Supreme Court Rules Arizona Voting Rules Don’t Violate Voting Rights Act

The upshot of this ruling is that all of the election integrity laws being passed by conservative-dominated state legislatures that tighten up how absentee ballots are handled will likely survive the flurry of legal challenges based on the Voting Rights Act which has been further weakened.

New York Times:

“The 6-to-3 decision by the Supreme Court on Thursday that upheld voting restrictions in Arizona has effectively left voting rights advocates with a higher bar for bringing federal cases under the Voting Rights Act: proving discriminatory intent.

That burden is prompting civil rights and voting groups to recalibrate their approach to challenging in court the raft of new restrictions that Republican-controlled legislatures have passed this year in the aftermath of Donald J. Trump’s election loss in November. No longer, they say, can they count on the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, to serve as a backstop for preventing racially discriminatory voting restrictions.

“We have to remember that the Supreme Court is not going to save us — it’s not going to protect our democracy in these moments when it is most necessary that it does so,” Sam Spital, the director of litigation at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said Friday.

The high court gutted the central protection of the Voting Rights Act in a 2013 decision, and on Thursday the court further limited the act’s reach in combating discriminatory laws, establishing strict new guidelines for proving the laws’ effects on voters of color and thus requiring litigants to clear the much higher bar of proving purposeful intent to discriminate.

Mr. Spital said his group would have to carefully assess its next moves and “think very carefully” before bringing new cases that, if defeated, could set damaging new precedents. …”

This is a win for the “slow moving insurrection” given the decisive role of absentee ballots in the 2020 election. Obviously, this issue had to be addressed. This ruling is good news.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent

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