Poll: 60% Of Republicans Want Trump To Run In 2024; Just 37% Of Democrats Want Biden To

If these trends continue, it is a safer bet that Trump will be the GOP nominee in 2024 than Joe Biden will be the Democrat nominee.


“But the apparent closeness of the support for the two possible candidates may be deceptive. A closer look at the data shows a wide disparity in actual support for the two candidates within their own parties.

As the poll numbers clearly show, Trump’s support within the Republican Party is far stronger than Biden’s within the Democratic Party. Among Republicans, 60% said they wanted Trump to run again for president in 2024. In contrast, just 37% of Democrats wanted Biden to run again in three years, a devastating sign of Biden’s weakening support within his own party.

Among independents, 17% express support for a Trump run in 2024, compared to just 8% for Biden, a worrisome data point for Democrats hoping to attract swing voters in coming elections. …”

Maybe Hillary Clinton will launch her own 2024 Revenge Tour?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • I should add that the judge that blocked the vax mandate was a Trump appointee. You can probably count Trump’s achievements on one hand but that was significant.

      • >I should add that the judge that blocked the vax mandate was a Trump appointee

        While positive, it was a temporary injunction to allow litigation to proceed.

        linkJUST IN – U.S. Supreme Court declines to block New York vaccine mandate for health care workers. The mandate does not allow religious exemptions. … This is the first landmark decision regarding compulsory vaccinations in the United States by SCOTUS. 3 dissents: Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas. Roberts, Barrett, and Kavanaugh sided with the liberals.

        Both Barrett and Kavanaugh are Trump appointees, as is Gorsuch (who dissented) — so 2 of 3 Trump appointees failed to act against the mandate.

        But tell me more.

        • They sided with the liberals, because THEY are. One of them has several adopted joggers and is a college professor.
          So they block religious exemptions, when the Supreme Court is exempt from having to get the vax.
          This should scare anyone. The vax doesn’t even work, or have a deadened form of the virus for you to build immunity to. I read they aren’t going to release what’s in the vaccine for several decades, ala MLK records.

        • By the time it gets to the Supreme Court it will be last years vax but yeah, his Supreme Court nominees already drink baby blood from the looks of it.

  1. Dementia Joe could end up face down in the mashed potatoes any day now in spite of all the drugs he is injected with daily to try and keep him upright and somewhat coherent. He probably takes more steroids and other drugs than an Olympic Athlete running the 100 yard dash in record time.

    Cackling Kamala is Dementia Joe’s life insurance policy, she is so bad. If it were not for Cackling Kamala as VP the Deep State doctors would have already made a tragic mistake and accidentally given Mr. Prez. too much of Walter White’s blue crystal meth.

    There is no fixing this shit no matter who is Prez., it’s too far gone. All that’s left is the crack up. What comes after that is the big question.

  2. Don’t rule out Shitpants Joe just yet. If he thinks his chances of getting re-elected are in trouble he might finally bring this COVID insanity to an end and order a Nixonian 90 day wage and price freeze as way to stop rampant inflation. He might even do something about our undefended border with Mexshitco and replace Kamala with a halfway decent running mate. His entire adult life has been about nothing except running for political office, so he should have a pretty good idea about what needs to be done.

    • He might do all that until he gets reelected and than he will go back on it once he’s back in office. They’re politicians, they lie, cheat and break promises.

      Biden said he was against forced vaccines when he was running against Blumph and once he got into office he he changed his stance.

  3. They showed him this morning on the news and for a couple seconds his face had this blank, unusual expression that had to have been the dementia showing through. I do think he has something other than just old age slowing him down. That weird look is definitely something clinical. But wasn’t this not supposed to matter? Wasn’t the actual message that we weren’t supposed to worry because “the grownups in the room” in the democratic party was behind him and “the adults would soon be running the show again” wink, wink? The good thing about Biden being recognized as senile is that it has exposed the entire democratic apparatus behind him as completely incompetent and at odds with normal American life. Perhaps Americans really needed an actual lesson in how bad the crap their commie teachers have been telling them to do actually works out in practice. If they weren’t going to believe gramps, best to learn the hard way what happens when you ignore his advice.

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