About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This gets an automatic downvote without even watching it (and I don’t watch to watch this).

  2. Having come up in a very different time, it is difficult to fathom how gleefully a systemick level of child abuse is being built in this country, and, worse yet, it not only is out to pervert minds, but to conduct wholesale genital mutilation.

    Moreover, hormone blockers are cancerous poisons that will lurk in the body and then, when those who have taken them advance some in years, will rise to form cancers.

    Mark my words.

    Was it not just a few years ago these very same now in favour of child genital mutilation were screaming about the genital mutilation that girls have long facet in Islamic countries?

    Now, suddenly, because genital mutilation is to be employed ruining Whites and overturning White Society, suddenly it is all the rage.

    On a final note, A Catholick mystic predicted these events, back in 1610, and stated that it would be in this very time in history.

    • Very interesting video, Ivan. But at 4:30 even this video tacitly condones the sin of Miscegenation, with the ‘pensive’ N-word icon posing, as if he were ‘of the race of Israel.’

      Of course, one cannot consider the Roman communion to even “BE” the Church, if one is Orthodox, as a Current Orthodox American Synod notes in their Priest’s Confession to be submitted to, and I quote:

      ” Therefore, Nestorius was a Nestorian, Dioscorus and Severus Monophysites, Honorius a Monothelite, the wicked Isaurian an iconoclast, Barlaam an heretic thinker and fighter against Grace, and the Papists and Protestants expounders of heretical doctrines…”

      Or as the saying goes: “Rome was the first Protestant.”

    • “. . . it not only is out to pervert minds, but to conduct wholesale genital mutilation.”

      I believe your tribe has been a pre-eminent pioneer in those departments.

  3. Don’t be surprised if quite a few of these faggot-abused kids kill their worthless scum parents one day.

    • Looking at that kid’s face (Desmond) I see a future monster when adult. A monster of some kind.

  4. Whenever this tribe gets control of a country it inevitably ends with pedorasty and child sex slavery. Every time. The good news is we might be near the collapse.

  5. I will never lower myself to watch these degenerate videos.Maybe one day an asteroid that took out the Dinosaurs will take out this sick nation og humans.

  6. The alphabet people claim they are born that way. They may be correct but like IQ, it could also be a mixture of genetics and environment.

    The lifestyle is obviously very unhealthy with STDs, AIDS, substance abuse, promiscuous behavior and suicide being prevalent among them. I don’t think most who find that lifestyle repugnant would mind if they just stayed closeted and don’t seek to beat the crap out of them or put them in camps. Closing off occupations where they come in contact with children or national security affairs is reasonable.

    What I stridently object to is its actual promotion by the government, corporations and the culture. Now, 5% of young adults claim they are somewhere in the alphabet category. It is almost a badge of honor. They see celebrities reviving stalled careers by coming out. It is tremendously disorienting and results in high suicide rates even though it is promoted and protected – measures that are supposed to reduce suicide rates to those of non-alphabet people.

    Even when they are among themselves in some anything goes, non-judgemental urban area, they have more physical and mental problems.

    • Some guy in Germany, backs in the 1930s, put a stop to this degeneracy.

      The world now calls him evil.

    • LOL – Ron’s still smarting for getting called on what he is. “Don’t talk about Israel! Don’t attack Israel! Don’t get involved! Forget the Palestinians! You should have voted for Trump MIGA!”

  7. I don’t usually speak ill of kids, they are just kids. But that kid in the feather boa above is weird lookin. He doesn’t look normal, just his face ya know? Weird lookin kid.

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