If I was the Jews, I would fire Jonathan Greenblatt for repeatedly making a fool out of himself, discrediting the ADL and confirming so many anti-Semitic narratives and stereotypes. He has one job. He is failing badly at it by almost every metric!
Note: It is so bad that Jews are now laughing with us at Greenblatt. It is like watching Brian Stelter flailing as a “journalist.”

Pope Nosferatu’s ex-Kathedra decrees coming so fast it’s causing his hands to rub back and forth so they now sound like a swamp full of crickets on a steamy southern night. Just remember kiddies, according to the ADL’s holy book the Talmud, Leo Frank, Jimmy Saville and Jeffrey Epstein did nothing wrong. They were upright, moral and righteous members of the Synagogue who paid the fair price to join the outfit. Meyer Lansky, another righteous mensch, was a famous longtime supporter of the this fine organization as well. The ADL: Standing up for Jew Pedophiles since 1914. These are the lovely folks who are literally issuing orders to every member of the badge-gang from FBI headquarters to your local gendarmerie.
Hey, goyim baby blood was in short supply before Planned Parenthood made it an industry. Can you imagine really wanting a cold beer on a hot afternoon and all the local bar taps are out?
Re: “members of the Synagogue who paid the fair price to join”:
Besides membership dues for ADL , I understand there is a charge to join and to remain in a synagogue, unlike churches that have FREE membership and attendance. But there are exceptions for hardship cases, and you can pay the annual dues in installments. Tickets to attend High Holy Day services may be extra.
However some churches are following the Pharisaic model, being “run as a business” with profit and loss (but not selling stocks yet) and requiring tithing (giving ten percent of income) as a condition of membership and salvation, and other fees for various services.
Anonymous not only are there major fees but they charge world series game seven prices for high holidays. I have listened to coworkers speak about it and they were saying that showing your face at the right Temple is a must. You also see it in TV shows like Entourage. In Manhattan and LA if you are a movie producer or network head you are expected to be a member of the most prestigious temple. It is a lot like country clubs except every Jewish person I knew valued their country club as much as their temple. If you cant get rosh shoshana tickets or the right golf club you are not a player. It seems strange to me as every Church i have ever belonged to takes pride in not turning away the worst dregs of society but at the same time it makes sense. Status is like an id card
The Jews just wanted to be treated fairly without having to return the favor in an way shape or form.. When are the Christ killers going to be fair to us, that is what I want to know. WHEN? When Moshiach gets here?
>> When are the Christ killers going to be fair to us, that is what I want to know. WHEN? When Moshiach gets here?
That must be sarcasm.
They are upset because whoopee cushion revealed that most blacks view them as superwhites.
When you live in the chosenite glass house, delusions are hard to handle.
Since it leaves out “people of color” and “White people” it seems better than the previous definition. But I didn’t click on the link (“more about this definition”) to read all the details. I suppose that’s where “people of color” and “White people” may be added. Talmudists are not included in any of the defiinitions, and the definitions are never applied to the case of the indigenous people of Palestine who are being worse than discriminated against. They are being literally genocided – by any definition of genocide!
“Jews are now laughing with us at Greenblatt”:
Is this because he is the whipping boy, the one who has to make necessary public relations gestures towards the Palestinians, like about “maybe” slowing the increasing pace of Israeli settlement just a little bit?
Disgusting kike vampire ????
I say let the jews at the adl keeping digging their grave and when the hole is deep enough jewblatt can shovel the dirt over the corpse of the adl.
Shut up, Noseferatu!