Hey Family Guy, here’s Tony Sirico (Fox)#Sopranos #familyguy pic.twitter.com/DWNkS8MFoa
— 633 Stag Trail Road (@pityforyourself) December 16, 2021
Then watch this video.
Note: This is why we have the current banner.
Hey Family Guy, here’s Tony Sirico (Fox)#Sopranos #familyguy pic.twitter.com/DWNkS8MFoa
— 633 Stag Trail Road (@pityforyourself) December 16, 2021
Then watch this video.
Note: This is why we have the current banner.
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The ear-ringed, goat-bearded White in the video spews filthy language and seems irrational and zombie-like. Feeding on a nutrition-less diet of Fox News and other right-wing junk food, he has no taste for and would probably reject the alternative to the present system that he has never tried and doesn’t understand.
Secession or emigration are the only solutions as of now. The jews own both major political parties and the media, they control entertainment, the treasury, and education system. The teachers/professors brainwash the youth to hate whites and teach them critical theory and post-modernism. The jews won’t give up power, as they have a very powerful lock on American politics and society. In the long term, demographically, we’re doomed. Most republican voting whites just want a return to the trump or bush years, and nothing more.
About demographics.
In 1969 there was 70 million less white people in the US than today and your people were not doomed, your people landed on the Moon.
So maybe offloading a garbage population is not disaster but key to long term success ? In Eastern Europe it worked. Wars and revolutions and repressions and women’s rights and abortions wiped off our liberal filth and today our society is in better shape than 100 years ago when our societies were so rotten that Lenin got power with few hundred thugs
Society is like living room. Sometimes a little house cleaning is needed.
For the record, I’m not stunned; anyone who did not see this coming many years ago was willfully naive or not paying attention.
For me the Obama idolatry was the icing on that cake, in the sense that the adoring media coverage he got did not match the way many reasonable, ordinary people perceived him: as a shallow, phony man.
I still think the impact of the official acceptance of gay marriage in accelerating the general decay of civil society is dramatically underestimated and underappreciated.
My home state. The guy said it all. Fuck Joe Biden.
Nobody really talked about this storm damage nationally. Nobody cares about some hicks in bumfuck West Kentucky being blown away by some of the worst storm damage the region has seen.
This is farm country, Whitey lives here.
None of the analysis from the Hill is meaningful. Both those guys can suck an egg.
It’s notable that the usually Biden-serving New York Times, is now publishing ‘confirmation’ of the story of Ashley Biden’s diary suggesting inappropriate incestual conduct by her father Joe, daughter Ashley feeling molested as a child, NYT saying the diary is genuine with Joe painted as a psychologically brutal man toward his own children. The story is this, summary also on ZeroHedge:
Getting out of drug rehab – often involving writing a ‘diary’ – Ashley stayed at a friend’s house in Florida, then departed leaving some bags of belongings behind. A later guest at the house, then went thru Ashley’s possessions, it is suggested, and sold the diary to a venture capitalist pair, the diary then going on to Project Veritas and its publication in National File.
Wonder if what is afoot is a repeat of 1973-74, to dump Biden, but get rid of VP Kamala first like they got rid of Vice President Spiro Agnew before Nixon … After his resignation on a fairly minor corruption accusation that Agnew wanted to fight, Agnew went on TV to say they threatened to kill him to push him out, almost exactly 10 years after JFK … here’s a clip of ex-VP Agnew, ‘Go Quietly or Else’, 3min15s
The national divorce will not be amicable.