Did anyone else catch this?
“We are still blessed with an extraordinarily favorable geographical position, as a continental nation with friendly neighbors to the north and south, access to two oceans, and enormous reserves of oil and gas and vast amounts of arable land. It’s an incredibly propitious and secure base for the projection of power.
We produce about a quarter of global GDP, a share that has held up over the years. …”
“We are still blessed with an extraordinarily favorable geographical position, as a continental nation with friendly neighbors, access to two oceans, enormous reserves of oil and gas, and vast amounts of arable land.
We produce about a quarter of global GDP, a share that has held up over the years. …”
Rich Lowry’s line about how the United States is “an incredibly propitious and secure base for the projection of power” has gone missing in the National Review version of the article.
Why do you think Lowry omitted that line on his own website? My guess is that Lowry is conscious of how it might be received in certain quarters of the Right. There is a huge divide on this question between one side which rejects imperialism and wants to return to being a nation state and the other side which looks back on the United States or the Homeland as their “base” for their ambition to rule the world. The people who live here are just cannon fodder for their wars and exist to pay the taxes to fund their stupid interventions overseas. The Homeland is a vast dumping ground for refugees from their wars.
Note: If Republicans won another congressional majority in the 2022 midterms, what would they do with it? Pass another tax cut? Agitate for reinvading Afghanistan to own the libs?
Re: “an incredibly propitious and secure base for the projection of power”:
That includes the Almighty Dollar and control of world finance, and the world’s most well-funded and powerful propaganda industry.
“blessed with an extraordinarily favorable geographical position, as a continental nation with friendly neighbors to the north and south”:
Consequently the population has no experience of being invaded or even threatened, except the experience of the seceding southern states being invaded 150 years ago.
“We produce about a quarter of global GDP”:
The U.S.’s Gross Domestic Product is made up of mostly fake products – financial, marketing and service “products,” including insurance, NOT real, honest, useful PRODUCTS – and some of the U.S.’s fake so-called products are actually losses or negatives, but they are counted as production. Large scale factory-farm GMO grain production and the manufacturing of military weapons and supplies are still important however.
@anonymous – We currently ARE being invaded, from the south. And the hostile army coming to displace/replace us has ramped up from a quarter century of a steady stream to an absolute flood. This invasion is being conducted in a manner to inflict the maximum psychological and financial damage upon the historical population. We are effectively muzzled from fighting back against it or even protesting it, and forced to watch our “leaders”, and many of our fellow citizens, endorse it.
Sounds like cope to me.
Confidence in the U.S. is going out now like an ebb tide to be followed by a flood tide of troubles, the likes of which the country has never seen before. Whites, aka ‘Real Americans’ whether North, South, East or West are in the same boat too now because of anti-White hatred, the official policy of the U.S. Government for the last 75 years. The only unifying principles of the Empire now are two: Whites caused all the troubles of the non-White world and now will pay in blood for it and the almighty dollar can buy solutions to any problem in the world.
The Empire has two major weaknesses because of these underlying principles however. It’s Whites who keep the miserable empire running, such as it is and confidence in the USD is evaporating now. None, zero of the Empire’s evil schemes will come to fruition when the dollar goes bad, they all require tons of real money else the Government is just pushing on a string.
As things go from bad to worse in the U.S. Whites will self-segregate just like the various wog groups in the Empire and will be focused on self preservation. Left to their own devices the various colored folk in the Empire will fail spectacularly. Without Whites the electricity will be intermittent at best, fuel will be scarce, repairs will go undone and the U.S. will become one big Detroit from sea to shining sea.
Agreed. Something dreadful is on the way.