New York Times: This Isn’t Your Old Toxic Masculinity

I was just thinking about this last night.

A century ago, New York City was on the way up in American culture. It was surging in wealth, population and cultural influence. It had superseded the previous era of regional cultures to become the metropole like Paris in France. The “mainstream” was in its youth and the nascent liberal intelligentsia was headquartered there. New York was in the Jazz Age and was associated with glamour and the future like in The Great Gatsby. It enticed the rest of the country which from the 1920s forward got its values and news from a tiny cultural elite New York in a way that had not previously been the case.

New York Times:

“Toxic masculinity is so 2017.

It hasn’t disappeared, of course, but in the years since #MeToo, many men have been trying to drop the stoicism and anger that have long warped masculinity. Some are seeking therapy. Others have enrolled in workshops and men’s groups in an effort to get in touch with their feelings and become better men. For better or worse, everyone you know is watching “Ted Lasso.” The strong, silent type is losing some of his allure.

My personal relationship to masculinity is fraught. I spent my first 31 years moving through spaces where I didn’t feel I belonged, and I was often told implicitly or explicitly that I wasn’t performing maleness correctly. I cried often as a child, and a cousin once pulled me aside to tell me that as a boy I should never cry unless I had a cut running from my eye to my ankle. In high school, after telling my best friend that my grandfather died, he asked me to please leave his house if I was planning to cry.

Two years ago, I came out as a nonbinary trans person. Expressing my true gender identity did not immediately fix my relationship with vulnerability, but it led me to delve deeper into what vulnerability is and how it can operate. …”

2022 is a long way from 1922.

Do you get the sense that this has changed over the past few decades? While New York values still enchant some people, it seems like its soft power has declined from, say, the Johnny Carson days in the 1960s.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We need to reintroduce bullies into adolescent society for the same reason that timber wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park.

    • @Spahn you need to watch the “21 Jump Street” movie. I can’t stand Jonah Hill but the movie had some funny moments dealing with what you just said. Tatum thinks the way to fit in is to play the cool guy bully role. He calls a few kids “faggot” jokingly, talks about sports, shoves another kid and hits on a girl.
      The popular kids are aghast and call him a homophobic racist toxic male and that is how it really is. I talk to my nephews about it all the time and isn’t like when I was in high school not that long ago in the early 2000s.

      Black kids and black culture are worshipped and trans gay kids are the new jocks on the totem pole. If there is a good looking white girl you can bet she is with a black guy as they feel to say no would be racist and they will get in trouble. The only bullying is by the gay trans kids. They somehow manage to dominate everyone because the offensive lineman knows if he responds back he will get kicked out of school

      • “The only bullying is by the gay trans kids.” Yup. Biblical Law, across the board. Stone the uppity freaks. NO ONE should have to tolerate this perversion. AT ALL.

  2. A mentally ill, sexually disoriented man like “Alex McElroy” is not going to get the psychiatric help he needs if everyone around him goes along with his bizarre fantasies and pretends to regard him as a female. In fact it will only make his situation worse.

    • Again, this is kosher truth inversion.

      It’s feminism that is,toxic. The media has turned most women into repulsive creatures.

  3. The Establishment infotainment media must surely be circling the drain if they have to appeal to effete urban shitlibs as their primary audience.

  4. Shlomo ditched London for New York about 1913 and used it as a launching pad to enslave the entire planet.

  5. This freak needs to come out of the closet and proclaim his adoration for the Moshiach in all his wondrous girth goodness. Come out Alex, the Moshiach loves you, the Moshiach needs you, and the Moshiach must have you……from behind of course.

  6. The part about the friend telling the author to leave the house if he was planning to cry had me crackin the hell up. Big shocker he turned trans whatever. You need therapy now if your stoic and your “normal” if your a rudderless effeminate emotional mess, falling into a pile of tears at the slightest bit of conflict or stress, right. Clearly a “man” raised solely by women.

    These are silly people. Kind of scary if people like this wield power of any kind when they should be in a straight jacket. People like this also take ingest imbibe lot’s of chemicals, legal and illegal.

  7. Been thinking about male toughness in society decades ago — men that would bully a male to death if he tried to act like a sexual deviant. Maybe it is because I listened last night to Johnny Cash’s hit “A Boy Named Sue” and today just happens to be the anniversary (1/13/1968) of Johnny Cash’s visit to Folsom Prison. His hit “A Boy Named Sue” was first played at his later visit to San Quentin in 1969.

    Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison is the first live album by American singer-songwriter Johnny Cash, released on Columbia Records on May 6, 1968. After his 1955 song “Folsom Prison Blues”, Cash had been interested in recording a performance at a prison. His idea was put on hold until 1967, when personnel changes at Columbia Records put Bob Johnston in charge of producing Cash’s material. Cash had recently controlled his drug abuse problems, and was looking to turn his career around after several years of limited commercial success. Backed by June Carter, Carl Perkins, and the Tennessee Three, Cash performed two shows at Folsom State Prison in California on January 13, 1968. The album consists of 15 songs from the first show and two from the second.

    Despite little initial investment by Columbia, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison was a hit in the United States, reaching number one on the country charts and the top 15 of the national album chart. The lead single, a live version of “Folsom Prison Blues”, was a top 40 hit, Cash’s first since 1964’s “Understand Your Man”. At Folsom Prison received positive reviews and revitalized Cash’s career, becoming the first in a series of live albums recorded at prisons that includes At San Quentin (1969), På Österåker (1973), and A Concert Behind Prison Walls (1976). The album was rereleased with additional tracks in 1999, a three-disc set in 2008, and a five LP box set with bonus rehearsals in 2018 for Record Store Day. It was certified triple platinum in 2003 for US sales exceeding three million.
    — Wikipedia: “At Folsom Prison”

    Johnny Cash at San Quentin is the 31st overall album by Johnny Cash, recorded live at San Quentin State Prison on February 24, 1969, and released on June 16 of that same year. The concert was filmed by Granada Television, produced and directed by Michael Darlow.[3] The album was the second in Cash’s conceptual series of live prison albums that also included At Folsom Prison (1968), På Österåker (1973), and A Concert Behind Prison Walls (1976).

    The album was certified gold on August 12, 1969, platinum and double platinum on November 21, 1986, and triple platinum on March 27, 2003, by the RIAA. The album was nominated for a number of Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year and won Best Male Country Vocal Performance for “A Boy Named Sue.”
    — Wikipedia: “At San Quentin”

    You young people can get a glimpse of the difference between society now and 50+ years ago — listen to this humorous song “A Boy Named Sue”. There is a lot of truth in it about society back then.

    • Live at Folsom/San Quentin are landmark albums and did restart JC’s career. After their release Cash had a short-lived but excellent variety show on ABC and met with President Nixon in the White House. He also married into the famous Carter Family of gospel singers. Those were the days when America was still great, but not for much longer.

  8. NY state as a whole is actually big and had a lot to offer, minus the politics and expense. If you want to be packed in like sardines, you have NYC. IF you like blue collar middle class neighborhoods you have the outskirts of NYC such as long Island. IF you prefer the wide open wilderness and mountains, you have upstate NY which is still pretty cheap to live. Unfortunately, the guns laws suck.

  9. My family lived in Yonkers and out on the Island in those post WWII suburban residential developments with tiny yards where all the houses were identical. A lot of Greeks, Pollocks and Italians in those neighborhoods. Not too many shitlibs though.

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