15 Reasons Why I, As a White American Christian, Support Palestine (And Why You Should Too)

  1. In any international conflict, you should generally look to oppose the ethnic group that is actively trying to destroy your nation (and civilization).
  2. If you are concerned with Arabs migrating to the West, you have an active interest in seeing that the Palestinians are able to live peacefully in their own homeland. Where do you think many of them will go (or directed to) if they continue to get ethnically cleansed and kicked out of their own homes?
  3. There are a fair number of Palestinian Christians who make up one of the oldest Christian communities in the World.
  4. If you have the mindset of “this isn’t my problem,” it is. The state of Israel is very dependent on the Zionist Power Structure in America. You can’t claim that this has nothing to do with you when your tax dollars and government literally support this occupation.
  5. Israel was largely founded through terrorism. Look up Irgun and the Lehi.
  6. Saying you “hope both sides just kill each other” is a morally bankrupt thing to do.
  7. Saying you “hope both sides just kill each other” only serves to give cover to and take pressure off of the Zionist media that is currently experiencing a PR nightmare.
  8. This is extremely vindicating for nationalists and makes it way easier for us to take the moral high ground in our struggle.
  9. Israel is one of the most pro-LGBT countries in the world.
  10. Teva pharmaceuticals is located in Israel. It manufactures the majority of the worlds hormone blockers for transgenders.
  11. Israel is a save haven for pedophiles.
  12. Israel sells U.S. military tech to China.
  13. Israel is largely responsible for the migrant crisis in Europe.
  14. If your motto is “Nationalism for all” then you should support the Palestinians in this conflict because they have a legitimate claim to the land just like Germans have a legitimate claim to Germany and the Japanese have a legitimate claim to Japan. To paraphrase Mike Enoch, if you apply this rule to people who don’t apply it back to you, you’re not actually abiding by that rule. You are either getting played or you’re a shill.
  15. There’s no downside. Unless your trying to appease “some of the finest people in the movement.”


    • Turkey is the model, I was saying this 20 year ago, people do not know history,
      and this is where Europe and the USA are going, dictatorial fake state where the
      people are killed at whim, divide and conquer opposing competing groups,
      born on the bones of destroyed nations, the new “nation”
      will have no history, the Turks literally have no history, it is other peoples history
      they destroyed, and they do not teach history in Turkey, people are slaves.
      The ruling class of Turkco Mongol Khazars did this, part mongol. Then they flooded
      the area with moslems in major city centers murdering the Christians.

      Read about SMYRNA.

      JABOTINSKY the ZIONIST created Turkey, “YOUNG TURKS” are all Jews, he is buried in New York, he also is the Founding Father of Israel and the USSR. Every year the Zionists honor him with dinners raising funds for Israel, Netanyahoos father was his secretary. J W O

      • I knew Turks were born thieves and murderers. Now it makes even more sense.

  1. Support Palestine, get a wave of jewish immigration to the west.
    Support Israel, get a wave of muslim immigration to the west.
    Either way we lose.

    • The US will be unable to provide for Jewish refugees by the time they come here. I like the idea of a muslim refugee homeland in Israel. They have using chinese slave labor to build many “Jugly” yet functional housing complexes. It would be more than fair to give these to muslim refugees as restitution.

  2. There will never be peace in the Middle East until someone leaves and it isn’t going to be a billion and a half Muslims.

    • Shorter Ivan:

      “I, as a Jewish Zionist posing as a white nationalist, am heartily sick of being asked to align myself with Palestinians. I will now disingenuously pretend that having a moral opinion on something international = Yankee meddling. Also, I will refuse to actually address any of the points listed in the article and will pretend that what Israel does has nothing to do with us, sidestepping the fact that Israel controls out politicians and therefore we are already involved whether we like it or not.”

  3. While I respect the author’s desire to align himself with The Palestinians, I, as a Southerner, am heartily sick of being askt to align myself with endless foreign interests.

    My homeland, Dixie, has been rapet, pillaged, usurpt, and undone for decades, and, even now as I write, it is getting worse.

    We, Southerners, have very serious pressing matters at home, existential issues which, sad to say, we have been attempting to avoid dealing with for many decades.

    Let the Arabs and The Jews, the Chinese and The Uyghurs, The Pakistanis and The East-Indians, The Armenians and The Azerbaijanis, The Kurds and The Turks, The Saudis and The Iranians, et all, settle matters as they see fit without either interference by, and or the support of, Southerners.

    Also, we need to stop it with New England Yankee-itus – or, in other words, thinking that we have the moral authority to know what’s best for other people.

    If we, Americans, are so superior, why is this country so dang screwed up?

    • Who is responsible for everything happening in USA and the entire WEST. ? ? ?

      [ [ [ ] ] ]

      This guy practically lives on here and pretends not to know anything.

      Ivan Turgenev

      • It’s keeping the boomer gated community naivete world view alive.

        So many naifs.

        “Well, I won’t be around when it all goes down!” …followed by a fake laugh.

  4. Since this is directed at my argument, I’ll give rebuttal.

    “6) Saying you ‘hope both sides just kill each other’ is a morally bankrupt thing to do.”

    Morality is oriented with reference to the in group. Neither Jews nor Palestinian Arabs are our ingroup, therefore we aren’t bound by this abstraction of morality in my view. The Palestinian Arabs aren’t bound by this morality with respect to the “innocent Jews” being murdered. The Jews aren’t bound by this morality with regard to the poor brown people in palestine they are murdering. Neither has any regard (in general) for the other side because they have no illusions that they aren’t enemies. Why should I obligate myself to a standard they aren’t going to honor?

    This is pure pragmatism. I’m unpersuaded by appeals to moral highground in this, as we don’t even agree between our ethnicities what the basis of that high ground even is. The only universal morality that applies here is loyalty to your own kind, to the exclusion of the other, ie. the law of nature.


    7)Saying you “hope both sides just kill each other” only serves to give cover to and take pressure off of the Zionist media that is currently experiencing a PR nightmare.

    No it doesn’t. I already said I hope both sides kill eachother and the Zionist shills in the establishment are still having their PR nightmare. We aren’t important enough to give or deny anybody cover for anything, so we shouldn’t be wasting our time LARPING like we are suddenly relevant.

    We have influence with our own families and immediate circles and in that context its not worthwhile to grind an axe thats never going to change the outcome. Its a misuse of scarce resources, and pretentious besides to bother normal people about it, knowing full well they won’t care to venture a stance that could cost them their livelihoods (opposing the jews openly will ruin your life IRL, and normies know it), just for “muh moral highground”. Real people have more sense than that, as should we by now.


    You’ve got some good points besides. I just don’t find them compelling enough to offest that we won’t benefit from sticking our necks out on it. Owning the Jews just isn’t that important in the grand scheme. Its not like Jews are gonna suddenly surrender and leave their undeserved positions of power just because everyone realizes they are assholes. No, only Whitey seems to care what other people think of them, and its a weakness we have indulged too long.

  5. Help me out here but didn’t a delegation of Palestinian Christians come to America and Ted Cruz was slated to speak but he walked out on them because they would not stand behind Israel? Face it folks. Orthodox Jews are right when they say the regathering of Israel takes place after the messiah comes and not before. We may disagree with Orthodox Jews on who the messiah is or who is actually true Israel but that was once the traditional Christian belief before John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield and the Scofield Bible came along.{Just for the record I am a traditional Christian, Not Christian Identity and not Christian Zionist}.

  6. Muslims in the West often ally themselves with Jews to destroy the nations, peoples, and cultures of the lands that host them. Only when the issue is Palestine, or some other Muslim land, do they have an issue with Jews. Otherwise, their politics are pretty much in line with hostile Jewish politics.

    I agree that Muslims are the victims in the ME. Will they agree that ordinary whites are the victims in the West? As it is, is seems that we are just their enemy’s enemy.

    • You have that relationship reversed. Muslims would not be in the West in the first place if not for Jewish open borders and “rapefugees welcome” lobbying and control over Western governments/media/etc., also massively agitated further by Zionist neocon wars for Israel to destroy stable governments e.g. in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. creating the “refugee crises” of millions of displaced Muslims.

      See 2016 leaked phone transcripts of Colonel Gaddafi telling Tony Blair the “moderate rebels” in Libya being supported by F/UK/US no-fly-zone and airstrikes were Al-Qaeda Islamists and if Gaddafi’s govt fell, Islamists planned to take over Libya as launchpad for Islamic invasion and conquest of Europe. The rulers of the West knew what they were doing clearing that African Muslim migrant superhighway to Europe thru failed state Libya.

      That was after they already did the same to Iraq and Syria, creating ISISrael Caliphate. (Unfortunately for Bibi’s Greater Israel expansion plans, “Assad must go” became a curse as the Lion of Syria refused to follow the fate of Saddam and Gaddafi even as millions killed and displaced. Bibi had to settle for just getting Trump-Kushner to grant formal US recognition of Zionist annexation of stolen Syrian Golan.)

      Muslim Arabs+Africans sure AF don’t on average have IQ, temperament, long-term planning capabilities, nor level of organization to “ally” with anyone in the West. Just like it wasn’t blacks in segregated South begging to “ally” with Jews to further destabilize and destroy Dixie: not a single “colored” person to be found in 100% Jewish legal department of “National Association for Advancement of Colored People” that would score NAACP’s 1954 Brown v. Board of Ed. ruling, among others.

  7. It does not matter if you support them, or not. “The enemy of my enemy” thing only works for a while, and this is especially true when dealing with muslims, who would like to see all of us dead too…

  8. Some arguments against supporting Palestine.

    1.) Diaspora Jews are a larger threat to whites than Israelis, and Israel would be the best location to deport these diaspora Jews. Deportation is a better option than allowing them to remain in white countries as a restricted minority or eliminating them.
    2.) The existence of Israel leaves diaspora Jews vulnerable to criticism and exposure due to the disconnect between what they want for white countries vs. what Jews want for their own country.
    3.) Organized Jewry does not need Israel to thrive. History has shown this.
    4.) Should the Palestinians take the land back, white countries would likely be flooded with Jewish refugees.
    5.) Israel’s control over U.S. foreign policy can be solved by changing U.S. laws.
    6.) The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were founded on conquest. If one is to claim that Israel is illegitimate because they are killing people and taking their land, then one has to concede that the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are also illegitimate.
    7.) The Palestinian cause has become synonymous with the cause of anti-racism and the struggle against white supremacy.
    8.) BLM and Antifa support Palestine. If you find yourself fighting alongside those two groups on a social issue, it’s time to question what you are doing.
    9.) Israel has nukes, and as far as I know, no nuclear capable government has ever fallen to a hostile force. The fallout of such an event could be catastrophic, especially when dealing with religious fanatics whose people have experienced genocide once before (real or imagined).

    • “to deport these diaspora Jews. ”

      Fantasy LARPing. You aren’t going to be deporting anyone, ever, not a single person. So it’s a moot point.

      What this crisis has done is show who is shilling for Israel and Jews and who isn’t.

      Before anyone can even speak of “deportation” you’d have to have “Whites” see themselves as a unified group, which they DO NOT at all, and likely never have and quite possibly never will, as it is not a cognitive feature of Northwestern Europeans.

      But when “whites” in America see these two foreign groups battling it out, it forces them to see themselves “as a group” – which is a good thing.

      Strategically, it makes far more sense to support Palestinians, because it forces Jews to show their hand.

      Which is why all these “WN Zionists” show up when Israel is in trouble…because that is what they fear. They sure as hell do NOT fear online trolls threatening to “deport” them.

      The major reason the “movement” is such a joke is because it isn’t about political reality, it is about Fantasy LARPing – “White Nationalist Sim City.”

      • [Fantasy LARPing. You aren’t going to be deporting anyone, ever, not a single person. So it’s a moot point.]

        I could say the same thing about Palestinians overthrowing Israel. Are you even a white nationalist? Or are you just some Tucker Carlson/Aimee Terese civnat who doesn’t like political correctness and Israel?

        But let’s imagine for a moment that Palestinians have destroyed the racist, apartheid state of Israel with the help of BLM, Antifa, and the Dissident Right. Jewish refugees have now flooded the U.S. and progressives of all races are calling it a triumph for anti-racism, indigenous peoples movements, and the fight against white supremacy (doesn’t matter that Jews aren’t white). Freed from their hypocritical association with their own people’s ethnostate, diaspora Jews can now operate untethered as the avatars of multi-racialism and diversity.

        How exactly would that be a PR win for white ethnocentrism and the idea of racial separation?

        [But when “whites” in America see these two foreign groups battling it out, it forces them to see themselves “as a group” – which is a good thing.]

        Really? So whites are becoming more ethnocentric and racially aware when they take the side of the Palestinians in the fight against racism and ethnonationalism? Interesting.

        [Strategically, it makes far more sense to support Palestinians, because it forces Jews to show their hand.]

        [Which is why all these “WN Zionists” show up when Israel is in trouble…because that is what they fear. They sure as hell do NOT fear online trolls threatening to “deport” them.]

        [The major reason the “movement” is such a joke is because it isn’t about political reality, it is about Fantasy LARPing – “White Nationalist Sim City.”]

        Diaspora Jews don’t fear losing Israel. Diaspora Jews fear a genuine white nationalist movement rising up, removing them from white countries, and instituting a political system akin to national socialism. It is the globalist, diaspora Jews pushing degeneracy, white dispossession, and international capitalism. I’ve said it a bunch of times, international Jewry does not need Israel to thrive. They have done so before already. That doesn’t mean they necessarily want to lose Israel, of course (although some do).

        I want diaspora Jews out of white countries and relocated to Israel, at the (unfortunate) expense of the Palestinians. You want Israeli Jews out of Israel and relocated to white countries at the expense of whites but for the benefit of Palestinians. Which one of us is pro-white again? And remember, choosing not to support the Palestinians is not the same as supporting AIPAC and having the U.S. fight Israel’s wars for them.

        • > I could say the same thing about Palestinians overthrowing Israel.

          You could say that, but the chances of the Zionist entity falling are FAR, FAR more likely than you, or any “WN LARPer” like you, ever deporting anyone.

          >Diaspora Jews don’t fear losing Israel.

          You aren’t a serious person, they fear that far, far more than they fear LARPers like you. If you even are a LARPer, and not just another Jew troll.

          >You want Israeli Jews out of Israel and relocated to white countries at the expense of whites but for the benefit of Palestinians.

          Obviously I do not but your shilling for Israel and Jews is noted. But you are finding less and less of an audience for your jew propaganda, aren’t you? It’s hard out here for a shill!

    • “The United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were founded on conquest. If one is to claim that Israel is illegitimate because they are killing people and taking their land, then one has to concede that the United States,
      Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are also illegitimate.”

      This argument is utter nonsense. All those places were savage wilderness before the European colonization. There was pretty much nothing except some sparsely populated tribes fighting each other before White men settled and built those countries.

      By contrast “Israel” came into existence through an unusual document known as the Balfour Declaration. Essentially, the Jews bribed the British to lay claim to Palestine (American involvement in WWI in exchange for the Jewish state in Palestine), which was 95% Muslim and Christian. And then the Jews committed various acts of treachery and terrorism against Muslims and Christians to establish their artificial Jewish entity called Israel.

      But in spite of everything, there are still more Arabs than Jews in Palestine.The unnatural Jewish entity exists solely because of the unconditional support, supplies and arms from the U.S. The Jewish lobby in the U.S. pushes for endless wars for the safety of Israel that destabilize the Middle East and the entire world. As long as Israel exists, the can be no peace in the Middle East or the world.

      The parasitic Jewish state that entirely depends on other countries’ money and resources has no right to exist. We don’t have to actively support the Palestinians. We just have to stop supporting the Jewish State and the situation will take of itself.

      As for the diaspora Jews, they must be stripped of their political rights and must be restricted to their ghettos, as they were in the Middle Ages.

      “Ungrateful for favours and forgetful of benefits, the Jews return insult for kindness and impious contempt for goodness. They ought to know the yoke of perpetual enslavement because of their guilt. See to it that the perfidious Jews never in the future grow insolent, but that they always suffer publicly the shame of their sin in servile fear.” — Pope Gregory IX

      “We decree and order that from now on, and for all time, Christians shall not eat or drink with the Jews, nor admit them to feasts, nor cohabit with them, nor bathe with them. They cannot live among Christians, but in a certain street, separated and segregated from Christians, and outside which they cannot under any pretext have houses.” — Pope Eugene IV

  9. Needling liberals with this issue is a lot of fun. But…what’s most important here is to make sure liberals don’t hide behind two rhetorical get out of jail free arguments. 1. “I oppose white settler colonialism” Israelis are not whites. They will claim the Jews are white people. Jews hate white people, simple as that! 2. “Jews in the diaspora are not the same” make sure you get to thunderstrike them for saying it. That’s THE DOUBLE STANDARD or The Standard. The basis of their power is the 7 million living in the US controlling both US mainstream parties so military aide is never shut off to the 8 million living in Middle East. Gather your Roses while yee May.

  10. “If your motto is “Nationalism for all” then you should support the Palestinians in this conflict because they have a legitimate claim to the land just like Germans have a legitimate claim to Germany and the Japanese have a legitimate claim to Japan. To paraphrase Mike Enoch, if you apply this rule to people who don’t apply it back to you, you’re not actually abiding by that rule. You are either getting played or you’re a shill.”

    Nationslism for all is in keeping with Nature, so preferable. In reality, not everyone agrees to different locations fof their Nations, so conflict ensues.

    Your argument presupposes its White people’s problem to sort out this conflict. It isn’t.

    This White savior thing is counterproductive.

  11. “In any international conflict, you should generally look to oppose the ethnic group that is actively trying to destroy your nation (and civilization).”

    Arab muslims and Jews both want us destroyed. Its not complicated to understand why we should want them destroyed first and instead.

    “This is extremely vindicating for nationalists and makes it way easier for us to take the moral high ground in our struggle.”

    This is gay. Why should we be the only ones who are bound to engage is this self flagellating moral fagging? The hill we are fighting for isn’t some abstract moral ideal, its our childrens future. I’m willing to step over the remains of my enemies to accomplish that.

    Fuck the moral highground. I’d rather win instead.

    All we have to do is take our own side. If you want to go off on a crusade to free palestine from the Jews, go ahead. I’ll be here with Ivan trying to figure out how to deal with problems caused by the ones that are here.

    “If you have the mindset of “this isn’t my problem,” it is. The state of Israel is very dependent on the Zionist Power Structure in America. You can’t claim that this has nothing to do with you when your tax dollars and government literally support this occupation.”

    I agree. Equity demands we also give weapons to the Palestinians. We should be sure these can be aimed better so they can minimize collateral damage or whatever.


    “Israel was largely founded through terrorism. Look up Irgun and the Lehi.

    Israel is one of the most pro-LGBT countries in the world.

    Teva pharmaceuticals is located in Israel. It manufactures the majority of the worlds hormone blockers for transgenders.

    Israel is a safe haven for pedophiles.

    Israel sells U.S. military tech to China.”

    All this is true. It doesn’t make a case for why we should spend scarce resources to oppose them on palestine, when they are doing a good job wrecking their own image alone. Its easier to just be flip about it when people wring their hands over the above antisemitic talking points and say ‘are you just finding this out? Israel has been doing this since 1945’.

    Are those things bad? Yes. So is the inflation we are dealing with at home. Like the opioid crisis, continued Covid faggotry etc.

    Men have to choose their battles. Only children and women think you can afford to always be looking for the moral highground.


    “Israel is largely responsible for the migrant crisis in Europe.”

    Europeans in their countries are doing better than us on this issue domestically. We need to see to the log in our own eye before we go off White Knighting for everybody else.


    I think I rebutted just about everything. I need to go to work now and don’t have the time for more shit posting.

    • ISA has exposed himself as a shill and not a sincerely pro-white person. This is the best chance we will ever get to stick it to the Jews. Anyone counseling staying neutral here is a Jewish agent, period.

      We have IT and ISA 100% certain confirmed as Jewish shills.

      • Allying with BLM and Antifa to help Palestinians take back “their” land in the name of anti-racism and diversity while flooding the U.S. with Jewish refugees is pro-white.

        And when we’re sticking it to the Jews, are we promoting the message that they are evil for wanting ethnonationalism because ethnonationalism itself is wrong, or that they are hypocrites for wanting ethnonationalism for themselves while working against ethnonationlism for white countries?

  12. Good list – thanks for this. We need more of “our” people standing up to the Jews without resorting to stupid LARPing. These talking points are good and easily understandable to “normies” too.

    This tragedy is already having some positive developments, as we can see how many so-called “activists” and “our team” people, when the chips were down, revealed themselves to be Zionist shills.

    I mean, if you really were “neutral” you wouldn’t take every opportunity to shill for Jews, now would you?

    Free Palestine, Free America, Free Dixie.

  13. Just get the popcorn ready. When the Synagogue of Satan begins work on the third temple, the shytte will hit the fan. Then pop some and sit back, and watch the Orcs go at it. They are all circumcized heathen, so it’s like watching a cock fight, there are no good guys. My bet is already in. I am wagering on the neo-Ottomans to wind up in control, in some sort of compact with the Russians.

  14. We used to study this just post 9/11, the “state of israel”, NO “White Nationalist” or European Nationalist of any kind can support Isael, Dr Duke and others have covered their crimes, ongoing, WARS, Israel is the White Slave Trade capital of the world, look it up, organ harvesting, all sorts of nefarious operations wordwide, many “israeli ambassadors” have been on the front pages running child porn rings, like recently Columbia, Austrailia refused to let that
    person in, Israel pretends like it did not happen.

    Rothchild Family created Israel, recently they openly admit this, they created the USSR and Turkey too, look up JABOTINSKY, the point man and founder of Israel, USSR, Turkey, I wonder what they all have in common, LOOK IT UP, that right there gives it all away.

    Immigrating Jews to Israel destroyed thousands of Palestinian villages, some Christian,
    look it up, they claim, “Palestine never existed”, nonsense, THEY LIE.

    The article above addresses some of the nonsense comments we see online
    from time to time, mostly by trolls lying and trying to deceive newer people.
    We always see this in times of confrontation, on SF they come out of the woodwork.

    “who cares” , the warmongers destroyed your country and freedoms in many ways
    and they are not done, worlds greatest hypocrites and liars.

    • Just to add, some basic history nobody denies, many ignore, whoever the Palestinians were,
      the people living in geographic Israel, they fought the Ottomans/Turks 100+ years ago, and not that long ago Turkey was siding with ISIS/AlQuada murdering Palestinians, remember that Palestinian boy, got his head cut off, WHY ? Meanwhile they gave Israel a pass. If you understand the history and what is happening today it fits, there are clear sides, the MSM,
      will make sure to ignore confuse and lie. Even Reagan ripped into Israel, what ever he said
      to them they stopped the shelling immediately, whatever you think of Ronny, things are far
      more blatant now.

  15. We have bigger problems than this. Thinking that the Pals are our best buddies, because of a common enemy, is futile.
    Everything is just ONE MORE DISTRACTION to keep us focused in another direction, while we are being destroyed.

    • @Pilot…

      Excellent, Sir – my sentiments exactly.

      We have a ton of existential issues crushing us at home – to hell with the distractions.

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