Patriot Front Marches Through Philadelphia To Honor Our Patriot Ancestors

Patriot Front survived the winnowing process of the Alt-Right and Trump years and deserves credit for remaining active. It is time to regroup, rebuild and start moving forward again.

NBC Philadelphia:

“A group of white supremacists marched in front of Philadelphia City Hall Saturday night, drawing jeers from onlookers, as well as small scuffles.

The group of dozens of men wore white face coverings, kakis, blue shirts and tan hats and waved flags with insignias appearing to belong to the Patriot Front organization.

They were seen approaching from Market Street before walking in front of City Hall shortly after 11 p.m. Some could be seen holding shields as watchers-on shouted at them, demanding they leave Philadelphia.

A group of white supremacists marched in front of Philadelphia City Hall Saturday night, drawing jeers from onlookers, as well as small scuffles.

The group of dozens of men wore white face coverings, kakis, blue shirts and tan hats and waved flags with insignias appearing to belong to the Patriot Front organization.

They were seen approaching from Market Street before walking in front of City Hall shortly after 11 p.m. Some could be seen holding shields as watchers-on shouted at them, demanding they leave Philadelphia. …”

After Charlottesville, Patriot Front wisely changed their tactics and switched from public demonstrations to vetted flash rallies. The League of the South did the same thing. Patriot Front’s goal is to peacefully express their political viewpoint and most importantly to minimize confrontation.

This is a very important difference between Black Lives Matter and Antifa and rightwing nationalist groups like Patriot Front. The former express their views through violence while the latter desire to express their views through speech without violence. During the George Floyd riots last summer in Philadelphia, Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused over $21 million dollars in property damage. Two people died in Philadelphia during the George Floyd riots. Progressives justified looting. The George Floyd riots in Philadelphia were far deadlier and more damaging than Charlottesville. The political establishment and the media celebrated the George Floyd riots in Philadelphia as a righteous cause.

The point of these unannounced flash demonstrations is to cut out the “journalists” who are nothing but open enemies of White America and Antifa and Black Lives Matter who will show up and start violence like in Charlottesville which the corporate media will then blame on the Right. While street violence has only continued to escalate since 2017, nationalist groups have learned to avoid these confrontations because the opposition is officially sponsored and protected by the Democratic Party. It is better to avoid being in the same frame with Antifa for the public can learn to associate them with violence.

Note: We’ve made considerable progress on this front. The entire Right now sees Antifa as a severe threat and as their enemy. Normies despise Antifa.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is so very encouraging! We need to set brush fires such as this all across Dixie. The fight is far from over, and secessionist movements will ramp up rapidly in response to the evils being forced on us out of Washington.

    Take notice media, and you Marxist Bolsheviks in Washington, you are about to awaken a sleeping giant, and you are woefully out numbered.

  2. I’d like to recommend the recently published “Hardhat Riot” by David Paul Kuhn. While some of the analysis is superficial, its a first-rate work of reporting on the contempt and loathing expressed by the liberal and GOP (WASP, think John Lindsay) elite toward the working-class boys that fought in Vietnam, worked the trades and manned the NYPD (which was until about 20 years ago more or less the sole proprietorship of the Irish). John Lindsay, the handsome blue-eyed Republican WASP with all the right university and ancestral credentials, is a truly disgusting figure and really the platonic ideal of the current crop of Republicans, although they do a better job hiding their hatred for Middle America. Somewhat related, if anyone can name a bigger piece of shit than Dan Crenshaw, the one-eyed mercenary who represents the Memorial District in Houston, and who voted to remove Confederate statues from DC, I’m eager to hear it.

  3. I don’t remember where I read that during last year’s summer riots, not only was Antifa etc actually transporting themselves (bus, airlines) around the country but that they were also assisted and intermingled with elements of US Intel agencies. Don’t know if that’s true but it crossed my mind if the same might be true of ‘white supremacist’ groups.

  4. Better to love God and Christ. When you say I love Christ, they can’t call you names, and they dare not hurt you. Then what do they do?


    Antifa is an anarchist group.

    Anarchy (From Greek ??????? meaning “without a leader”.

    Why do they want a leaderless world?? To prepare the world for the Moshiach, the Jew messiah, the son of perdition, the anti-Christ.

    It is all being done out of a hatred of Christ. But why? Why do they hate Christ? Christ was the son of God that is why. And he rejected the Jews as unfit and unworthy to lead and rule over human kind in the name of God almighty…..And the Jews hate him for it.

    • If you think your cuckery guarantees you a first class ticket aboard the Salvation Express you’re mistaken, Brownie. And there are many militant Lefties who believe Jesus was a fellow revolutionary.

    • Lol, Robert Browning.

      Nothing gives me a better chuckle than thinking their will be a Christian reaction and revolt against the modern world.

      Its cute.

  5. Kudos to PF for their surprise attack deep behind enemy lines! ZOG really hates and fears groups like that, because they aren’t a bunch of clowns like the so-called Klan and the NSM.

  6. C’mon, man…these retards, RETARDS, will get what they deserve. Plenty of time to contemplate the idiocy they were led into. Trust me on this. They will have time aplenty, jail time. Before their trial, as they will be denied Bail. Then during and after their trial, and their sentences will be substantial. They are, after all, Terrorists.

    • Patriot Front are certainly not terrorists. All they do is peaceful protests. They might get treated like terrorists, but that doesn’t make them terrorists.

      You’re a jackass shill.

  7. On the one hand, nobody risks going to prison. On the other hand, you don’t get any media coverage.

  8. Hmmm… I wonder if a Paintball Gun or two would effectively cover these murals? Similar to how Christopher Columbus was defaced and Leif Erikson was deface….

  9. Provocation, and incitement to over reaction are the only meaningful objectives of small scale activism. Otherwise you are just risking manpower for no reason.

    Painting over murals is hilarious. The juxtaposition of the reaction the media has when a george floyd monument is defaced, to when a george washington statue is defaced is exactly the propaganda we want shoved down the throats of the normies daily.

    Marching with riot shields and flags waiting to be arrested is kinda dumb. Yeah it shows that the police aren’t on our side, which is valuable, and it shows that patriotism is no longer tolerated in the public square but, its a muddy kind of message.

    Public demonstrations are fake and gay.

    • They do flash mobs, not announced rallies. This was just in a downtown area where a bunch of random blacks and libtards were milling around.

  10. Let’s get into the details of what happened with Patriot Front here. The media accounts I have seen (Washington Examiner – a mildly civic-nationalist outlet, AP, Philly TV stations) claim the PF marchers were “confronted” by local residents, then “chased away.” That’s not what the video shows. The 60 or so PF members kept their formation, discipline, and marching pace throughout. The tail end of their column was physically attacked by a few blacks and possibly antifa-type whites (shoving & yelling), but the superior numbers of the PF had its effect: no serious attack was attempted. PF knew if they responded to the shoving & defended themselves THEY would be blamed & arrested by police, so they shrugged off the harassment & kept going. This was a well planned and well executed operation – congratulations, Patriot Front!

    Let’s also remember that, after being defeated on the streets in places like Berkeley and Portland in the months leading up to August 12, 2017, the Left now owns the streets all over the nation, with the help of local, state, and federal government law enforcement, after the crushing of the Alt-Right, which began in Charlottesville & continues today (Sines vs Kessler, etc.). The Left’s dominance was briefly interrupted on January 6th, but that only gave the federal government & media the excuse to cast a nation-wide dragnet, expanding the crushing to Trump supporters in general, even ones who proclaim their hatred of white people like us.

    Yet – even now – PF refuses to concede the streets, & holds successful demonstrations, no matter what the lugenpresse says.

    Again, well done & keep it up, PF. Fox News will ignore you, but geezers are not your audience, & the young people you want to recruit are watching.

    • “The Left’s dominance was briefly interrupted on January 6th…” Lol, no. It was a trap setup by Trump against his supporters (which he disdains) in an effort to push his stop the steal exit-grift and to give the establishment the media fuel they needed (insurrection boogeymen) to try and save his financial legacy.

      The Jan. 6th Trumpists are morons who did what they did in a weak way and for all the wrong reasons. They literally thought they were the Q storm. Republicans are retarded.

      • The 1st paragraph strains logic, is unsupported by evidence, & over-estimates Trump’s intelligence. The 2nd paragraph makes sense, although I prefer the more charitable, “buffoons,” & “brainwashed since birth.”

  11. ****I predict Merrick Garland will name, manhunt and arrest Thomas Rousseau for this. The excuse will be when the blacks attacked their group and they were forced to defend themselves. The goal is to stop any form of advocacy, collectivism, and self defense for White people.

    • You may be right. Though the basically non-violent nature of their “defense” would be hard to distort in court into something criminal, the fact PF marched at all, & had earlier committed blasphemy against the newest numinous Negro, will be considered such affronts to the powers-that-be, that they may feel constrained to hunt Rousseau & PF down & bring them to justice.

  12. Mixed feelings here: I think flash demonstrations – as opposed to the telegraphed punches of public rallies – are smart, now that (((law enforcement))) at all levels is openly anti-White; OTOH, the non-response to the shoving coming from bystander punks in order to avoid being blamed by the pigs for the violence (which they WOULD be) looks weak.

    So overall, I applaud the effort, but see little value in it. Counter-sabotage of the Golden Calves of shitlibs with paint etc. seems far more productive at this time.

    • “…the non-response to the shoving coming from bystander punks in order to avoid being blamed by the pigs for the violence (which they WOULD be) looks weak.” — Only at first. If you think about the larger situation – what our side is up against in these situations – it looks “strategic” – i.e., wise.

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