David French: A Nation of Christians Is Not Necessarily a Christian Nation

Virtually everyone sees it now.

I was far ahead of the curve though in 2015.

David French:

“Of all the remembrances of January 6, the most searing for me was a simple tweet thread. It came from a Presbyterian pastor named Duke Kwon, and it was a photo compilation of Christian imagery on January 6. There were crosses, Bibles, public prayers, and Christian flags amid the tear gas. In fact, Christian flags and symbols were on the front lines of the fighting, carried like men used to carry regimental colors into battle. …

Here’s a challenging reality: America has become more just—and thus closer to the ideals one would expect of a Christian nation—as white Protestant power has waned. The United States of 2022 is far more just than it was in 1822 or 1922 or 1952 or even 1982. And while white Protestants have undeniably been part of that story—they were indispensable to the abolitionist movement, for example—the elevation of other voices has made a tremendous difference. …

I make this observation not to state that white American Protestants are uniquely problematic. The history of Christian power wielded by virtually any Christian faction anywhere is replete with examples of injustice and abuse. Nor are Christians uniquely terrible. We’ve seen the awful consequences of corrupt religion throughout world history and throughout world religions. We still see it today. …”

In 2022, David French has become a punchline.

By and large, White evangelicals have thrown off the yoke of cucks like David French and Russell Moore. They have only become more radicalized since 1/6.

Note: This poll came out about a year ago.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Great balls of fire. What a loathsome, wretched, sniveling little cuck. Next to Victor Davis Hanson is there a more horrible person in “conservativism”?

    • Agreed.I used to think Hanson was okay but then he mocked Southerners and said he loves the races to mix(both his nieces married beaners,he approves).French must must must be a Jew.How can he not be.French and Russell Moore have earned their place in Hell with their father.

      • Anyone supportive of race-mixing is supporting genocide, destruction of God’s creation, and destruction of thousands of years of evolution.

    • They are given a ‘sponsored’ platform by their satanic paymasters to spew out this drivel.

      Again, pointing to the critical need for more WHITE media.

    • John- “I wonder if the jew feels the same about Israel not being a country for jews.”
      Not on your latkes, they don’t!

      “America has become more just—and thus closer to the ideals one would expect of a Christian nation—as white Protestant power has waned. ” What a completely GODLESS and ANTICHRISTIAN thing to say, on so many levels!

      1) “By and large, White evangelicals have thrown off the yoke of cucks like David French and Russell Moore. They have only become more radicalized since 1/6.”- Tank you, HW. For a second I was wondering where you were going with this post…

      2) the very concept of ‘just’ and ‘justice’ cannot be spoken of, without the notion of Righteousness.
      While there are two words in Hebrew for the two different English terms, in Biblical Greek (i.e., that of the LXX, and the Greek NT- that word is [dikaiosyn?]. Strong’s concordance has these meanings for it:

      “justice, justness, righteousness, righteousness of which God is the source or author, but practically: a divine righteousness.”

      3) Liberals (and godless bastards like Frenchfry) want to rip the concept of just/justice to mean what THEY want it to mean- what Dr. Farrell says is the GNOSTIC paradigm that assaulted Christendom over and over again, from the days of the Apostles to today. When they do that, they achieve two things: a) they remove God (and His Law) from all consideration; and b) they get to define the very term/idea they are trying to destroy. Things like ‘migrant workers,’ or ‘notions of Gender,’ or ‘sexual preference’ for the more exact terms like “‘illegal aliens” “men have penises, women have vaginas,’ or ‘abominations before the Lord- sodomites, lesbians, trannies, etc.’

      4) What French is spewing here, “…and thus closer to the ideals one would expect of a Christian nation—as white Protestant power has waned.” is the EXACT same thesis of a book I stumbled across, almost 30 years ago, in the ELCA Library in St. Paul. The book was ‘Must God Remain Greek?’ and was written by a n*gger named Robert E Hood- a ‘hood’ resident, whose premise was that concepts (even the person of Christ?) were being ‘held captive’ by the Greek thought and forms that the Apostles, Christ, St. Paul and the early Church gave them, and that African [sic] ‘theology’ needed to ‘free herself’ from this.

      The ‘take-away’ from this p.o.s. book was this: Yes, we can ‘free’ God from these viewpoints, but ONLY if we (in typical Gnostic/Marxist fashion) RE-DEFINE GOD, CHRIST, THE CHURCH, etc. In other words, CREATE A NEW WORLD ORDER (or religion). Thanks, but NO THANKS.

      5) French is a supreme Idolator, in that he cannot even bear the marks of Adamity in his own person, because he believes that White Men no longer INCARNATE the very ICON of God- i.e. Jesus Christ.
      What I mean as summation, is that to be Christian, is to BE WHITE/GREEK/EUROPEAN. No other race, no other cultural paradigm can EVER incarnate Christ as the West/Europe has done. And that’s about as close to a CI paradigm as has been seen, since WWI. If, indeed, nancymen like Frenchfry are advocating this, We might as well restore HItlerian nations of a Master Race, because, if the West abandons even her Christlikeness, then the opposite is all that’s left to us. As one of the fathers [Athanasius] said, “Christ became Man, so that Man could become God.” This is only meant for Caucasoid man, and none other.

      May God smite David French, and he die in agony for his Blasphemy [I John 4:3]

      • You’ve scored a direct hit on the bullseye, Fr. John. I could almost hear the ‘shack’ sound. Here’s the money quote:

        The ‘take-away’ from this p.o.s. book was this: Yes, we can ‘free’ God from these viewpoints, but ONLY if we (in typical Gnostic/Marxist fashion) RE-DEFINE GOD, CHRIST, THE CHURCH, etc. In other words, CREATE A NEW WORLD ORDER (or religion). Thanks, but NO THANKS.

        Indeed they do. Whether it’s the Mainline Prots redefining God and Christ as Gaia and MLK, or the Magatard Evangelicals redefining as Israel and Judeo-Chist, in the end this redefinition is as Satan and Lucifer. Their “theology”, regardless of how labyrinthine it appears to be, is always best summed up by Crowley’s four words: Do What Thou Wilt.

    • He’s a homely man, and it seems he has a lot of malice toward his own kind, that’s if he IS white. He is obviously jealous of real men.

  2. A Christian defends and protects the weak and the innocent. He does not go around saying who is good and who is no good, that is what Jews do. It is easy to point fingers of blame when you got a mob behind you, it is much harder to stand up to the mob and tell them they are wrong when you got no one behind you.

    • When the Jew mob comes to kill an innocent man who did no wrong because they did not like what he had to say, will you stand up to the mob or will you be silent and allow the killing to be done. We know David French will allow it to happen, you can see it ans feel it in his words. French has that beard for a reason, he wants to be a Jew. He wants to be a Christ killer.

  3. French Fry, seems to think anybody cares what he thinks. I hardly think modern America is more”just”. I always notice that “justice” to these people is just whatever happens to be hip, progressive, and cool. The Church of what’s Hip to the “educated” class. Which ain’t the same as virtue. Abortion as a secular sacrament, every kind of sexual perversion running rampet, looting murder, rioting, hating on half the population because they don’t agree with you, stupid wars, undermining healthy families, etc,etc, yes, let’s have more such “just” country. What a loon.

  4. David The Cuck….Who does his wife at night…? Who ever does this cuck’s wife at night…..somewhere from the Dark Continent….While Dave lies underneath the bed…..

  5. The Conservatives Christian case for atheism.

    It feels like everyone once popular is beyond parody now, both in and out of the mainstream. I guess this is the inevitable consequence of mass societal radicalization.

  6. The Jews paying David French’s bills don’t like Christians and don’t like the history of white America. Tell us something we didn’t know.

  7. The thing is that we’re only upholding egalitarian views from a very birds eye world trade center type of view. Yes a few more blacks get promoted now. But fundamentally life for the average person isn’t as much better as it should be with how much better our tech and science is.

  8. French is a punchline except for the most cucked remnants of “True Conservatism” Russell Moore has been driven out of the SBC even as the remnant becomes more Black and more Globohomo. Beth Moore has been driven out too, and told what part of “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence (1 Timothy 2:12)” didn’t she understand.

  9. David French is a faggot.

    Not all fags are homosexuals and not all homosexuals are fags – but there is a definite correlation.

    Just look at him and then hear, read what he says which is always to deny our replacement, deny our dispossession or else say it’s a good thing to be ruled by 3rd world, diseased Black race hustlers and criminals.

  10. Only in the world of creepy perverts with philosophy degrees …does the above not necessarily hold true….

    If the axiomatic foundation of someone’s life includes the axiom that mutilated Tranny Freaks with Satan horn protruding from the head shall have the legal right to read children’s stories to two and three year old children in Public Libraries…..well, David The Cuck’s philosophic reasoning would be axiomatically congenial……The rest of us recoil in disgust….

  11. Yes, America was stronger when it was “less Christian” when it payed a lot of attention to the Old Testament which was a far superior book to the tacked on New Testament. The Old Testament resonated with the frontier experience and gave advice for survival in a dangerous world. The “New Testament” is all about Paul, even the “Christ” in it is really about Paul…a rich Greco elite preaching a pro Pax Romani philosophy in an occupied land that was about as popular as if a contemporary Palestinian went around preaching a pro Israeli philosophy. The real Jesus wouldn’t have drawn any crowds in 1st century Palestine teaching what is claimed of him, the real Jesus was probably part of the zealot movement preaching fundamentalism, circumcision, Mosaic dietary laws, etc. That was all rewritten by Paul when he created a new monotheistic religion for the Greeks all about submitting to Caesar and dreaming about pie in the sky.

    • @ Nightowl , I also love the fire and brimstone of the older testament, Jesus fulfilled olde testament law, completely, his blood, his grace is enough, paul suffered for the Lord, surely you can respect and appreciate that…..

  12. @ Our banner, the Confederate battle flag, with the exception, of the crucifix itself, is the most christian symbol of our lord, of our faith, our identity, too be a Confederate, is too be a “CRUSADER” !!!…..

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