1/6 Coverage Flopped

For a peculiar type of sanctimonious American who have college degrees and professional class jobs and who are libtards who live back East and who have the “moral clarity” to stand in the breach with Joe Biden against “the dagger aimed at the throat of democracy,” Thursday was “1/6.”


“According to a Fox News press release, FNC defeated CNN “in every hour across both categories” as the Jeff Zucker-led channel was only able to fetch 742,869 total viewers overall and 139,202 across Thursday in the demo.

MSNBC was able to best CNN in total viewers with about 1.049 million viewers, but narrowly lost in the 25-54 group as the Comcast-owned property garnered just 136,019 viewers.

And in the key 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Eastern block during which President Biden and Vice President Harris delivered remarks from Statuary Hall, CNN and MSNBC still couldn’t pull in a sizable audience. …”

Every day is 1/6 now.

1/6 was like Fort Sumter or Pearl Harbor or 9/11 or Hamburger Hill or Fallujah – maybe it was worse than like ALL of these things combined – for precious New York and DC-based Millennial journos. They are still traumatized by it to this day. 1/6 was the scariest thing that has ever happened in their sheltered lives.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Adam Green is the only person I have ever looked at and definitively said ‘”this guy is an op”. An extremely creepy looking Jew who brings on his fat bald Muslim friend to attack Christianity and mock Christians five days a week. Adam Greenstein only exists to cause division with the autistics that hold grudges against mommy and daddy for making them go to church

  1. The “media” still thinks they control the story. They don’t. Everybody has their own places to go to find what the real news is. But In their blue bubbles, it’s always 1970 and deep throat just happened, Walter Cronkite is the person everybody turns on to find out the news, etc. That world is just gone, gone, gone. And they ironically, caused it. just too much BS, lies, and stupid. So of course, Jan 6 flops, “if thou summons spirits from the vasty deep, will they come” not, apparently anymore …

  2. When you constantly beat a dead horse, it goes nowhere. Just like when the blacks constantly cry racism and the jews constantly cry antisemitism. The boy that cries wolf comes to mind.

  3. “Everybody has their own places to go to find what the real news is. ”

    I think you’re giving the average citizen credit for more intelligence than they have.

  4. “. Just like when the blacks constantly cry racism and the jews constantly cry antisemitism. ”

    There are more gullible suckers than you realize.

  5. It’s shameful that MSNBC or CNN have any viewers. A test pattern has more informative value and less annoying.

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