the trajectory we are seeing now with absent minded Biden and his Jewish handlers will do the job. Think about another four years of open borders, and no one will stop them. DC is literally under a military occupation.
We’d have been better off with Trump. No question. You and your homosexual friend, Spencer were dead wrong. The cities are gone, rural areas are next.
@ the people that voted madam president harris into office, you feeling uneasy? Eh ? You should, you will reap , what you have sown.
I’ve always thought Trump was meant to be a wrecker of things. I never thought he was going to be the one who rebuilds things. You need a person who has a subtler set of talents for that. To rebuild, you have to build coalitions, work with people, and do a lot of boring stuff that has to be done, to get where you want to go. Watching a building get blown up is cool, as the popular youtube videos of destruction shows. Building a structure tends to be boring and and great for drama. Somewhere soon the person who starts to rebuild will appear I hope to begin construction on something better. Trump had played his role, now we see who comes next with better building talents.
I voted for Trump, but I do think he needed to be a builder of things. Forgetting ideology, it was clear his narcissistic personality was simply too toxic to keep competent help around. His administration had endless people quitting with bad blood, leaks, staffing with political enemies. Heck when the riots went on he had a cabinet full of traitors who hated him personally so much they said stopping communist mobs from burning down churches in DC is not a situation for the military to deal with? Did Lincoln have such a cabinet when NY City revolted and he had to send the troops in? It’s clear he was not competent to actually govern.
Here is something almost 100% accurate in the mainstream media today: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/the-coronavirus-variants-experts-are-most-concerned-about/ar-BB1eAd5Q?ocid=msedgdhp
Except that it does not mention TOTAL ERADICATION, the intelligent alternative to the madness of “herd immunity.” China, Vietnam, Independent Korea, and several other intelligent nations were right, and succeeded or are succeeding with eradication within their borders. The superwealthy U.S. Empire and its many satelllites that are trying to create “herd immunity” or prevent infection with ineffective vaccines are being proven completely wrong.
Wow this Sadie Farrell sure loves war against Syrians. She seems really jealous of SyrianGirl, the anti-war activist. Meo-ow!
Ah – I see – she is a self-described progressive anarchist that “just happens” to support US – and Israeli – policy in Syria.
So a radical leftist that spouts the CIA and Zionist line.
Really, the “left” is full of these people. They are all fake, of course. They attack other “leftists” because their job is to destroy anti-war coalitions, in the service of the Zionist entity and the DNC.
Please notice that these people don’t do any “activism” except for shitpost on Twatter and occasionally show up to a BLM riot to provide cover for people attacking working class white people.
Is anyone fooled by these people anymore? Really now that everyone understands how the Internet works no one can possibly take these people seriously.
Oh look at that, she “just happens” to be attacking Max Blumenthal, one of the most prominent pro-Palestinian activists in America. Also she hates Aimee Terese and loves the “I Don’t Speak German” podcast, which not just centers Ashkenazi – and Zionist – interests, but are just straight up ethnic bigots.
Also hates Tulsi Gabbard who is hated by the Zionists for her attempts to stop the Zionist war against Syria.
How is she NOT just another Zionist? All these “progressive activists” are transparent once you get past their purposefully obscure jargon.
Well, I agree with these last two comments of yours. SyrianGirl, The Grayzone, and Mintpress News are among the best sources on the Empire’s illegal aggressive war on the birthplace of Christianity (Syria).
I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2020. Later I checked it and it seems Virginia was putting Trump mailings in the round file. They tossed it. It was never counted. That is what Jews call democracy.
But it was a mistake anyway, trying to vote for that demon. His only god is Lucifer, which he learned about in his decades long studies of Talmud, Kabbala and Zohar.
You wonder why he is always putting his hands together facing down, in a downward pyramid. That is their sign for praying to Lucifer. He is literally putting a curse or hex on someone when he does that. It is a Jewish practice.
HW had a good answer on why he sat out this past election. If God wants us to vote, he will send us some candidates.