House GOP Memo: Cementing GOP As The Working Class Party

Well, I must say this is an interesting development.


“On a flight Tuesday from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne, Ind., two leaders in the House Republican conference discussed a memo that argues that their party’s future demands they “embrace our new coalition” because “President Trump’s gift didn’t come with a receipt.”

Why it matters: The document, titled “Cementing GOP as the Working Class Party,” leaves no doubt that Republicans — at least in the House of Representatives — will be doubling down on Donald Trump for the foreseeable future.

Behind the scenes: On the afternoon flight between fundraisers, home state Rep. Jim Banks, who leads the largest bloc of House conservatives, the Republican Study Committee, handed his memo to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. …”

This raises a thorny question.

What would it take to persuade us to play ball? After all, that’s who the new voters are who Trump mobilized and brought into the GOP in the 2016 election: the “Market Skeptic Republicans” or “American Preservationists” or Right Populists or what is denounced in the media as the “far right.” There isn’t any question about this. Trump’s base is ethnocentric White working class voters. The same is true of other European nations where the same forces are at work.

As much as the GOP might wish it were so, there isn’t a world where “Right Populism” and White Nationalism are completely distinct. It is the same people with the same values, beliefs, attitudes and agenda who are responding to the same social forces. The two major grievances which have always animated these voters for the past thirty years – immigration and political correctness – are now the big winners and draw for the Republican Party. That’s because the Trump voters who became Republicans are the most conservative leaning ones. There are plenty of non-voters and Independents who share the same view on these issues, but who remained skeptical of Trump and the GOP.

A survey of the comment section on any “far right” website would find that many people voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, some voted for him only in 2016 and soured on him and some people didn’t vote in either presidential election because they are convinced the system is rigged against them. Trump didn’t succeed in consolidating the “far right” vote in either 2016 or 2020. The “far right” vote was much more energized and engaged in the 2016 election than in the 2020 election.

If you look at the polls, you will find that the “far right” issues are significantly more popular than True Cons issues and the Republican Party. The people are with us on political correctness, immigration, crime, trans, censorship and civil liberties. As for economics and foreign policy, our views on those two subjects are far closer to the Center. We are social conservatives and economic populists. When you dig down into our issues and priorities, we are the moderates, not extremists. A few generations ago, most of us were New Deal Democrats and Center Left voters. UKIP in Britain attracted Labour voters.

The “far right” vote is concentrated in the middle because of our views on economics. We are the leftwing of the Republican Party and the Independents who are adjacent to it. Charles Koch is the actual far right libertarian extremist. Bill Kristol is the extremist on foreign policy, not us.

The funniest thing about this is that it is starting to dawn on the GOP that they can win both “far right” voters and black and Hispanic voters. After all, these people are all Democratic Leaning Working Class (DLWC) voters. A majority of Trump voters actually voted for Barack Obama over Mitt Romney in 2012. Less than a decade ago, MAGA voters were weakly attached Democrats and Indies. The “far right” voters didn’t like Conservatism, Inc. … and often for many of the same reasons as black and Hispanic voters. The GOP was the party of people like George W. Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney.

If you looked at all working class voters and asked them to describe their views on culture, economics and foreign policy, you would find remarkable similarities across racial lines. They all believe that endless foreign wars are a stupid waste of time and money. They all believe the economic system is rigged to the advantage of the wealthy and powerful. They are all more socially conservative than upper middle class progressives. They all supported the stimulus checks. The same is true of race. They are all more ethnocentric than White college-educated, upper middle class voters. There is no difference between “far right” White working class voters who are ethnocentric and black voters who are equally ethnocentric except that under political correctness we are supposed to believe one group is evil and the other good. Blacks are far more racist, ethnocentric and identitarian than Whites.

We know from the polls that “Latinx” voters are just as opposed to political correctness as White voters. “Latinx” voters do not grasp why blacks are put up on a pedestal above them in the United States. In terms of their issues and priorities, “Latinx” voters aren’t that different from White working class voters. They care about issues like jobs and the economy and affordable health care, not open borders. “Latinx” voters are not natural conservatives, but they are natural populists. They tend to be socially conservative and moderate on economics. A large number of them are also bootstraps or enterpriser types.

House GOP Memo:

“Our electoral success in the 2022 midterm election will be determined by our willingness to embrace our new coalition. House Republicans can broaden our electorate, increase voter turnout, and take back the House by enthusiastically rebranding and reorienting as the Party of the Working Class. …

There is an embittered and loud minority in the GOP that finds our new coalition distasteful, but President Trump’s gift didn’t come with a receipt. Members that want to swap out working class voters because they resent President Trump’s impact on the GOP are wrong. In fact, they are intentionally sabotaging Republicans’ political future …”

The memo is actually pretty good.

I’ve been saying all of these things myself on this blog. The memo advises the GOP to focus on immigration, anti-wokeness, trade and censorship in their strategy to retake Congress. That’s 4 out of my 5 top priorities. If they are serious about it, I would say that is actually a big improvement.

Obviously, I am far from convinced that any of this is genuine and suspect it is just another cynical bait-and-switch (lure the populists in with an immigration backlash and pivot to unpopular corporate tax cuts in office), but I will continue to monitor the situation and share my thoughts. As I said the other day, if the GOP could block the Biden amnesties and get us uncensored on the internet, that would go a long way to building trust. We would much rather focus our attention on fighting the Democrats.

The Democrats are afraid of us. They’re not afraid of Ben Shapiro or The Bulwark. Ben Shapiro has a platform on Facebook and YouTube because he isn’t perceived as a threat to their power. Populists are in the middle of the electorate. We’re much closer to the front lines between the two parties. The Democrats censored the internet because they know from their own research that we ripped Hillary Clinton to shreds in the digital space in 2016 and that it is too dangerous to allow us to speak. The DOJ is prosecuting Ricky Vaughn for being more influential on Twitter in the 2016 election than NBC Narratives and Stephen Colbert who isn’t funny anymore because he is a politically correct court jester for PMCs.

Note: As far as this blog goes, I plan to criticize Biden as harshly as I criticized Trump. I’m a cross-pressured moderate and Independent voter which means that both sides irritate me.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. >political correctness

    The 1964 Civil Rights Act is the blocker. Christopher Caldwell explained in his book “Age of Entitlement” that it sets up a second constitution that supersedes what came before. It weaponizes HR departments as the hammer of neoliberalism. Any attempt to directly repeal it would send the system into paroxysms.

    Yet, if the one constitution can supersede another, then we can copy the same tactic.

    We need something like a 2021 Worker Protection Act and a 2021 Internet Bill of Rights. Place restrictions on when employers can fire employees for what they say, do, or who they associate with on their off hours. Make monopolies comply with federal laws when removing someone from a platform, and institutionalize redress policies. The left says they’re pro-worker; make them live up to their own principles. (This avoids a food fight over racismsexismhomophobiatransphobiafatphobiaislamophobia…)

    Stuff like that would make me enthusiastically fall back into the GOP camp.

    • Yep. That’s what would change the game. The problem we are facing is the total plutocratic control of both parties. Even getting a worker protection bill to the table is unlikely. It’s been a two party tag team death match against labor since the 90s.

  2. John Oliver is a massive fucking disappointment too. White Supremacy in my humble opinion is Rhodesia or Apartheid South Africa. It’s not the White Americans attempting to maintain their majority demographic status in the country they fucking founded. Additionally his definition of white supremacy is a problem for the Irish in Ireland, Scots in Scotland etc. Such a fucking asshole when he went after Carlson.

  3. At this point I don’t see the GOP undergoing any profound changes, HW. It is funded by wealthy Zio-Capitalists, so it will continue to pursue a pro-Wall Street, Israel First agenda.

    • You’re probably right.

      Fortunately, I am not a politician. I’m just a social critic and commentator. If they were actually serious about any of this, it would be great. My attitude at the moment is … surprise me and prove me wrong.

    • Yep.

      I’m fine with the talk. I don’t object to the position. I just don’t trust them to do anything. In any case, the fact that they are talking like this and drawing attention to our issues … HELPS. Maybe it doesn’t help them in the 2022 election, but it helps our cause. Focusing so much attention on these issues can only push more people in our direction.

  4. If they want to get these skeptical voters to turn out, they will need to deliver policy and not just lip service. That means real worker policy, not whining about face diapers, calling for Bill Gates to be executed, and the other stupid crap that is being sold as “populism” right now. The place to start would be with worker protection legislation, that would prevent employers from firing people for opinions they express outside of work.

    That would be the biggest blow to “cancel culture” and political correctness. It’s probably actually the only way “cancel culture” can be addressed through legislation aside from more radical methods like seizing university endowments, nationalizing private schools, and shutting down social science departments. But those methods are a lot more authoritarian and liable to provoke backlash. “Worker protections,” on the other hand, is very good optics. The only people you will see opposing it would be antifa and the true conservatives. Imagine how funny it would be to watch antifa teaming up with the likes of David French and Ben Shapiro in opposing worker rights. Everyone involved would be immediately discredited.

    Another benefit of a worker protection bill is it would bring the left populists and some of the less stupid “socialists” to the table (if they don’t back worker protections then they will look like posers and will be discredited) and reorient the bipartisan political center around a populism-socialism axis instead of around neoliberalism-neoconservatism axis (i.e. bring the bipartisan center in line with the real electoral center). I actually think you could get Ilhan Omar and maybe some of the other “squad” members on board with a bill like that. One single worker protection bill would be a kill shot to the current regime that would completely change politics going forward. All it would take is a coalition willing to go against the corporate lobbyists who want easily disposable workers that can be fired for microaggressions and bad social media posts.

    • @Powell – Yes, it is. Republicans trying to hold on to Whites just long enough to replace them with non-Whites. They will NEVER take a stand for White people.

  5. A worker protection bill would kick over the kikes’/corporate commies’ rigged game table, and should definitely be tried: the social & political stranglehold of those scum hinges on their power to implement this de facto social credit system that can fire, deplatform & silence at will, while protected by the jewshit “free private enterprise” excuse.

    Of course, the trash in the fed surveillance/police state agencies like the FBI would also hate the idea, and do everything in their power to thwart it.

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