She is retiring this year after losing the midterms.
Note: Oops.
This was during the Fentanyl Floyd riots.

She is retiring this year after losing the midterms.
Note: Oops.
This was during the Fentanyl Floyd riots.
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That ugly goblin Nancy Pelosi just needs to go away and take OAC, Pocahontas, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Schiff, Charles Schumer and the rest of the cretins with her.
They forgot the Antifa and BLM violence and looting. Maybe it’s selective memory loss…
It seems 1/6 is the newest element of the secular American catechism — with 9/11 it was ‘they hate us for our freedom’, now with 1/6 it’s ‘they hate us for our democracy’ — back then they worried about a ‘backlash’ against muslims — I guarantee you today no one worries about a ‘backlash’ against Whites.
The scene is so obviously hypocritical. There are many things happening NOT to be silent about, that these Plutocrats’ puppets should be reflecting on! I wonder if Pelosi, and even Biden, have been briefed honestly on the current “insurrection” operation in Kazakhstan that is designed “to create a new Maidan right before the Russia/US-NATO talks in Geneva and Brussels next week, to prevent any kind of agreement (…) and to “force Russia to back down by creating a major distraction in their Eastern front, as part of a rolling strategy of chaos all along Russia’s borders,” says Pepe Escobar today. But these career politicians don’t think or really care about anything but wealth and Big Business. These so-called peoples’ representatives are the puppets of Plutocracy.
@ The U.S. capitol building, the world’s largest brothel, with mama San Pelosi, leading by example, the Satanic Pedophile ring, known as the democratic party, deserve the rabbit hole they find themselves in, Beta hysterics…….
Terry- It’s more than that, and worse than that. The Senate and House are both liturgical/covenantal HOUSES OF FALSE WORSHIP. Their ‘god’? “We, the People.” Pelosi is a whoring bitch Priestess of satanic perversion, and Schumer is the Judas goat in the Room ‘where it happens.’ That she thinks her Catholi-schism will save her, damns her even more. She is accursed. She already looks like a corpse. Her soul is no longer resident in her body. She is undead.
Anathema sit.
They’re all hypocrites.
Always keep in mind Democratic Party is composed of three major groups, Catholics, Jews, and Blacks.
Never forget “mainline Protestantism” and “Christian Zionists” are the reason Jews run America.
Those parasitic marxtard cretins make me want to vomit.
She’s a lunatic. The sooner she leaves office, the better.
All of those old 20th Century relics need to go. Along with their antiquated and irrelevant politics.
No, the best accelerationist position is that she should be encouraged to be even more rabid and insane than she already is. If she gets wild enough, maybe (((her owners))) might decide she’s a hazard to the cause and opt for the involuntary retirement program.
What’s with the african scarves??
Worship of the majestic Black. That is what America is all about now.
What header pic doesn’t show, is the daemon that they’re kneeling before.
That corrupt zionist bitch should lead a moment of silence for Ashlii Babbitt and for Biden’s cognition.
i will not return to school until Monday so I was surfing the internet and found this song. It reminded me of you so I give it. Yes, it is off topic but then I find many subjects on this website bewildering. I hope this comes out right. Computers are like magic to me at times.
Nice song, but think of all the Erikas who became war widows and many of the prettiest emigrated after they were re-married to soldiers who invaded Germany. The song should have inspired Germans to reject Naziism and refuse to fight its war.
Comrade anonymous,
I believe in lamenting all the misery and casualties in that war and all the others as well.
Erika song has certain musical elements of a norteño narcocorrido. Pensaba que te habias agüevado de este sitio de la mala muerte, encomendera.
“Bella Ciao,” the marching song of the Italian Anti-fascists in Italy and Spain, saying goodbye to wives and girlfriends: “One fine morning I woke up early, and found the fascists at my door (…) And if I die as a partisan, goodbye, my beautiful one, goodbye, my lovely, goodbye, bye, bye. And if I die as a partisan, you have to bury me, Bury me up there on the mountain…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPwusUrGsGM
Ha! That was funny.– The second sentence.
You know Mexico. Norteña music developed in the late 19th century, as a mixture between local Mexican music and Austrian-Czech-origin folk music. This according to an article on the topic.
I know Mexico? Like the Mexican government says, “Wherever there are Mexicans, you have Mexico.” I’ve actually only spent one week in Mexico on a business trip.
Then I rephrase it. You know Mexicans.
We need a moment of silence for Ashlie Babbitt, and victims of BLM and Antifa riots.
@Goose – Truly, that would be the most appropriate, grace-filled commemoration for 1/6. But, alas, we are ruled by hypocrites, psychopaths, and demonic virtue-signalers; so that will not be the case.
Completely off topic, I saw in a recent post of yours (from around New Year’s Day) a mention that you are an Australian… I had mentally profiled you as being from the United Kingdom, so that was interesting to learn! You are one of the posters here that I specifically pay attention to as always being insightful and meaningful to read. I wish you all the best in 2022.
Pelosi is a obsessed old bat who has been in power too long, like…all of them. She just has a creepy look in her eyes, and I remember how she ripped up Trump’s speech on TV. She’s really a kind of Norma Desmond of Capitol Hill. There is a real moral and racial crime in our allowing people like this to dominate our system. national catastrophe is what we deserve.
Cristina Romana: Good to hear from you. Erika is a favorite of mine, and when I was in Trader Joe’s, the salesgirl waiting on me was named Erika, and I mentioned the song, and even sang the first verse. She brightened and said it was a neat song.
Have you heard “Lilli Marleen?”
I responded hours ago but it never posted so I try again. Yes I love the song Lilli Marlene. I do not know which version you prefer so I give you this one. I am part German on my father’s side which is why I have brown hair.
First of all, welcome back. I thought that perhaps your father did not permit you to comment on OD, as the cause of your absence.
Merry Orthodox Christmas. LOL.
I love that song, and by the 380K thumbs up, and over 20 million plays, so do a lot of other folks.
I played “Erika” for a first and second generation German family in my neighborhood at a BBQ this summer. That opened up their stories of their father and Opa about his service to Deutschland during the Anglo War for Jewish Hegemony.
Even today, many young men (and women) that have a fondness for the heroes of the Reich, still listen to “Erika,” in the same vein as Southerners play “Dixie.”
Thank you for that.
My first response did not clear so I try again. You are welcome. My father now thinks that I am old enough to either ignore insults or leave a website. Another German WW 2 song that I love is the following.
That was a very rousing song. I never heard that one before.
Did you know that Swedes we’re singing it?
This is perhaps my favorite song of that era. It was written for a National Socialist martyr murdered by (((communists))) in Weimar Berlin in January 1930.
I am not sure I have heard that before. Excellent song.
@trotsky-leninist anonymous,
You mean the prettiest German women that survived the mass reaping so and murders by your Red Army fellow travelers and janissaries, right?
The (((western all-lies))) did more than their fair share of raping women in France, Italy, and Germany as well.
May all the (((all-lied))) war criminals rot in hell.
Never forget the real Holocausts committed by the communist slavs and Anglo forces during that unnecessary war, all at the jews’s behest and benefit.
Rest assured all unrepentant war criminals that fought for any cause do go to hell.
I have sometimes linked to useful articles on wsws, but I’m not Trotskyist. Trotsky’s “permanent global revolution” element was sabotaging and would have destroyed Soviet Russia. Second, I know and I agree about the rapes and other atrocities committed by the Western allies, including U.S. soldier “heroes,” once they knew they had the upper hand over German people. I’ve heard first hand accounts.
*mass rapings
Btw, the (((French resistance))) were communists.
Yes and France is arguably the first nation to move toward it, the first real revolution, 1789.