The Deep State Is Hiring All 20,000 New Genders. Apply Today

Hold up.

They’ve released another one.

BTW, if you are a normal White American with conventional views shared by your ancestors and the majority of the population, but not the political establishment, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” does not apply to you. The whole point of this woke progressive exercise is to turn the world upside down. You are a “far right domestic extremist.” You are suffering from a wide range of pathological made up -isms and -phobias. The government needs the power to spy on you and put you down.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I have watched these videos every week since they started 3 months ago and am just convinced “they” dont even care anymore about taking off the mask. It is a risky move as there are still atleast a hundred million people that will not tolerate this nonsense to a point. And it is everywhere. You might be interested to know Hunter that TaNahissi Coates your and Joe Bidens favorite guy was just greenlit a quarter of a billion dollar budget to write and produce with Zac Snyder..

    PRESIDENT BLACK SUPERMAN. No joke. The new blockbuster will be a black president by day who is superman by night figting structural racism. Even geeks and bugman wont tolerate things past a certain point. New Batman is black as well.

  2. By the time this administration is done, they are going to need a guard Everytime they leave Washington. They will leave made themselves a stink in the nostrils of the 75 prevent of the country who are normal

  3. According to Tucker it appears that Chairman Wang’s NYC mayoral campaign is faltering, HW. Brooklyn borough president Eric Adams (an outspoken Negro whom liberals don’t like) is gaining in the polls.

    • The parents were just delivering their Fox news speak to me. “The Asian Communist is awful. I like this black man. He was a cop and tucker likes him”…. Sometimes i wonder if i was adopted. No nuance or critical thinking. If Gregg Guttberg and Tucker say so it is Gospel

  4. Love how the smily faggot mentioned commie cunt Brennan.

    Itz called “the long march through the institutions”. Or, in a word: (((usurpation))).

    Abolish the (((CIA & FBI)))

  5. The CIA was already an evil anti-white organization when it was staffed with heterosexual white men. I can’t imagine it getting any worse than it already is. White people are some of the most viscous anti-whites out there.

    • If I’ve said it before I’ve said it 1488 times: half the white race isn’t worth saving.

    • “White people are some of the most viscous anti-whites out there.”

      This puts you ahead of most WNs out there. Most will never get this.

      • I disagree “most will never get” it. To most who have stepped outside The Narrative, it is blindingly obvious that anti-White Whites are the most treacherous of traitors, Joe Biden being the latest in a long, long line. Most WNs know this.
        Normies? Not so much. I have heard within my own family, “But he/she is White! They can’t be anti-White!”

  6. The CIA As Organized Crime – How Illegal Operations Corrupt America And The World – by Douglas Valentine

  7. Is this the same CIA with their British counterparts that in their infinite wisdom overthrew the legitimate government of Iran replacing it with the horrible Shah? That bought relatively cheap oil, military sales and stability for 25 years then revolution, turmoil and justified anti-Americanism from the successor theocracy for 40+ years. It resulted long term in a vicious war with Iraq in the 1980’s and an implacable enemy with a nuclear program that has the entire region on edge.

    It would have been much better for the U.S/UK long term to leave the regime in power in 1953, pay a little more for oil and cultivate peaceful, mutually beneficial relations. All sides would have benefited from treating Iran with respect but the CIA/MI6 couldn’t let things alone. That and the oil companies wanting control over Iran’s natural resources led to the current mess.

    And we should listen to these idiots in the CIA and the politicians they control? They don’t have a very good track record.

    • “It would have been much better for the U.S/UK long term to leave the regime in power in 1953, pay a little more for oil and cultivate peaceful, mutually beneficial relations. All sides would have benefited from treating Iran with respect but the CIA/MI6 couldn’t let things alone. That and the oil companies wanting control over Iran’s natural resources led to the current mess.”

      Obviously correct. Too bad that kind of thinking is not even possible for the people who are running the show. Greed and lust for power and control rule the day. The West created its own problem with Iran.

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