Cuck Island: Prince Charles Says Cheap Food and Industrial Farming Are Ruining The Planet

If Charles really wanted to save the planet, he should have neutered himself after having William and spared us Harry’s carbon footprint. Yes Charles, it is the English countryside which is destroying the planet. The food in the supermarket is way too cheap and affordable.

Washington Post:

“LONDON — Prince Charles went on the airwaves Wednesday to warn that industrial farming in Britain and around the world was ruining the planet and destroying family farms and the web of life in rural communities, especially in his beloved England.

Dressed in a smart summer-weight gray suit, speaking into a microphone beside a vase of hydrangea blooms, the heir to the throne spoke of the importance of nature, healthy soil and carbon sequestration — themes that would be music to the ears of many green activists.

Charles is an ardent environmentalist, along with being a critic of modern architecture and of anti-immigrant populism …”

I’m starting to get the overwhelming impression that climate change activism is nothing but rich White people virtue signaling. It is overwhelmingly wealthy and educated White people who are offended by things like the peasants being able to eat the same food that they do.

Meanwhile, fake populist Boris Johnson’s government is considering a meat tax in the UK to reduce meat consumption, but fears a Yellow Vest-style populist uprising:


“After the UK’s government climate change advisers urged it to implement policy to reduce meat and dairy consumption, Boris Johnson’s hand-picked food strategy planner reportedly says a meat tax “may be necessary” in the future.

Restaurateur Henry Dimbleby, chosen to lead Downing Street’s ‘National Food Strategy’ formulation body, believes that a levy on processed meat staples like burgers, steaks, ham, sausages, and chicken nuggets could be needed in order to tackle climate change, according to media reports.

However, Dimblebly is expected to tell the prime minister not to introduce any such tax in the short-term because of the potential unrest it could lead to during the pandemic, according to The Sun.

Citing unnamed sources familiar with a draft document due to be released next month, the paper noted that ministers fear street protests over food prices similar to those conducted by the ‘Gilets Jaunes’ (Yellow Vest) movement in France in recent years. …

In April, Johnson committed to reducing the UK’s greenhouse emissions by 78% by 2035. This would reportedly require convincing the public to cut down meat and dairy intake by a fifth. …”

It is reportedly off the table for now due to COVID, but clearly this is a real issue. Elites are pushing the issue of making food more expensive. Governments are tip toeing around it.

Bloomberg Equality:

“Cutting meat consumption would help the U.K. reduce greenhouse gas emissions and free up land for capturing carbon, according to the review.

Still, a meat tax would be “politically impossible,” and the government would be better off nudging consumers to change their eating habits, while investing in measures such as reducing methane emissions from cattle or developing alternative proteins, the report showed. It also called for a 1 billion-pound investment in innovation to create a better food system. …”

As we saw with Prince Harry, the push for depopulation and making food more expensive is coming from the top down. This seems to be true everywhere.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Making food scarce because oof natural disasters, or more often government stupidity, has probably caused more uprisings then almost anything else in history. They might want to reconsider this… No, people are not going to eat bugs..

  2. “Restaurateur Henry Dimbleby, chosen to lead Downing Street’s ‘National Food Strategy’ formulation body, believes that a levy on processed meat staples like burgers, steaks, ham, sausages, and chicken nuggets could be needed in order to tackle climate change, according to media reports.”

    How convenient. Mohammed, the refugee from the endless Syrian civil war (TM), doesn’t eat any of those things. I bet there won’t be a levy on halal goat.

  3. Climate change activism is:

    1. Anti-nuclear activism. “Green energy” has been a scam from the fossil fuel industry for decades. They know that it isn’t possible to run a modern country on “green” energy. The only real alternative is nuclear, so they promote green crap to interfere with its development.

    2. Pure rent seeking. The business model for all “green” companies is rent seeking. A large portion of Biden’s infrastructure spending has been handouts to these fake green companies, usually started by some political insider. Remember Biden’s crew bragging about paying to install electric car chargers in poor rural areas where nobody can afford an electric car? Rent seeking in action.

    3. Austerity normalization. Getting people used to lowered social services, worse infrastructure, increased wealth inequality, lower quality of life, and so on. The reason you’re eating peasant gruel and living in a pod isn’t because neoliberalism inherently funnels wealth upwards from the poor to the rich, resulting in feudalism levels of wealth disparity. The reason you’re eating peasant gruel and living in a pod is because it’s good for the environment.

  4. Factory farming destroyed the American countryside. We should have 25 million small organic family farms to feed the people.

    But it won’t happen in this collapsing Babel. After we separate, the Southland definitely will need to outlaw Capitalist farms. Family farms only.

    • Exactly.

      Idk why Wallace is against this,

      Protecting farmers is one of the foremost duties of a King

      Only a traitor oppresses family farms


  5. File this under agreeing with liberals for all the wrong reasons.

    Wait you mean to tell me the materialists capitalists are actually idealists, hold up- based department!

    I wish the European elites wanted to outlaw all none organic food and yank up the prices.

    They’re working on the exact opposite. And articles like this (not hunters but the source) are written with the intent of a DR3 article. Which is to say make conservatives demand what social progressives already have plan.

    Silicon valley is sinking billions of dollars into creating super-GMO’s that’ll be able to feed the world for a fraction of the price. And are planning for a dystopian future of a 15+ billion person planet. That’s where the bugs & pods come in.

    I wish the elites were planning on bringing down the global population.

    Rome was what a couple of million people.

    We talk about over elite production but really it’s over breeding. Out of a couple million of people like in Rome, how many people would even be capable of being an elite? Not many. And those who were competent enough but we’re boxed out from lack of space were in such small numbers they couldn’t actually challenge power.

    But if there’s a nation of a couple billion there’s going to be 10’s if not 100’s of thousands of people who would all be extremely competent and capable of filling the very top slots of society…. and when they get boxed that cohort of left over elites will challenge the current regimes legitimacy everytime.

    Creating massive turmoil.

    Depopulation would be a *good* thing and is the opposite of what our elites want.

    With technological advancements we don’t need to be always doubling as a species. We can now take care of our elderly with half as much help as we had before.

    I’d also add for a movement concerned about modernity ruining tradition/identity it’s awfully funny that they all agree with the soys that grandparents are not the duty of children but should be cared for by strangers in nursing homes… If trads took in their grandparents we wouldn’t need constant population expansion but if whites aren’t going to take care of our elderly grandparents then yeah we need a lot more people to look after them.




    *No I don’t believe in hard degrowth eg I don’t support killing people or any spergy weird shit.

  6. Poor Charles. Such a useless tosser. Sucking up to the greenies, who, despite his best efforts, will remain all in for abolishing the monarchy, even as he’ll piss off the people who wanted to keep it. Is he so completely clueless to imagine that as things become shakier below he’ll be perfectly safe up top?

    I used to think the Monarchy would survive Elizabeth. But given what an utter goofball her heir is, I now think it will die with her.

  7. Yes, of course the royals are virtue-signalling. but more importantly, distracting attention from what really needs to be done: The nobility and other elites must be expropriated. The enormous land holdings of the royals, nobility, and other wealthy individuals and corporations in Britain must be taken and distributed in equal shares to real British farmers. Then Britain will have REAL small farming, and the people will be able to “eat bread by the sweat of their brow” like it says in the Bible.

    “So goodbye to the media whore and all that pious work for the poor, goodbye to the Crown”:

  8. Prince Charles went on the airwaves Wednesday to warn that industrial farming in Britain and around the world was ruining the planet and destroying family farms and the web of life in rural communities, especially in his beloved England.

    Wait, wtf?

    Why are you against this sentiment.

    Affordability is more than just sticker price, #nofarmersnofood Rural tfrs are also higher,


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