Rising: The Vaccine Class Gap

As with virtually everything else in this country, your eagerness to get the jab is strongly correlated with whether or not you are a PMC or how you relate to PMCs and their culture.

New York Times:

“It is common to hear about two different demographic groups that are hesitant to receive a Covid-19 vaccination: Republican voters and racial minorities, especially Black and Latino Americans.

The two groups seem to have different motivations. For Republicans, the attitude is connected to a general skepticism of government and science. For Black and Hispanic Americans, it appears to stem from the country’s legacy of providing substandard medical treatment, and sometimes doing outright harm, to minorities.

These ideas all have some truth to them. But they also can obscure the fact that many unvaccinated Republicans and minorities have something in common: They are working class. And there is a huge class gap in vaccination behavior. …

White working class Republicans are the most jab resistant demographic in the United States. Working class blacks and Hispanics aren’t as excited about “shots in arms” either though.

Note: I think for millions of people it just boils down to seeing those people getting the jab and hating and distrusting those people for entirely valid reasons and being ornery about it. Jab enthusiasm is also strongly correlated with other things like climatarianism.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. > For Republicans, the attitude is connected to a general skepticism of government and science.

    This is a bald faced lie, as usual. While Republicans greatly distrust government, meaning politics, Republicans do not distrust “science.” They do distrust politicians and government using “sciencey-sounding language” to justify their political/governmental schemes, however.

    These are the people that say “Science says people can be born the wrong gender.” That isn’t “Science” – that is ideology, frankly religious ideology.

    I suspect a lot of people, of all races, are quite skeptical of being guinea pigs for a mass human experimentation scheme using novel non-vaccines.

    They also found that the majority of CDC employees are “resistant” as well. Funny, that, eh? I doubt the CDC is full of “science denying Republicans.”

    • Wrong, Christian fascist. The Republican Party has been the party of creationist/intelligent design theocrats and anti-government extremists for forty years. If you knew anything about history, you’d know this instead of being a bitter, lower income, middle-aged hipster wannabe on a blog raging at the modern world.

      • >The Republican Party has been the party of creationist/intelligent design theocrats and anti-government extremists for forty years.

        The only religious “fascists” in America are Zionist Jews but I know damn well you’d never complain about them.

        BTW, I love the modern world. I think you have me confused with your dad who you disappointed so badly.

        He didn’t love you and that’s why he left.


        I am middle aged. Was that supposed to be an insult? Getting old is better than the alternative now isn’t it?

  2. This is common psychological phenomena in religious sects that to be full member of the cult, you must demonstrate that you really believe and do some dangerous stunt. Also get some kind of Mark of the Beast as a proof.

  3. 1789: “Let them eat cake! They’re peasants. They are descended from inferior bloodlines and are unworthy of eating the foods we get to enjoy.”

    1910: “The masses and their romantic art. Their provincial minds can’t possibly grasp the complexity of Piccaso or Edvard Munch. Such inferior tastes.”

    2021: “Those racists and bigots are so awful. They won’t even get the jab to stop the spread of a totally naturally occurring disease! We are better then them. We get jabbed – in the arm and the butt.”

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. PMCs are the spiritual descendants of the diseased aristocrats of old. The entire purpose of their existence is to lord it over those they hate and look down upon, and to feel superior to them.

  4. There is nothing at all wrong with distrusting science. Science is not a direct line to Absolute Truth from God. It is a man made concept and in recent years is based only on consensus, not an attempt to get at the truth of how things actually work in this world.

    Your precious scientists are changing their minds all the time but in general they do it quietly, never apologizing for how the application of their previous “findings” have caused monumental suffering. Just sweep the past depredations under the rug. Their latest “findings” are driven purely by politics and self-interest.

    Look at the hopelessly stupid Germ Theory, for one example.

    • Science is responsible for the Internet you’re using to post your religious delusion. What has religion achieved except convincing weak-minded adults here to cling to childhood fairy tales with zero truth behind them? The only proof you can cite are man written Bronze Age stories and Pascal’s Wager because you can’t face the possibility that you won’t exist and will never see your family again when you enter eternal darkness. I’ve yet to meet any Christian who can provide solid evidence to prove his or her mythology. Hasn’t it dawned on you Christian fascists why Christianity and religion in general are flourishing in the Third World but stagnating and fading in the First World? Fortunately, Christianity’s dying out in the industrialized countries.

      Don’t forget your precious Jesus was a Hebrew rabbi!

      • @Mike Malloy. Where did you get the idea I was talking about Christianity, deluded or otherwise? I’m discussing science here and it’s not science VS Christianity. It is honest science VS politically motivated science. Nothing to do with Christ or any Christian sect in this case. Nothing.

      • > Science is responsible for the Internet

        Um, someone needs to understand the difference between “science” and “engineering.”

        > religion in general are flourishing in the Third World but stagnating and fading in the First World?

        Yes, that is because the First World is white and black and brown people tend to be ignorant, superstitious and obviously Third World because they can’t create modern societies.

        You are arguing with people in your head, presumably, your mom who made you go to church. Also, it isn’t 1980 anymore, in case you hadn’t noticed, so complaining about “Christian fascists?” You sound like some old Boomer conservative complaining about “the damn hippies these days.”

        It’s 2021, get with the times!

      • @Mike Malloy Science is so PC now. It’s not even real science anymore. Most of the popularized science and astronomy shows are now just entertainment and some TV scientist. The real scientists are off doing real work.

        They hide the true history and anthropology of American continents, because they have to keep that narrative going of the evil Whites.

      • The data suggests no one under 30 need bother with vaccination for Covid19. The vaccine is an elevated risk, significantly worse than a live infection. 18 and under should not be vaccinated as it will kill and harm at rates higher than the disease itself in these age groups. The left are getting insane about invasive measures like Covid19. It’s time for mass deportations instead.

      • Jesus was a character product penned by a Greek writer satirising Yids.

    • “There is nothing at all wrong with distrusting science. Science is not a direct line to Absolute Truth from God. It is a man made concept and in recent years is based only on consensus, not an attempt to get at the truth of how things actually work in this world. ”

      100% CORRECT.

      When I was a child our ears were filled with ads proclaiming the toxicity of dairy fats and the wholesomeness of transfats, like ‘Crisco’.

      Toss out lard and bake with Crisco, was the watchword to Southerners, delivered by none other than our beloved Mr.s Loretta Lynn!

      In fact, 50 years ago, every fat, just as every form of cholesterol, was supposet to be bad – very bad.

      50 more years of research later, and they’ve changed their tune – practically all of it.

      As to smoking, they still are not reporting the truth – that it is the radioactivity in the tobacco plant (Tobacco is a magnet for radioactivity – always has been) which causes the lung tumours, not the arsenick amounts and not the still questionable filter additives.

      And, yes, in the mid 1970s, the most prestigious national magazines were busy reporting of the new ice age that was unavoidably underway…

      • Thanks for your comments, Ivan Turgenev. Really, it’s impossible to keep track of the times that “science” has changed its mind. They claim that NOW, they’ve got it right, but you can be incorrect more than once. Hell, back in the 30s or 40s, they gave a Nobel prize to the smartass who came up with the idea of treating mental illness by – wait for it – doing a lobotomy on the poor patient!

        But it is true about lard. I don’t eat lard but would rather a piece of pie made with lard than with the artificial stuff.

  5. “For Republicans, the attitude is connected to a general skepticism of…science.”

    The usual kikemedia lying. Most Whites & other people with brains see through their “slick” pejorative framing, and hate them all the more.

    I haven’t gotten the mystery shots because the Salk Institute has demonstrated that the mere spike proteins (sans virus) cause vascular disease.- and the shots contain millions of them.

    Naturally, I can’t prove it, but I strongly suspect that in the next few years millions will have their health ruined as a result of this gummint vaccination bum-rush – that is if it doesn’t kill them.

    Of course, the majority of them will be holier-than-white-trash-thou “cognitive elite” (((Cultural Marxists))).

    Whoopsy-daisy! :o)

    As for myself, I got the regular flu shot, which I read also confers a very considerable defense against Covid. Seems like a sensibly conservative prophylaxis.

    • @NBF I’m waiting for the first batch of offspring born to the vaccinated folk. I think of the vaccine as the patriot act of medicine. Scare everyone into giving up their freedoms and rights, because the solution is the only answer.

    • Long Covid is essentially the Antibody making your life miserable. The very thing the vaccine delivers.

  6. Mike Malloy,

    You POed the aging greying incel Banned so much he resorted to childish corny dad insults LOL! What’s next? Your mom jokes? Think he’ll get on his other handle Banned For Life to try to respond more without losing face?

    He actually had the gall to lie and say “BTW, I love the modern world” but if that were true why would he spend all his time on a reactionary blog to criticize the present and yearn for the “good old days”? He would be happy with our President, the results of the civil rights movement, and the ongoing struggle to better our world. He and others like him should stop blaming the modern world for him having no money, power, young attractive gf, etc. Smh

    Haley/DeSantis 2024
    Always support consumer choice and chains, not protectionism and local businesses which lead to higher prices and inferior domestic products.

    • Why don’t you people just invite some of the tribe over from the middle east to run openly in our elections, then they won’t have to hide behind the big ass-kissing politicians.

      The politicians just get worse. If you think that “combo” you listed is going to make anything better for us, think again.

    • “Always support consumer choice and chains, not protectionism and local businesses which lead to higher prices and inferior domestic products.”

      Thanks for confirming the expected attitude from a soul-less, materialistic jew.

  7. 1. A recent peer reviewed article compared the attitude towards science of those opposed to the jab and those in favor. Those opposed had a greater sense of science as a process and those in favor tended to view science as an institution. In other words, skeptics viewed science as an evolving understanding and the pro-jab tended to view science as settled and embodied in institutions.
    2. In approaching the issue keep in mind that Dr. Fauci recently confessed that slightly less than half the people at NIH have so far refused the jab. Is anyone really prepared to argue the reason is religion or the the people in the NIH don’t understand science?
    3. Perhaps they are holding back because they are aware that a number of reputable virologist, such as Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier think the vaccine is itself a probable cause of the more deadly variants developing, A recent “fact check” attempted to debunk him, citing his “false” view that covid came from the Wuhan Lab. That fact check hasn’t worn well.

  8. Well, if Trump had managed to stop the ghettos in Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee from stuffing the ballot box Chicago style and stayed on another 4 years these very same people would probably be the ones denouncing the vaccine as snake oil. Every post vaccine reaction would be doled on endlessly on the nightly news.

    Seriously, vaccines have been part of public health for decades. You get measles, polio, DPT, rubella, etc. shots as standard course before you go to school and the world is so much better for it. Very few left remember the time before this when epidemics took lives. None of these idiots ragging on about vaccine conspiracies were around when the polio vaccine came out ending summers of terror for children when outbreaks would cause horrible deaths and disability. It seems to be primarily the lower classes of all races who are refusing the vaccine. Americans are not a serious people.

    • It does not follow that since many previous vaccines proved to be great boons to mankind, these rushed Covid shots will certainly also be, and that anyone who doesn’t think so and refuses to roll up their sleeves is just an ignernt hick.

      Aside from the aforementioned ominous findings about spike proteins, we live in a political world vastly changed from the time of, say, the introduction of the polio vaccine. The kike-usurped government has squandered its credibility with lie after lie & secrecy about all its endeavors, and we can now see that this includes public health & medicine, with guinea Fauci repeatedly lying & contradicting himself.

      All we on the outside can do is weigh the evidence as best we can, and make out own decisions.

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