About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s a win/lose for America. On one hand he got is out of a foreign war and on the other, we have more Muslims being imported to the US because of their inept policies.

    • And Blackrock China gets to exploit the resources. Heads up Jews win whitey gets fucked. Heads down Jews win and whitey gets fucked. Kinda like a Talmudic hedge fund.

    • The one does not necessarily follow from the other.
      Instead of continuing the GloboHomoSchlomo here, let’s do a Taliban in America!

      Restore national rule, remove the infidel, restore the national [Christian] religion, re-criminalize sodomy, abortion, deport theJews and their Usury, and restore the Patriarchy, by de-legitimizing EVERY aspect of Feminism.


  2. Hunter, thanks for this good selection. If it is true that Biden really MADE a decision against the will of all his advisers, not merely taking the blame for “ordering” an unavoidable withdrawal, then that changes my understanding of Biden. He does have some worth, even if he is in an early stage of dementia. But if he continues to make decisions, he is in danger of being removed and replaced. He may have already gone too far. I would have thought he was thoroughly vetted before he was chosen to win the election, and that this could not happen.

    • The CIA chief has just gone to meet the Taliban leadership, in secret of course. Reportedly, he was sent by Biden. Or was Biden told to send him? Hopefully the Taliban will be transparent as possible and report what the CIA is demanding. Afghanistan is probably still crawling with agents and sub-agents. The U.S. is said to have left behind the facial and iris recognition database it had compiled of most of the Afghan population, and the high-tech surveillance equipment needed to use it. The CIA is using the U.S.’s NATO allies (satellites) to “pressure the Biden administration” to keep regulat, uniformed troops in Afghanistan after the August 31st deadline, or permanently.

      Off-topic but I think timely and important is this excellent podcast on the scientific case for worldwide eradication of SARS CoV-2. Continued “vaccine nationalism” (such as Israel hogging limited vaccine supplies so Israelis can have a third dose while poor countries average only about one percent vaccinated with even one dose), “complacent exceptionalism” with each wealthy developed nation making its own decisions how to deal with the pandemic according to its own needs and culture” so big business profit-making is not affected, will ensure that the disease becomes endemic in most nations or everywhere and that millions more will die. A uniform and thoroughly scientific international policy to eradicate the virus completely in ALL nations, must be implemented and enforced:

      • At more than four million CONFIRMED deaths from Covid worldwide so far (and the true death toll is much higher due to lack of testing in third world countries, and even in developed countries) this disease MIGHT not surpass the worldwide 50 million death toll of Spanish Flu, but it causes more chronic illness and permanent organ damage in survivors than the Spanish Flu. Eradication of SARS CoV-2 is the good war, the true humanitarian war, that the U.S. government SHOULD be fighting, but the U.S. will continue to ignore its responsibility for protecting human health so the health (profit-making) of big business is not harmed.

        • Israel is having problems with “breakthrough” cases as the effectiveness of initial doses wanes and new variants emerge à la Marek’s Disease. So let’s not crow about these wonderful “vaccines” just yet.

          Also, why aren’t the Taliban dropping dead? No masks, vaccines, social distancing…

          • Interesting that you should mention Mareks. Industrial-scale poultry production involves constant battle against that frequently mutating disease. The long-range goal is always eradication, but it is only controlled (using vaccination) within the confines of an industrial poultry production facility.

            An international strategy of complete, worldwide eradication of the SARS CoV-2 virus must be implemented. Unlike the Influenza virus that cannot be eradicated because it is endemic in several animal species, and passes easily to humans from birds and swine, SARS CoV-2 can still be eradicated. If it remains endemic in the human population much longer, and also becomes endemic and “gains function” in some of the animal species that are being infected in contact with humans, then it will be impossible to eradicate.

  3. Biden was correct to end the war, but then spoils his moment by accepting god knows how many refugees whose lives the war was supposed to improve.
    Reports are in the British Guardian (a leftist publication I must add) about would be terrorists who are in amongst those trying to flee.
    The reality is, we really know nothing about most of these people, and shouldn’t be taking them. Any talents they have should be used to benefit their own country.
    They should stay and fight for their nation, culture and people. Running off to waysis Y man is exactly the wrong thing to do, and is quite immoral.

    • I know about these people, they belong back in Afghanistan, not any western nation. Make Afghanistan Great Again, Trump’s next campaign slogan.

  4. I don’t think Biden had much of a choice. Trump doesn’t dispute the pull out was necessary.

    Let’s face it, our majority-minority military would have a hard time defeating the Swiss, let alone a major military power like the Russians, Chinese, Koreans etc., and we know how we did against the Vietnamese even before our military became majority non-White & female.

  5. The ataliban did win a long military campaign. They are not just NPC. Gotta given a little credit.

  6. The vegetable-in-chief did nothing. He’s a puppet with advanced dementia. The (((neo-klowns))) running the empire decided to pull out most likely because they want troops available to fight for Israel elsewhere – probably Iran or Syria, maybe Ukraine. The other possibility is that the rulers see the situation in Afghanistan is no longer sustainable so they’re pulling out the invincible banana legions to regroup here in kwa-bananaland to shove folks like HW and the rest of us into camps in concert with the gangs of thugs and criminals who populate the FBI and other police agencies nationwide. It’s kind of silly to give Biden credit for the withdrawl, or to blame Trump for failure to pull the legions out – since both are mere meat-puppets whose statements have little if any bearing on what happens or when it happens.

  7. Most Americans don’t give a shit about ‘the timing’. They just want troops out. When would the right time have been………in 2030? Fuck, we just want it over with!
    Can’t stay forever, so may as well go now.
    Britain’s most hated wretch, Tony Blair, has entered the discussion, labelling Biden ‘imbecilic’. In many ways, he probably is, but not with this.
    I hate white traitors and warmongers more than I hate any non white people. If the first group had our backs, the second group wouldn’t be a problem.

    • Lower-ranking military officers from different countries are criticizing the way this withdrawal has been mishandled. Although it’s a good thing, it’s still a PR disaster for Biden and a major loss of prestige for US Gubmint and Military.

  8. Military friend of mine (officer) said nobody is surprised at the Afghan clusterfuck. Basically the generals are all political appointees, careerist ass-kissers & not really commanders or warriors.

    How did Biden get it done? The same generals undermining Trump didn’t dare do the same to Biden, as they’d be swimming against the political powers that be, and CNN would do a hit piece on them. So they acquiesced like the ass-kissing yes-men they are, military common sense be damned.

  9. “Although it’s a good thing, it’s still a PR disaster for Biden and a major loss of prestige for US Gubmint and Military”

    GOOD. Even though I agree with the withdrawal, FUCK Biden & all the rest of those jewed race traitor scum.

    “Basically the generals are all political appointees, careerist ass-kissers & not really commanders or warriors”

    Col. David Hackworth, America’s most decorated combat soldier, called the Pentagon queens “dancers & prancers”: glorified bureaucrats who spent a bare minimum amount of time personally engaged in actual fighting to punch that hole in their ticket in order to become generals. Ball-players, not boat-rockers.

    That’s Milley.

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