I wouldn’t vote to confirm any of these people either because I disagree with their politics. This is pretty racist though, right? This says a lot about where the Democratic Party is going, right?
Note: This is what Sen. Tim Scott meant when he said that the Democratic Party is being devoured by “woke supremacy” in his recent op-ed in The Washington Post.
* an ad that was on top of the youtube splash page was
hahahahaha, Americans must really be a vast herd of morons
For any of you so inclined
My address is. 123 Hard Luck Lane, Suckersville, IL 71488
Remember White man, gooks are not your friends.
The Yellow Peril.
“Ways that are Dark” – get the book, read it.
Good. I hope the Democrats purge ALL white people from the party.
What mystery meat is she?
@ they call it ugly.
Isn’t that a suburb of Coontown?
Nobody takes those two South Pacific coconut niggers seriously.
Tammy Duckworth looks the end product of the mating between a bullfrog and a Thai “ladyboi.” Her mind is about are corroded as the other senator from Ill in Oys Prick Durbin who cannot wait to do the ADL’s bidding in turning ZOG’s national security apparatus against White gentiles that resist the new talmudic order.
^No shit. If I were this mystery meat’s father, I’d die of shame.
If you were to add the IQs of Duckworth (lol) and Hirono together the sum would still be two digits.
Why does this creature have legislative power over us? This is how far your country has fallen, Whitey.
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck… then its probably a libtard duck
The only race you can openly discriminate against is the White race in our OWN countries.
But White Genocide is just a “conspiracy theory”.
That woman is the worst kind of uglyfat.
We can’t even tell what she is. She could be a Mexican married to some white guy with the surname Duckworth. She could be a mix of several races. It’s impossible to tell from looking at her, but she definitely is not all White. You can’t look at people like her and say they are definitely this or that.
Because you can’t tell what she is, or how much of what she is…it’s all blended ambiguity, and she just represents an anti-white mindset. As long as it’s not all white, it’s good to her.
Race-mixing will successfully destroy any link to White history or culture.