NY Mag: Georgia Struggles With Its Giant Neo-Confederate Embarrassment

Ed Kilgore has a new article which is a reminder of why Brian Kemp is governor of Georgia.

New York Magazine:

“All around the country, memorials to the racist Lost Cause of the Confederacy are coming down or, in the case of military facilities named after Confederate leaders, being redesignated. Many monuments, typically erected during the Jim Crow era to symbolize resistance to racial equality, occupy key public locations in southern cities.

But there’s nothing quite like Georgia’s Stone Mountain, a giant outcropping of granite in the suburbs of Atlanta that bears a three-acre carving of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson on horseback. The question of what to do with this very deliberately constructed tribute to those who tried to overthrow the U.S. government in defense of slavery is unavoidable. …

The board is not expected to endorse the simple idea embraced by many civil-rights activists, including 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams: to sandblast the carving right off the mountainside. Governor Brian Kemp, who narrowly defeated Abrams in 2018 and will likely face a rematch with her next year, has opposed such measures. In a tweet two years ago, Kemp said, “I will protect Stone Mountain and historical monuments in Georgia from the radical left. We should learn from the past – not attempt to re-write it.”  …

As it happens, I spent a good chunk of my life near Stone Mountain, or passing it on the way to Athens, and always regarded the carving as an ugly monument not to the Confederacy but to the determination of white conservative Georgians to ensure its hateful legacy lived on and on. Perhaps the state should take a page from the demolition of the Berlin Wall and give Georgians the opportunity to wield a sledgehammer or a laser and do some damage to the carving as a sort of spiritual reparation. Anything would be better than pretending this mammoth exhibit represented an innocent effort to honor the dead.”

If the choice is Brian Kemp who signed the election integrity law or Stacey Abrams who drove the MLB All-Star Game out of Atlanta and who said on Meet the Press that Republicans are her domestic enemies and progressive activists who want to wield a “sledgehammer” against the Confederate memorial on Stone Mountain, it seems likely that Kemp will come out on top in his rematch in 2022.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s very sad, that anyone would even entertain the thought of removing such a majestic monument.

    • history has been rewritten. The second war of secession was not about slavery, it was about taxes and tariffs, as was the first war of secession.

      (America has never had a ‘revolutionary’ or a ‘civil war’. Both were wars of secession. Both initiated by tax and tariff disputes.)

      • The education system in this country teaches corrupted history. They teach that the War Between the States was fought over slavery. They teach that everyone in the South owned slaves. They teach lies.

        • “The South is now in the formation of a Slave Republic. This, perhaps, is not admitted generally. There are many contented to believe that the South as a geographical section is in mere assertion of its independence; that, it is instinct with no especial truth–pregnant of no distinct social nature; that for some unaccountable reason the two sections have become opposed to each other; that for reasons equally insufficient, there is disagreement between the peoples that direct them; and that from no overruling necessity, no impossibility of co-existence, but as mere matter of policy, it has been considered best for the South to strike out for herself and establish an independence of her own. This, I fear, is an inadequate conception of the controversy.”
          —Hon. L. W. Spratt, Editor of the Charleston Mercury, 13th February, 1861.


          • How many Southerners owned slaves? From our educational system, you’d think each and every one of them owned a dozen slaves. But figures vary, but it’s still a small percentage. And slavery didn’t last “400 years” like some sources say. After the War Between the States, slavery would not have lasted very long…the cotton gin was arriving on the scene. Who would own slaves, when they could own machines?

            They have to keep the myth alive now, that most Southerners owned slaves, or else “Reparations” won’t fit the narrative. Racism is big business.

            I’m sure they demonized the South back then, as much as it’s done now. We can’t have free people, now, can’t we?

          • No serious person—no dignified person—who has been forced to stop doing something he feels he can’t defend says something like, “Well—I was going to stop doing it anyway.”

            Southern Nationalists say it, as you just said it, Pilot.

            Conclusion: Southern Nationalists have no dignity.

          • @Pilot…

            “How many Southerners owned slaves? From our educational system, you’d think each and every one of them owned a dozen slaves. But figures vary, but it’s still a small percentage.”

            How right you are.

            As much as I have found out about my forbears in North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, I cannot find a single slave among them.

            Those who wish to justify the war, and the crimes, against The South always tell themselves it was about slavery. Yet, not only did most Southerners own no slaves, most Yankee soldiers had no affection for the notion of fighting for Blacks, as evidencet by the problems that occurred in The Army of the Potomac when Lincoln delivered his emancipation.

            Indeed, many many letters repose in The Smithsonian from Yankee soldiers to their wives, very antithetical to the picture we are given today.

  2. If you’re a neo-Confederate, as is our our host, Mr. Wallace, and as our many of the Southern commenters here, at Occidental Dissent, your distress at the prospect of the monument’s removal is rooted in your political sympathies, not in any supposed regard for its majesty or other aesthetic qualities.

    I wonder how many neo-Confederates would be saddened to see the Lincoln Memorial demolished. They’d probably enter a raffle to try to win one of the swings of the wrecking ball.

    • We covered the removal of all of those non-Confederate monuments in the mania last summer: the Christopher Columbus monuments, the Elk monument and Pioneer monument in Portland, Lincoln monuments, the Teddy Roosevelt monument in New York City, the Junipero Serra monuments in California, even the Freddy Douglass monument in New York. It was all covered in the archives

      • i never cared about confederate stuff till they started attack Andrew Jackson our greatest president

      • Hmm—maybe I didn’t notice Lincoln monuments were among those you defended here last year, Mr. W. Alternatively, I might have noticed that but, unable to take you seriously on the point, didn’t file it in my mind. I’d probably have said to myself that you were including Lincoln monuments simply to mask the nature of your distress about the destruction of the Confederate memorials. That might have been unfair of me.

        I know that I would be pleased to see Stone Mountain erased, but that’s not because I see no majesty in it. To me, as you know, the Confederacy’s cause was a foul one. I can’t love the Confederate flag or Stone Mountain, or even your current banner photo of the Confederate-flag-waving boys. (Do I detect a juvenile Hunter Wallace there, by the way, next to the boy with the dark shirt?)

        How distressed would you be to see Washington D.C.’s Martin Luther King statue be removed? I’d be delighted, especially since its Chinese creator seems to have invested it with a Chairman-Mao-look. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn many a liberal thinks it “majestic.”

        Similarly, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn BLM and antifa are just waiting for the moment when they can go after the Columbus Circle monument in Manhattan and the statue of slaveholder William Penn atop Philadelphia’s City Hall. Any distress a non-liberal might suffer from an attack on those pieces would be political, I’d say, not aesthetic. A Brian-Kemp-type defense of the works–i.e., a defense to the effect that the statues provide us an opportunity to “learn from the past”—would be evasive, weaselly so.

        Oddly enough, by the way, a painting of none other than Jefferson Davis hangs on a wall of “Glen Foerd,” a mansion-museum that the Fairmount Park Commission of Philadelphia owns and manages at the city’s very northeastern corner. When I attended a family wedding there a few years ago, I saw the painting, which was among paintings of figures out of American history. The other figures were persons such as—can’t remember—maybe Ben Franklin, John Adams, men such as those. There, before my eyes, was Jefferson Davis, once U.S. Senator, once Secretary of War, and once—what was that other office he held?


        (Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial—Wikipedia)

        (Glen Foerd on the Delaware—Wikipedia)

        PS “our many,” in my original post, should have been “are many,” as you probably noticed.

          • “Shut the fuck up faggot.”

            That’s vintage Occidental Dissent rhetoric, right there. It’s been so long since I’ve heard it here that I was afraid you defenders of Southern gentility had lost your mojo.

            Anyone who wants to know the human material of Southern Nationalism has only to visit this blog’s comment section.

        • @John…

          “To me, as you know, the Confederacy’s cause was a foul one. ‘

          My Dear Fellow, and Friend, I must respectfully disagree.

          The whole behavior of The Northeast, save for sage Copperheads, during the 1860s & 1870s was foul beyond description.

          Not only did they trample The 10th Amendment of The Constitution, they committed genocidal war crimes against a people who fought only to be sovereign over their own lands.

          Sir, my great-great-great grandfathers and uncles did not own a single other man, but had to leave their wives and children to practically starve on unplowed land to fight under Robert E. Lee to protect us from the very governmental tyranny we are all under today.

          Not foul was that, but, noble to the pont of sainthood is what I say.

          In any case, my regards to mama!

          • We’ll never have the same view of this matter, Ivan; but for the record, I’ll respond via the quote below to your assertion that Southerners “fought only to be sovereign over their own lands.” The quote is the same one I’ve posted above, in reply to our fellow-commenter Pilot.

            “The South is now in the formation of a Slave Republic. This, perhaps, is not admitted generally. There are many contented to believe that the South as a geographical section is in mere assertion of its independence; that, it is instinct with no especial truth–pregnant of no distinct social nature; that for some unaccountable reason the two sections have become opposed to each other; that for reasons equally insufficient, there is disagreement between the peoples that direct them; and that from no overruling necessity, no impossibility of co-existence, but as mere matter of policy, it has been considered best for the South to strike out for herself and establish an independence of her own. This, I fear, is an inadequate conception of the controversy.”
            —Hon. L. W. Spratt, Editor of the Charleston Mercury, 13th February, 1861.


            In her nonagenarian simplicity, my mother always smiles and says, “Ohhh—that’s nice,” when I tell her that your wife and you—“some of my friends on the internet”—have told me to tell her hello.

          • @John…

            Excellent reply, My Friend.

            Just as President Davis and General Joe Gordon, of Georgia, said – “The South is not fighting, did not fight, for slavery.”

            But, yes, you are certainly right that the very same Southern oligarch class that brought Negroes here, wanted to enlargen and perpetuate it forever, just as they, that very same class of scalawags and bloodsuckers, have outsourcet our manufacturing in the last 6 decades.

            We have those people, always have had those people, and I will not try to hide the sad fact.


            Be that as it may, I now ask you to respond to the following points…

            #1. In response to Northern criticism of slavery, antebellum Southerners would say : ‘Yankees curse and moan about the state of our Negroes. Our Negroes have guaranteed hearth and home, food, medical care, and a godly labour, whilst a good percentage of the North’s White Working Class is starving, dying of exposure, and will never see a doctor.’

            #2. In response to criticisms of Southern Slavery, I, yours truly, say this : There never has been such a large and pervasive slave establishment as the Modern New England Yankee United States’ Government Empire – tens of millions of people in this country, retitled as ‘migrants’ or ‘illegals’, who, though free to come and go, work on industrial farms (plantations) for a substandard fare, and live in substandard housing, have no social security, sketchy medical care, and cannot vote – for decades at a time, perhaps forever.

            Moreover every stitch of your clothing, and mine, is made by 3rd World sweatshoppes, run by and for regimes proppt up by The New England Yankee United States’ Government – the workers who produce these goods working for a few dimes an hour, and often denied even the right to go home to visit their kin (See CCCP labour practices for Walmart)

            Yet, somehow, because The New England Yankee United States’ Government calls these practices, ‘Free Trade’, that is not slavery, but exploitive Southern oligarch plantation practices of the 1840s were?!?

            Thank you for the report on mama. Well, even if it just produces a ‘nonagenarian smile’, continue to send her our very best and tell her that she and hers are in our prayers.

          • I guess my answer to all your questions, Ivan, would be: Humans shouldn’t be chattels. It doesn’t matter to me how great blacks supposedly had it when they were held as property in the American South. A person so held is, by definition, in a situation in which he or she wouldn’t be voluntarily, no matter how wonderful it is.

            Beyond that, I think blacks, in particular, shouldn’t have been brought as chattels into the white world. The differences between the races strike me as so great that blacks living among whites are bound to be in a constant state of humiliation or potential humiliation. I dislike humiliation. I dislike witnessing it, I dislike inflicting it, I dislike suffering it.

        • @John Bonacorrsi,

          You expressed what monuments are not worth saving. So tell me, in your opinion, are there any man made American monuments that are deserving of protecting from the jews twin golems of blm and fagtifa?

          • The only ones that I think shouldn’t be standing are the Confederate ones. They’re passive-aggressive; and in defending them as “heritage” or whatever, Southern Nationalists, neo-Confederates, Dixieheads, or call-them-what-you-will are engaged in the dishonorable practice of gaslighting, i.e. denying the works’ intended function.

            Recently, I read William Lloyd Garrison’s essay in the closing issue of “The Liberator,” the abolitionist newspaper that he, Garrison, produced from—January 1, 1831, to December 31, 1865, I think it was. Though colleagues—well, hold on a second, I’m going to try to get this from memory, before I link to the piece …

            Colleagues had been telling Garrison he should keep “The Liberator” going even though slavery had been eliminated; but Garrison’s view was that, inasmuch as the elimination of slavery had been the paper’s avowed goal, he should close the paper out. On the other hand, he felt that there were still goals to be pursued—such as preventing de facto subordination of blacks, down South, in the war’s wake—but that any effort he might make with respect to those goals should be made through some instrument or instruments other than The Liberator.

            Now—that struck me, because Garrison sounded, in a way, like a modern-day Civil Rights-ist, so to speak. It seemed to be his view that, at that point, less than a year after the war’s conclusion and the assassination of Lincoln, the South was already taking action to keep the former slaves down.

            In addition, I read, around the same time, a statement in which Garrison had denounced—as “impertinent,” among other things—initiatives to organize a return of blacks to Africa. He found this objectionable because blacks wouldn’t have been on this continent in the first place if they hadn’t been brought here as slaves.

            Now—does that seem to me a good reason not to pursue the return of blacks to Africa? No. Do I share Garrison’s view that de facto subordination of blacks in the post-Civil-War South was something to be opposed? Not really—because whether such subordination was being carried out or not, blacks, in my view, shouldn’t be living among whites. I share Garrison’s view, in other words, that slavery was a wrong. Moreover, I recognize that what he managed to do, across three decades, with—if I have this right—a small, belt-driven printing press with which he produced history-steering essays that he was writing WHILE HE WAS TYPESETTING THEM, by hand, was extraordinary.

            So—the William Lloyd Garrison statue, in Garrison’s native Newburyport, Massachusetts: Is it the statue of a man whose every view I share? No. Is it the statue of a man who shares the blame for the racial ruination of the cities of the North, the North that he persuaded to eliminate slavery? Yes.

            What would I be thinking if I were standing before that statue of Garrison? I’d probably be thinking, “This man caused many problems, which are yet growing—but I think he was great anyway.”

            What would I be thinking if I were beholding a statue of Robert E. Lee? “This man fought for a foul cause. Get him out of my sight.”

            PS Here’s a link—which might not be working—to that final essay, which, at the moment, I won’t reread:


        • A Brian-Kemp-type defense of the works–i.e., a defense to the effect that the statues provide us an opportunity to “learn from the past”—would be evasive, weaselly so.

          I disagree. I think accepting the history of it leads to a stronger, more capacious sense of identity. That’s true for both WNs and for non-racial American identity.

          Trying to erase the past and regulate historical consciousness is the commie approach.

      • Mr. Wallace,

        I thank you for your support of Columbus and St. Junipero.statues. Whatever statues should be erected and preserved should be up to the lawful authorities not a mob.

    • I would gladly volunteer my services to help demolish that eyesore of city you reside in, Bonoconti.

    • As long as strawmanning nogs like yourself are just wrecking effigies (not sculpture and architecture), as long as you are shooting each other in droves at young ages and as long as the tough minded white cops keep it tightly contained to the ghetto it’s all good. What a shame that Covid19 didn’t really get stuck in and wipe out your folks. We will need a better bioweapon next time. As if the blacks in the US don’t rundown the aesthetic quality of white built cities! You should be ashamed of yourself.

      • Captain—is that post of yours addressed to me? If it is, I can’t make any sense of it, since I know you know I’m not black.

  3. Georgia was demographically transformed by the passage of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act

    The passage of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act

    The passage of the 1965 Nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANT Increase Act


    Nonwhite Legal Immigrants+Their US born nonwhite geneline=nullification of the Native Born White American Working Class Vote on Nov 3 2020…and again on Nov 3 2024….like shoveling shit against the tide….

    • Yep. Look at how many states are now turning into predominantly Mexican majority. People are SO NAIVE that when they go to the Southwest, they expect to see Mexicans because they are so close to the border (sic).
      Long ago, the Southwest was about “cowboys and Indians”. Now it’s about Mexicans, who are mostly Amerinds. The liberal nuts in charge want to “give them back” the North and South American continents. It’s all a lie. They came here from Asia, just like the Norsemen sailed from Europe.

      All lands are conquered and no one has to “give them back.”

      • All across the south-west, the “Atzlan” movement is quietly gaining momentum among Mestizos, and their supporters, and White people simply refuse to comprehend it.

  4. @ if i may take thee liberty of sharing a thought on this subject, which i do, i.hear that new york has plenty of troubles its self, it would probaly.be wise, for thee new yorker magazine and thee great people of thee empire state, too focus on their business, georgia i am sure, will handle its business, thus thee moral of the story is, if people would mind their own business, we would all be better off..

  5. Some eggs gotta be broken to wake up Whitey. Nothing but shock therapy will suffice, as folks are just too damn comfortable still.

    If those eggs are statues of our forebears, and their defacement and removal does the trick, I consider it a small price for what is gained.

    Normies have to be the ones to stand up, since we shot our wads at Cville with that cringey tikitorch march and the “Jews will not replace us” autistic reeeee’ing.

    We should pearl clutch and raise the profile of the issue, then stfu and let the left do the radicalization of the normies.

    • Rallies and protests are a waste of time, and only allow the other side another chance to demonize us.

    • One day, they will destroy every last monument White people have ever made. I am not confident that will wake up more than a handful of White people. Most White people will fight you to remain asleep, or else they might be called a name…

      If our people are to have any kind of self-determination at all, they will have to grow spines and brains, and make hard choices and do hard things. Most of our people are soft, brain-washed, and complacent, even apathetic, if not overtly self-destructive.

      It will take more than monuments being erased, and our people’s history being rewritten.

  6. The establishment news and entertainment media has adopted a radically leftist, virulently anti-white agenda ever since Trump won the 2016 election. No other points of view are tolerated! They must surely be driving away their audiences in huge numbers. I hope they are all forced to declare bankruptcy and go out of business.

  7. Many of us had grandmothers who would have refered to a Stacy Abrams or a Lori Lightfoot as a “nigger woman”. That’s the way they talked in a very normal pattern of speech. Nothing pretentious.

    We don’t have that today.

    • What we have today is…nonwhites threatening, robbing, assaulting, and killing us, and living off our hard-earned taxed incomes.

      And they call themselves “nigger” profusely.

  8. That’s a beautiful monument, I have as my background on my computer.

    The cowards will tear down something as beautiful as that and replace it with something degenerate.

  9. This fellow has been egging on the destruction of this monument for years. He is very bitter and its existence grates him personally, if you read his Twitter, i.e., “the grinding annoyance caused by its mere existence”. Do you think that the slave-owning founding fathers or perhaps the racist beliefs and words of Abe L. don’t also grind his gears?

    • The United States was founded by people attempting to “overthrow the government” partly in “defense of slavery.”

      “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.”

      • Yep. The British were almost certainly contemplating the idea of banning slavery. The big time planters and traders knew it and threw in with the Adams type of independent puritan. The alliance between states was never strong and required a genocide in the 1860s to sort out.

  10. In the recent past tourists would make sure they visited the Confederate monument at Stone Mountain when visiting Georgia, one can’t help but be impressed. It wasn’t a celebration of slavery, denigrating blacks or advocating rebellion, it was a memorial, from the Latin memorialis, to remember or remind. As a reminder of the horrors of war and the courage and skill of the commanders and troops on the Confederate side the memorial serves that purpose admirably. The soldiers from Gen. Lee down to the newest private were not monsters.

    The problem for the colored people is they have nothing to memorialize. Instead they make things up like blacks winning every war, making scientific discoveries, inventing things they didn’t invent, advising presidents with wise counsel etc. They are being written into history they had no part in making. Gap toothed Stacey, all 400 Lbs. of her knows this and it infuriates her thus she wants to tear down every memorial to White greatness.

    • Colored people couldn’t care less about Stone Mountain. It’s not African-Americans in Georgia that are complaining about this. It’s the PMC “journalists” in Manhattan – the Black ones are “white presenting” or gay – or both. These ain’t Dirty South Niggas, nor are they the upper class African-Americans in Atlanta.

      Black people don’t read NY Mag – nor do they write it. As E. Michael Jones points out, they wanted to tear down the status of Saint Louis, in Saint Louis, the French king who had fuck-all to do with “slavery” or “Jim Crow.”

      It’s not “anti-racism” it’s anti-white.

  11. Mt. Rushmore is a bigger target and much more deserving of being sandblasted. Maybe leave Jefferson.

    • @KT-88

      As a Southerner, and a son of many Confederate veterans, I am not in favour of blasting anyone’s monuments.

      When I lived up in New England, all those years, and the wife and I passed through endless charming small towns, with monuments to those who died coming down here to enforce a tyranny upon us, never once did I yearn to take those monuments down.

      Did I think they had fought and died for a terrible cause?

      Yes, Sir – you bet I did.

      But, I did not want to take down those monuments or see them taken down by someone else.

      • “son of many Confederate veterans” LOL, yo mamma was such a ho you ain’t know who yo daddy is, so they ALL yo daddy.

      • Ivan,

        It seems you might need some solace. You have helped me here when I needed it so I return the favor. This is for the South.

  12. As a descendant of Georgians who fought with Robert E. Lee I not only find nothing ’embarassing’ about the Stone Mountain Monument, it fills me with pride.

    • I thought you were a North Carolinian. What, your Georgian ancestors had to leave in the middle of the night after that factory girl’s death? Or is it the other Georgia?

  13. Anything that reminds Anti-Whites of White people is “racist” and has to go. They won’t stop at Confederate monuments and they haven’t. Anti-Whites hate our culture, history and heroes because they hate us. A people with no past has no future. Anti-Whites want us gone forever.

  14. John Bonaccorsi, as long as the Lincoln monuments are not in Southern States I don’t care how many are built. But no one who waged war against Dixie should be glorified in our land. I also have no issue with Union soldier monuments in Northern States.

    • That monument in Indianapolis, erected by the North, to honor the Confederate soliders that died there, because they served their country…was a great thing. It’s been dismantled and taken down, and I hope some decent man bought it.
      It shows the honor people had for others, that they would honor those men.

      • No, it’s just sentimentality, an attempt to bridge an unbridgeable divide.

        • There were 2 Confederate monuments in the state of Indiana.

          Indiana has been called, “the Most Northern Southern state.”
          The KKK was founded in Morrisville, IN, not in the South.

          The statue that I was referring to, said, “Erected by the United States to mark the burial place of 1,616 Confederate soldiers and sailors who died here while prisoners of war and whose graves cannot now be identified.”

          This monument was recently taken down.

          You think it’s “sentimentality”, I think it’s about honor.

          • Pilot—I’m going to be charitable.

            1—You’ve just changed the facts. In your first post, which I took at face value with respect to a subject of which I had no knowledge, you said the statue honored “the Confederate soldiers that died there, BECAUSE THEY SERVED THEIR COUNTRY.” (Emphasis mine.) Now, you indicate that the statue stood for unidentifiable graves of Confederate soldiers who died while the U.S. government was holding them as prisoners of war and whose burial place, accordingly, the U.S. government might have felt an obligation to mark in some way. That’s something quite different and simply confirms the dignity and honor of the U.S.—by which, in this context, at least, I mean the North. It has nothing to do with regard for the Confederates’ having “served their country.” It has to do with the North’s sense of its obligations to prisoners it took. I wonder, incidentally, how much initiative the South showed, equivalently, to mark Andersonville Prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andersonville_National_Historic_Site

            2—You’ll have to tell us where Morrisville, Indiana, is, since it’s not on Google Maps. Regardless, no incarnation of the Klan was founded in Indiana as far as I’ve ever heard, though the second Klan, of the 1920s, seems to have flourished there. If you have information on this subject, please provide it.

            3—As to Indiana’s being “the most Northern Southern state,” the following, from the “Westward Movement” entry of my 1962 World Book Encyclopedia, might interest you:

            “In the years just after the War of 1812, thousands of newcomers established small farms in the Northwest Territory [i.e., the area north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi]. Most of these people came from the South, WHERE THE GROWTH OF PLANTATIONS HAD DRIVEN THEM OUT. (Emphasis mine.) By 1830, their settlements filled southern Indiana and Illinois, and they were overrunning Missouri beyond the Mississippi River. After that time, most newcomers came from the Northeast and settled around the Great Lakes.”

            So—if that’s accurate, we have in hand the interesting fact that southern Indiana filled with Southerners BECAUSE THEY WERE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM THE SAME PLANTATION OWNERS who led the South, in time, to Civil War.

          • @Pilot…

            “Indiana has been called, “the Most Northern Southern state.”
            The KKK was founded in Morrisville, IN, not in the South. ”

            The first statement is, from my experience with Hoosiers, true.

            The second is not.

            In my state, North Carolina, Confederate veterans, appalled to see Republican Party operatives, abolitionists, New England meddlers, Union Leaguers from Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, not to mention ‘The Freedman’s Bureau’, streaming into our state to overhaul our state to suit their whims, formed The Scarlet Knights of The Ku Klux Klan in the summer of 1865 and resumed a war that The United States’ Government had said they would end at Appomattox.

            Final Score?

            The Scarlet Knights of The Ku Klux Klan 28

            The New England United States’ Government 21

          • If that comment’s addressed to me, Pilot, I must tell you I’ve never been a smoker or a drinker. In that respect, I’m a veritable Stonewall Jackson, though I probably did better than he did in school.

    • Some years ago, Big Tech Enemy, there was an outdoor concert—part of Trump’s inauguration festivities, I think—that was held on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and in which one of the performers was a country singer. Since I happened to see only a few seconds of the event and wasn’t really absorbing what I was seeing and hearing, I don’t know who he was, but I’d guess a few seconds’ worth of Googling would tell us that.

      As recently as fifteen or so years ago, before I began regularly visiting Occidental Dissent, I wouldn’t have given that performer’s appearance at that site a second thought; but as I watched those few seconds of him there, in his country musician’s cowboy hat, on those steps, on that evening, I was struck by how much—what?—pride, I guess, that he’d had to swallow to accept a spot on that bill. When he’d finished singing, all he said was something like, “God bless the troops.”

  15. Fuck Ed Kilgore & all (((Cultural Marxist))) race traitor scum in the ass. With a sharp wooden stake.

  16. I just realized who John Bonaccorsi is. He’s Corvinus from iSteve. Hunter go ahead and ban this piece of shit.

    • I have no idea who Corvinus is or what iSteve is, though I’ll guess the latter has something to do with Steve Sailer.

      I never post under anything other than my own name on the internet.

  17. “NY Mag: Georgia Struggles With Its Giant Neo-Confederate Embarrassment.”

    Yankees haven’t changed in nearly two hundred years. Nor will they ever. The 2016 and 2020 elections have shown that. This is why they need their own government, or governments in Boston, or New York, or Chicago. Or all three, as I’m in favour of splitting up the sixteen Northern states into smaller blocks, in order to disperse their political power. At any rate, they’d soon be at each other’s throats, and we could then get on with the work of restoring Liberty, a republican form of government, and with Western civilisation, generally.

    As Michael Cushman pointed out, 90+% of all Jews in America, live in the Northeast corridor. We’d be rid of them, too. We’d be rid of Judeo-Puritanism in one fell swoop.

    With automation and UBI, we could create a modern approximation of pre-war Dixie. We could then focus on Latin America as the only real, potential threat to our existence, and mostly ignore Eurasia and Africa. We could also finally live in the 21st Century, like the rest of the world does.


    Southerners and Westerners think of themselves as Americans.

    Northerners think of themselves as America.

    Northerners: Government happens for us.

    Southerners: Government happens to us.

    The North is freedom from. The South and West are freedom to.

    Mere semantics, admittedly. But wars have been started and fought over far less. It’s past time for the two iterations of America to part ways.

  18. “So—if that’s accurate, we have in hand the interesting fact that southern Indiana filled with Southerners BECAUSE THEY WERE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM THE SAME PLANTATION OWNERS who led the South, in time, to Civil War.”

    Nigra slavery was introduced on these shores by those looking only to get rich as quickly & cheaply as possible. That was what the colonies were about for those short-sighted men. They were just following what was an accepted economic practice down through world history; they weren’t thinking about the long-term racial chaos it would mean for a country that didn’t even exist yet. It’s the same motive that impels today’s wetback & dothead-importing, overseas outsourcing CEO scum: all-devouring greed.

    That said, plantation owners bear no guilt for the “Civil War”: it wasn’t they who wiped their asses with the constitution; they’d entered the Union freely, and had the right to leave it so (this was tacitly accepted by the Northern states when they didn’t object to the proviso inserted by Virginia asserting it when it ratified the constitution, and even West Point textbooks taught the right of secession in antebellum years); it wasn’t they who invaded & destroyed the North (although they certainly should’ve done so by following the lead of Stonewall Jackson, who wanted to set PA’s anthracite coal mines on fire).

    • Oh, yes, Stonewall Jackson—pride of the faculty of the Virginia Military Institute, he whose sense of battlefield hazards was so acute that he managed to get himself killed by friendly fire.

      “… set PA’s anthracite coal mines on fire.”

      Hilarious—an unintentional admission that the Southern Secession was a doomed bet against the Age of Steam.

      I’m reminded of the Southern writer whose essay I might bump into again one day and who argued against suggestions that the South, as an independent polity, could establish an industrial region of its own in Kentucky, I think it was. No, he was having no part of that. “We don’t want a Manchester or a Lowell.”

      “We don’t want a Manchester or a Lowell.” We don’t want, in other words, the steam-driven wonders on which our entire Southern economy depends, the locales that are the market for our supposed King Cotton.

      Fine, you gentry-imitating fool—enjoy your life without a Manchester or a Lowell, right up to the day Robert E. Lee meets his destiny at Appomattox Court House, while the smell of smoke is still drifting up from Georgia.

      • Yes, the agrarian South was at an almost insurmountable disadvantage against its industrialized aggressor; how fortunate then that the largely urbanite Northern factory workers & their generals were such incompetent assclowns for the first couple of years, allowing the conversion of 300,000+ into Good Yankees.

        But in spite of their big material disparity, so much more could’ve been accomplished if a harder strategy such as the one Jackson advocated had been adopted. They should’ve have emulated Sherman, Sheridan & Sherman’s brother-in-law Lowry out in Missouri: burn the houses of Yanks; put THEIR hungry women & children in the streets. Steal everything that’s not nailed down, and destroy the rest. Better still, change to guerilla war: ambush & kill a few bluebelly occupiers, then vanish. Wash, rinse, repeat. Mosby pointed the way.

        It was a failing on the part of Southern leaders that they were too civilized to go as low & lower than their revolutionary enemies.

        Well, live & learn.

        • Yeah—that’s another one of your well-worn neo-Confederate tropes: We would’ve won if only we’d been uncivilized, as the Yankees are.

          The South has never been civilized. Its “almost insurmountable disadvantage” wasn’t happenstance or some sort of natural phenomenon, like the color of the sky. It’s what the South was—and is. The South had been reacting to Nineteenth Century science and technology the way Stone Age islanders would react to a book of matches. “Unhhhh—firesticks,” as a friend of mine might joke.

          You’re parasites on Western Civilization, as you’ve been from the start. Any member of that civilization knows that the non-white Japanese, for instance, are more a part of the West than the American South will ever be. You can’t even defend a statue of one of your gallants without ending up brawling—and then blaming the brawl on everybody else.

          I’m happy to say, by the way, that I have no idea who “Mosby” is. You people have more war heroes than are had by any people that ever actually won a war.

  19. “What would I be thinking if I were beholding a statue of Robert E. Lee? “This man fought for a foul cause. Get him out of my sight.”

    If only we could get you track-suited guineas out of our sight, and land. But like Lee, we suck it up & soldier on.

  20. “Oh, yes, Stonewall Jackson—pride of the faculty of the Virginia Military Institute, he whose sense of battlefield hazards was so acute that he managed to get himself killed by friendly fire.”

    Swing & a miss.

    • Hardly. All the South’s heroes are like him, non-heroes really, whom the vulgar Southern imagination has invested with what is supposed to be poignancy. Like Trayvon Martin or George Floyd but for Southern whites.

      A few years ago, for some reason—can’t remember why—I listened to a Johnny Cash song that was about Robert E. Lee, I guess, and that had a spoken intro in which we were informed that Lee’s greatness lay in his having surrendered to bring loss of life to an end. That was what the great Johnny Cash dared to say in modern times; didn’t have the courage to express genuine Confederate sympathies.

      “That anybody can listen to this junk,” I thought, but I guess that’s the Southern audience.

  21. “Hardly. All the South’s heroes are like him, non-heroes really, whom the vulgar Southern imagination has invested with what is supposed to be poignancy. Like Trayvon Martin or George Floyd but for Southern whites.”

    Of course, we all naturally defer to the judgment of Italians when it comes to measuring true martial greatness & physical courage..:o)

    “That anybody can listen to this junk,” I thought, but I guess that’s the Southern audience.”

    Ol’ Dino is your speed.

    “When da moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie/dat’s AMORE!”

    • Yes—I believe those are the lyrics of a song with which Dean Martin had a hit recording. They do not seem to me to have served any function at the conclusion of your comment.

      No, I’ve never really been a fan of pre-rock pop music and certainly not of any of the records of that “rat pack,” including Frank Sinatra, who, to my ear, shares with Johnny Cash the inability to stay on key.

  22. “You people have more war heroes than are had by any people that ever actually won a war.”

    What would a greaseball know about winning a war? Fucking one up, sure. Screaming for Germans to pull your chestnuts out of the fire, thereby dooming their own efforts to crush judische Bolschewismus, absolutely.

    If we simply HAD to let Eye-talians in, it should’ve at least been restricted to northern ones, who are predominantly of German stock. Instead, we allowed you nauseating Sicilian Turko/semitic/negroid scum-gobs in, with yer sweat-stained wife-beatahs ‘n’ yer hairy backs…;o)

    As they wisely say in Milano:

    “Africa begins just south of Rome.”

    • What are you blathering about, NBF? I’m not an Aryan, I’m not a warrior. War has nothing at all to do with me.

      As to the Germanic nature of northern Italy, it’s not impossible that somewhere over the years I’ve stated here, at Occidental Dissent, that I disfavor the term “Italian Renaissance,” which I would replace by the term “Lombard Civilization,” for the name of the Germans who settled there, in northern Italy. No, I don’t recall having mentioned that here, but it might have come up in one of my comments along the way. It is certainly the case that I, not long ago, was the one who had to point out to the commenters here that the late Roman Empire was held up by German blood; and in making that point, I took the trouble to transcribe, from Madison Grant’s “The Passing of the Great Race,” an extended passage on the subject. With a bit of Googling, you might be able to find it, and I’m pretty sure I included, as well, a link to the book.

      So—you have nothing to tell me about that subject or about any other subject as far as you’ve demonstrated. We’re talking about the Scythians, the degraded Aryans, who are the population of the American South. That subject has nothing at all to do with my own ethnicity.

  23. “In that respect, I’m a veritable Stonewall Jackson, though I probably did better than he did in school.”

    When Jackson was admitted to West Point, he was academically unprepared, having grown up on a rural farm with little education. But every night at the Academy while his fellow cadets were sleeping, he would pile the coals in the barracks room fireplace and lie on the floor studying by the light. When he graduated, his classmates said he’d have been top of the class if he’d had another year.

    Such is the measure of the man you smirkily shit on, goombah.

        • No—a waste of time is what Gustavus Smith had to endure in receiving from your poignantly-self-educated Stonewall Jackson the suggestion that the Confederate Army invade the North to “destroy individual establishments wherever we [find] them, break up the lines of interior commercial intercourse, close the coal mines, [and] seize and, if necessary, destroy the manufactories and commerce of Philadelphia, and of other large cities within our reach[.]”

          Great plan, there, Stonewall. Make sure you drill your pickets in proper battlefield communication, so they don’t shoot you to death before you can help us carry it out. I’m sure the same Pennsylvanians who helped Banastre Tarleton whip Southerners into a whining froth during the American War of Independence will be so thoroughly overawed by your chivalric presence that they’ll just step aside and allow you to—what? Destroy the Baldwin Locomotive Works? Destroy the Pennsylvania Railroad, which, in the course of the Nineteenth Century, will become the world’s largest corporation, with an operating budget second only to that of the U.S. government? Destroy the Reading Railroad, whose line is so ably conceived that its coal-laden cars need little more than to be nudged to carry world-changing anthracite down along the Schuylkill to Philadelphia’s Port Richmond?

          While you’re at it, why don’t you just shut down the Erie Canal, the New York Central Railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the Erie Railroad, all of which have connected the northeast with the Northwest Territory so as to form “the North” that is soon going to trounce—oops, I’m sorry, “trounce” is an English word. Let me translate to Scythian: “kick your ass.”

          I’m a waste of time to you, NBF, because you’d prefer to be left alone in your neo-Confederate dream world. Even your user ID, NBF—for “Nathan Bedford Forrest”—is part of your mental masturbation.

  24. “No, I’ve never really been a fan of pre-rock pop music and certainly not of any of the records of that “rat pack,” including Frank Sinatra, who, to my ear, shares with Johnny Cash the inability to stay on key.”

    Hey – whoa! Getta loada da mouth on dis guy! Takin’ da name of St. Francis Albert in vain!

    Careful ya don’t get “clipped”.

  25. “I’m sure the same Pennsylvanians who helped Banastre Tarleton whip Southerners into a whining froth during the American War of Independence…”

    Daniel Morgan & his Virginia riflemen “corrected” them at Cowpens (jewgle that one, too).

    But of course that’s only truly relevant to the descendants of those who actually fought in the Revolution, like me; it has nothing to do with oily, Gianni-come-lately Eliis Island monkeys like you…:o)

    “I’m a waste of time to you, NBF, because you’d prefer to be left alone in your neo-Confederate dream world.”

    It’s because you concede nothing, but just push on with your jewshit. You’re the same sort of fat-mouthed Yank scrote as John Brown, Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner. I welcome Northern Whites who are awake to both the muds & the kikes – just not subhuman Philthy gutter vermin.

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