Oakland and Portland Explode In Violent Chaos

Black Summer 2021 meets “Defund the Police” is playing out much as we expected.

ABC News 7:

“OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) — Oakland’s top cop says Fourth of July in his city this year was among the most violent he’s seen in more than 20 years on the force.

“We’re talking about 12 hours of nonstop chaos,” said Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong.

Armstrong held a rare holiday press briefing and he wasn’t just talking about the illegal fireworks that rained down on his city, but rather the reign of terror, the violence that left at least two people dead and several others critically injured.

“My heart goes out to the families of the victims from last night,” said Armstrong. “But celebratory gunfire led to the vast majority of these shootings.”

One woman is in grave condition after one of at least seven shootings and a 16-year-old boy was hit in the head by a bullet from “celebratory” gunfire, but is expected to survive …”

San Francisco Chronicle:

“Armstrong said a vast majority of the injuries were caused by celebratory gunfire, such as bullets shot into the air that rain back down, in “one of the more violent Fourth of Julys” he had ever seen.

“This year the level of celebratory gunfire was something like we haven’t seen before and the number of people who have been hit is unbelievable,” he said.

Simultaneously, police monitored a sideshow of more than 300 cars and 200 spectators roaming across the city. Some participants were armed with guns and pointing lasers or throwing objects at officers, the chief said. One spectator was hit by a car and sustained injuries that may require “lifelong medical treatment,” he added. …”

Do you see what you have done?

It is your fault that this is happening in Oakland. Black people are literally dying from white supremacy and systematic racism there. You caused them to shoot into the air and suffer under a withering rain of gunfire. It wasn’t low intelligence and low conscientious that caused them to do it.

Portland was also lit up by gunfire on July the 4th:


“PORTLAND, Ore. – More than 80 shots were fired in a Northeast Portland neighborhood on Saturday night, police said, with bullets hitting nearby apartments and several cars.

Reports came in shortly after 9 p.m. for a shooting on Northeast Wygant Street between 7th and 8th avenues.

Police arrived to find over 80 cartridge casings along the block. They say four apartments were hit in the shooting, with some of them occupied at the time. At least four vehicles were also damaged by the gunfire. …”

So far, the “white supremacists” who did this haven’t been identified.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. FYI Mythbusters debunked hat bullets shot straight up come down with lethal velocity. Air resistance bleeds off all the speed.

  2. The Democratic Party

    The irreversible collapse of Civilization

    And it is happening right before our eyes

    As they sit in packed and NFL Negro Stadiums

    The History of White Men

    crumbles into rubble around the White “ Men”…this means they are cucked faggots….who sit in NFL Negro Stadiums and SEC Negro Ball Stadiums……

    I hope the Global Homo Pederast US Military picks a fight with Christian Russia in the Black Sea….

  3. We should have a “maturity scale” to judge neighborhoods by. Could use real estate value as a vehicle.

    Something like Average Emotional Age score. Oakland’s would be about 14.

    In a semi-anarchical world, how would you act? Responsible for the sake of being responsible, or like a child because that innate sense of self-discipline does not exist?

  4. I was staying in a Portland hotel about a mile away. We had been in the area about 2 hours before getting food from a food truck. I didn’t hear anything. But Portland was sketchy.

    We spent the fourth along the coast where they still fly US flags.

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