Editor’s Note: This is a work in progress.
Oh no https://t.co/WZPInuHYwP
— Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) July 15, 2021
South Africa used to be a 1dt World nuclear power where the world’s first heart transplant happened
— Archer (@ArcherOnTheWall) July 15, 2021
It’s “racist” to point out what has changed https://t.co/sCJaFrvLo9
When memes turn into reality: It seems only one store in Watercrest Mall was untouched. But which one?? pic.twitter.com/V4zejLYG0S
— Kobayashi’s Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Electricity power plant in south of #Durban reportedly set on fire. pic.twitter.com/MY57Q45bX6
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 14, 2021
4th thread for looting/riot videos in #SouthAfrica.
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
The official number is 72 dead still, that may climb. Things have slowed down a bit, largely focused around KZN/Durban.
Lots of food shortage lines and looters showing off haul videos now
book store left untouched by looters https://t.co/oyD8hKbOmT pic.twitter.com/omoBQ81KrR
#SouthAfrica Inside one of the biggest warehouses in South Africa, that’s been looted during violent protests. This is Value Logistics in Cato Ridge near the N3 freeway between Inchanga & Durban. It supplies major food, electrical and furniture outlets in the country. #eNCA pic.twitter.com/OonVGGLFSS
— Siphamandla Goge (@SiphamandlaGoge) July 15, 2021
South Africa: Man who looted HD televisions explains why he’s doing it. pic.twitter.com/DI3jJxbjPk
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 15, 2021
— mildrain (@_mildrain) July 15, 2021
Meanwhile in South Africa, the country is in chaos …… pic.twitter.com/UcARAAAXYa
— Gillian McKeith (@GillianMcKeith) July 15, 2021
South Africa: Rioters pick grocery store clean in mass looting. pic.twitter.com/1p3v19S0fK
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 15, 2021
White guy in South Africa… pic.twitter.com/rC8dwaOG3F
— Cypher (@JohnSmi31519546) July 14, 2021
Indians beating looters with bats as you hear shots in the background. One of the defenders can be heard yelling “fuck off black.” pic.twitter.com/SGgMwLpewu
— Kobayashi’s Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
The supply chain has broken down. Honest people in Durban KZN South Africa can’t even buy food if they happen to find an unlooted store. pic.twitter.com/DX2lI0BERv
— Kobayashi’s Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Posted about this earlier, but really need to see it for the reality to sink in. trucks forced to dump thousands of liters of milk because the depots who are supposed to take them are all burned/damaged/unmanned. Electric plants & factories are burning, & a famine is imminent pic.twitter.com/gPO3Uxa8Bh
— Kobayashi’s Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Graveyard of looted items. Doesn’t seem like they know what to do with it all the things they’ve stolen. pic.twitter.com/DFigfTQbPS
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Earlier this afternoon: Massive queues to get into a store for groceries. The majority of stores are inaccessible or have no more supplies. pic.twitter.com/Dla6WdNcia
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Simon Mwewa Lane’s message to South Africans: “If you don’t put that country back together again, just give it back to the Boers.” Full clip available here, worth checking out: https://t.co/nCIjVMqs0L pic.twitter.com/QHNZxxWIY7
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Looters showing off their massive scores. They seem to be very impressed with themselves. pic.twitter.com/8knS74lCFO
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Footage shows dead fish/crayfish on beaches of Umdloti (North of Durban). Presumably, the runoff from the chem. plant in Cornubia that caught fire spilled into ocean & is responsible. Residents reported strong chemical smells coming from the ocean & advised to stay off the beach pic.twitter.com/tKZIRgg6th
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, "discovering" thousands of rounds of ammunition in the street.
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
This + footage of citizens defending themselves & their homes w/ licensed firearms, will be used to justify the upcoming Firearm Amendment Bill to remove the right to self defense pic.twitter.com/2y3hLCuf96
Car trunk filled with looted frozen chicken wings and other foods. No regard whatsoever for the rest of these citizens who will begin to go hungry in a matter of days pic.twitter.com/bGUpPSSDmN
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 15, 2021
Messages from Indian South African woman claiming that the looters are shooting and coming into homes. She is asking us to pray in Jesus name pic.twitter.com/cMOQT10C1x
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Indians handing out bread despite having to protect their communities from predatory blacks for the last 3 days. Might want to keep this kind of thing under wraps though pic.twitter.com/Od6QSABJlb
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Floors intentionally made slippery as a method to thwart looters in an increasingly rare intact mall. Let’s see if the Wet Floor defense holds up… pic.twitter.com/J9yaeVaERF
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Police in Durban South Africa have told citizens to stop patrolling their communities for looters, which is insane. Now black rioters are threatening the Indians who are killing black looters. pic.twitter.com/SS4sUkyV0l
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Radha Roopsingh School outside Stanger, KZN destroyed by fire. pic.twitter.com/gIgYeVoPpk
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
Police guarding the road as a mob of black looters makes it's way toward them. This could’ve been a deleted scene from Dawn of the Dead. pic.twitter.com/zvkrN9FXdF
— Kobayashi's Basilisk (@FaeceSocietatis) July 14, 2021
looting aftermath video part 1 pic.twitter.com/6rBQ6MKeCN
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
more video from the storage units that were looted out.
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
they ripped everything they could off this car. #SouthAfrica pic.twitter.com/EO0HvXpMLX
food line in Pietermaritzburg, 3 hour wait for 15 itemspic.twitter.com/i1enDsrP6Y
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
graphic video warning
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
some looters were reportedly stripped naked and forced to crawl around on all fours by fellow blackspic.twitter.com/CcgqxR25IK
another looting haul video showing lots of beer and vodka pic.twitter.com/cFq7QRi2DY
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
Pharmacy trashed by looters pic.twitter.com/prcV0PN7Oi
— pine_tree_riots (@pine_tree_riots) July 15, 2021
We did it, Patrick!
We saved South Africa from “white supremacy”!

Go Team Nog!!!! Go Go Go! This is waaaaay better than the tranny Olympics. Nothing in the Jewmedia either. Can’t admit it failed.
Scott’s channel on yt, about SA.
Watch at least the first 3 min.
Yep…I’ve seen no mention at all from the Big 3 msm. Blacks are incompatible with civilization.
Famine is imminent? So what. Bring ’em all over here. Well, not all. Just the historically disadvantaged ones.
“While Leaving Bookstore Untouched”
That speaks volumes…….. 😉
Ha ha ha. V. good.
Whats behind l this? I don’t see any news explaining why all of a sudden this is happening.
The shit posting and copy pasting tweets is funny I guess but it’s not particularly enlightening.
Experience has shown that video clips are far more persuasive than long essays. See last summer
“Whats behind l this? ”
Same as all africa, tribal warfare.
Zuma, a zulu leader, has been jailed. So, all the zulus go on a rampage, chimp out.
Pretty much.
It is happening around Durban in Zulu central
Hello Hunter;
All of these situations seem to follow the same pattern: deterioration over time, things get incrementally worse, some things get occasionally fixed by Whites but the slide into oblivion continues. At some point there is a catalyst that causes an explosion of violence, the exact cause varies from one situation to another.
Suddenly things seem to go bad all at once although trouble has been getting incrementally worse for years. The gradual nature of the build up to the explosion of chaos allows Whites to keep their heads in the sand pretending things will magically work out OK until the illusion is destroyed by the colored people all at once. The fact that so many Whites are queuing for food shows how unprepared and delusional they were.
The signs of things to come in S.A. have been visible since 1994, that’s why the wreckers of apartheid fled after 1994. In Minneapolis racial tension was building for years until St. Floyd. In L.A. it was Rodney King although the Hispanics did more looting than the blacks, something not widely known. This will eventually go nationwide in the U.S., worse than last summer, too.
Get thee prepared Now White people, but be very quiet about it. No tweets, no YouTube videos showing your stash, just STFU. When things go bad remember; you don’t have a quart of gasoline, a pint of milk or a Lb. of food no matter how much you have prepared. One more time, just STFU and no videos.
” Now black rioters are threatening the Indians who are killing black looters.”
Wasn’t Mozambique, where the blacks genocided all indians living in thr country ?
Also, Uganda expelled all indians, at one time.
In Mozambique the Portuguese left in 1974 I think turning the country over to communists. Some Portuguese stayed. When I was at a book store a couple of years ago I saw a book on sex slavery. I picked it up and read the foreword. The book was written in 1976 originally and had been reprinted.
In the forward a Portuguese lawyer mentioned how the few foolishly remaining white women were put into labor camps with the flimsiest of excuses. One white woman was late for work by 10 minutes and was sent to a camp. There the white women were forced to work naked and were subject to whippings. The Mozambique government said they had to learn humility.
It sounded like something out of an adult movie/book. I was sickened. I should have bought the book for information but I went on to the romance section. Harmless and shallow perhaps. I never forgot what I read however.
Is it possible some of the South Africans on here know about this. The remaining Portuguese from Mozambique poured into South Africa for protection.
No one in their right mind puts themselves at the mercy of blacks. My family had roofers a couple of years ago. They were Mexicans and their Anglo foreman said they refuse to go anywhere with large numbers of blacks.
Another comment by the Portuguese lawyer on the white women in Mozambique. He wrote that there was not a shortage of black male guards to “oversee the naked sweaty white women as they worked”. They were clearing land in Mozambique for some of their parks I believe.
The whole situation seared my soul at such blatant evil in modern times. Needless to write that that happening in modern times in a white country to black women would become an international incident. The book was written in 1976.
It is true that Anglo countries and western European countries have leadership and policies that represent Satanic hatred for white people. I do not understand the naivety of modern whites.
So I ask again. Perhaps some of the South Africans on this site know of this past happening?
“No one in their right mind puts themselves at the mercy of blacks.”
A very wise statement. Wiser than a lot of people who are older than you, and who should know better.
Thank you for the compliment.
NYT is silent on this subject, but they do have a nice article on ‘ how to raise your children not to be racist’.
I’ve got that one in the queue
“No worries, my brother, the Whites will rebuild it all.”
Admitting a few Blacks to the outer-elite (multi-milionaire Black capitalists) is a game of deception that protects the system by distracting the masses’ attention from the system itself, which continues to increase economic inequality year by year. The anger of the masses of all ethnicities and races is directed toward each other, instead of at the system that causes their suffering. The population is corrupted and knows nothing but struggle for personal material gain.
South Africa is not a real country but a business enterprise, much like the U.S. SA would naturally divide into three or more homogenous ethno states if the “unifying” force of capitalism was removed.
You maybe right. Now give us a description of these divided ethnostates. Include ethnicities and the respective quality of life in your hypothetical ethno states.
Where’s Wakanda?
Seriously though, (((they))) took Russian after sowing chaos so their Bolshevik forces were less relatively weak — using their (((global power))) to run interference and prevent any help to the White Russian forces at the same time.
Extending the DC police to be national — isn’t that a big red flag? Like its the new Cheka?
Can they really get away with just replaying their protocols from the Bolshevik revolution — is it that easy to destroy us?
Maybe not. Seeing white people organized and fighting back without apology in some of these South African video clips is very educational, its like fire — may it catch and burn in the minds of white Americans about what is planned for us, what is coming, and what we can actually do about it.
God help us.
…and when do we secede?
“Where’s Wakanda?”
The WHITE man stole it.
Don’t you pay attention ?
Books confuse the monkeys. They didn’t even have a written language before Europeans arrived; probably communicated in clicks and pops.
Click pop, muh dick, pop click…
Most aboriginal people lacked a written language. They didn’t need one, they had no concept of the future or anything abstract, everything was here and now.
“probably communicated in clicks and pops.”
Throwing feces, same as chimps.
LA had rooftop Koreans. South Africa has rooftop Indians.
When it’s all over, they will cry they have no food and services and the White man will be there to pick up the pieces.
Always !
Proving the WHITE man is the greater fool, by listening.
An even greater fool, by providing.
@ I salute our brave people in south Africa, god be with you all.