Chris Hedges: The Continuing Rise of Oligarchy and Christian Fascism

Chris Hedges sounds like me on economics and foreign policy.

We couldn’t be more different though on race, culture and identity. I’m a social conservative and traditionalist. In other words, I define my sense of identity in terms of relationships like race, ethnicity, culture, place, family, religion and so forth, as White Southerners have always done across all of American history prior to the last generation when modernism went mainstream and identity came to be based on expressive individualism or self chosen and defined aesthetic lifestyle preferences. Identity used to be largely something you inherited and passed on rather than created yourself like a LEGO castle.

Cultural liberalism dates back to the 1910s and 1920s. See William Jennings Bryan vs. Clarence Darrow and H.L. Mencken in the Scopes trial. This was the beginning of the modernist vs. populist divide.

Is Donald Trump a Christian fascist?

I have a hard time believing that Trump was a Christian or has the work ethic and ideological coherence and consistency to be a fascist. He seems more like a narcissist to me.

Note: I’m just a populist on culture, economics and foreign policy. I always thought populism was about standing up to elites, defending the common man, supporting economic fairness and social conservatism and a restrained and peaceful foreign policy. Is that “fascism” now?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. US is basically post-Christian like just about every country in Europe. That even includes Poland with its suicidal TFR of 1.4.

    • @Curri…

      The U.S. may be ‘post Christian, but, Dixie ain’t.

      For that matter, neither Hungary, Poland, and Russia are, and that may not be a complete list.

  2. When one cuts through the verbiage, Chris Hedges is always a New Englander who, detesting any manifestation of Southernerness in his Modern United States, will speak out voraciously against it.

    Look, if Miss Joy Reid, of MSNBC fame, can call the new Republicans, ‘The Dixiecrats’, the cat is out of the bag.

    We’re back, and with the help of our cousins in Midwest and Plains States, and, even, more than a few pissed off rural New Englanders, we are going to assert ourselves in this land over the coming decade in a very big way.

    We are just at the very precipice of this new age, which will midwife in much of The Olde.

    Sit back, have some popcorn, and watch the fans of the evermore bygone 20th century America howl and howl!

  3. No Donald Trump is not a Clerical Fascist (the actual term if Hedges wasn’t a fucking idiot) like the Fatherland Front of Engelbert Dollfuss.

  4. One more thing : ‘Christian Fascism’, is just another derogative sobriquet for, ‘Whites that dare unite and defend themselves and their ways.’

    ‘Christian’ is the new coverword for White Resistance, in The South.

    Doubt it? Just tune into American Family Radio and listen for a day.

    It will become clear.

    • Re: “Christian fascism”: Fascism is sometimes in conflict with conservatism – to the “left” of conservatism – and generally anti-liberal, but it is consistently anti-communist (that’s how you can always tell it). It is also hyper-militaristic, involves dictatorship and the formation or extension of an empire to support it. Fascism may be Catholic but it cannot be Christian.

      • I should have added: it can also be Mormon or Calvinist/Cohenist or some other heresy, but it is not Christian.

        • Thanks, Ivan.

          Regarding our differing comments on another recent post: Your understanding/definition of “equality” may be entirely different from mine. I am opposed to ECONOMIC inequality, class system, elitism and plutocracies of all kinds, but I am not a proponent of forced, unnatural “equalizing” by inter-ethnic mixing/integration and other forced genetic and cultural uniformity.

          • @Anonymous…

            You’re welcome. Thank you so much for your clarification.

            Look, I do not believe in equality of any kind anywhere, at any time, because to achieve it is too destructive, and, in the end, it will fail because of that.

            HOWEVER … if you mean that you are in favour or returning the economy of this country back to some kind of Progressive New Deal Era
            policies, and provide people with more educational and small business opportunities and security, I am very definitely in favour of that.

            Though I supported President Trump in 2016 and 202, I cross over in the open NC primary in 202o to support Senator Sanders.

            To be clear, I disagree with Senator Sanders on many things, but, I felt that he had the right take on corporations and was reliable.

            Obviously he meant what he said, otherwise they would not have cheated him – AGAIN!

            Good to know that you do not favour any form of cultural, racial, ethnic, or national uniformity.

            I hate that stuff and knowing you are not advocating such adjusts my view of you.

            Be well!

  5. “has the work ethic and ideological coherence and consistency to be a fascist”:

    The “work ethic” of Fascism is putting the slaves to work and keeping them at work. The “coherence” of fascism is about wealthy elites, everything cohereing to them, everything else in service to them. The same is true of feudalism and every other “flavor” of plutocracy.

  6. Why are you wasting our time with Chris Hedges? Of course you’re a fascist if you disagree with him. This guy isn’t worth the time or effort. Several years ago I read one of his books (I think it was Death of the Liberal Class) and identified everything he disagreed with as “fascist,” promoted his theory about how the Christians are taking over (We can’t even say Merry Christmas in public any more) and said corporations should censor people who disagree with him. He certainly got his wish on that one, didn’t he?

    So, who’s the fascist?

  7. Trump is not a fascist.

    However, in 2015-2016 he hinted at occupying a space that would otherwise be filled by a “fascist” leader in a healthier society.

    Remember, as it is defined in the United States, fascism is anything involving Whites acting collectively to defend their position in society, restore normalcy and/or promote healthy values conducive to their continued existence.

    See that book on the authoritarian personality. Crushing fascism (as defined above) is one of the primary values in American society and has been for quite a while.

    Both the Alt-Right and elements of the liberal establishment “got” what Trump was signaling. And he signaled it intentionally. Obviously some “JigNats” were ahead of the Alt-Right and the libs in also recognizing that it was a con, a put on, a work, a swindle.

    So, in this respect, the reactions to Trump were completely predictable and could easily have been predicted in advantage by anyone who was in on the joke.

  8. “Note: I’m just a populist on culture, economics and foreign policy. I always thought populism was about standing up to elites, defending the common man, supporting economic fairness and social conservatism and a restrained and peaceful foreign policy. Is that “fascism” now?”

    To them, yes. To anyone who knows what Fascism is, no.

  9. “Christo-Fascist” is just a fancy word for “white.” Atheist? Doesn’t matter, if you are white – but not Jewish – than you are a “Christo-Fascist.”

  10. He means Jewish fascism, and he is deflecting on behalf of his Jewish masters. Fascism is control of the mechanisms of government by big business, government that serves big business over its own people. Who are these Christians that are trying to take control of the American government? Do they have names? Hedges is such a filthy whore, it is disgusting.

    • “He means Jewish fascism, and he is deflecting on behalf of his Jewish masters.”

      I think you hit the nail.

  11. If there was Christian Fascism,the US would be a different place. Instead the US panders to jewish Zionism.

  12. Hard to think of President Trump as a ‘Christian Fascist’, when the man seems so barely Christian.

    That said, he does seems to think of The United States as a Christian nation which is not only recommendable, it is accurate.

    Yet, leave it to the Modern Left to see that concept of this nation in such a negative light they bestow upon it one of their prize epithets, ‘Fascist’.

    Not that I mind being called a ‘Fascist’, as to me ‘fascism’ simply means you acknowledge that you have an extended blood and soil family and feel a sincere abiding affection towards them.

    Still, I know that, for the Modern Left, when they hurl the F-word, it is a sign that they think you are not fit for any other fate than to be slain.

  13. Words like Fascist, Socialist and Nazi have been used so much by politically illiterate numskulls that they have long since lost whatever meaning or shock value they might have once had.

    • @Spahn…

      I agree that, for you and me, these words have come to have little weight, though, with the general populace they still hold some manipulative value, sad to say.

      We’ll hope folks catch up with us, on this score, soon.

  14. Your either “conserving Marxist communistic usury “mammonism” or your conserving your own kinfolk above and below the Mason-Dixon Line, right Hunter?

  15. Misnomered as usual … it’s actually conservatism, … as in conserving one’s own people contra the communist usury globalist judeo-Masonic-papal Christian messianic monarchists:

    Racist Leftists Pushing Neo-Segregation, Jesse Watters Gives Examples Of Their Blatant Racism

    Your either “conserving Marxist communistic usury “mammonism” or your conserving your own kinfolk above and below the Mason-Dixon Line, right Mr. Wallace?

  16. I suppose Chris Hedges and Victor Davis Hanson are what could be described as public intellectuals. I didn’t think such people still existed.

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