This isn’t the first time the science has surprised us.
Most famously, the science changed around the time of the George Floyd riots when the mobs emerged from the lockdowns to engage in a righteous orgy of violence with the blessing of public health officials. Then it changed again last May when the CDC lifted its mask recommendation and Joe Biden went out on a limb and celebrated Independence Day from COVID on July 4th.
If a new variant emerges and the progressive base rebels again like last June over the loosening of COVID restrictions, the science might change yet again on us.

Check this out:
“Roughly one-third of men are either unemployed or out of the workforce. More U.S. men ages 18 to 34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners.”
>Roughly one-third of men are either unemployed or out of the workforce
How bad this is depends on the reasons and the data for the various age cohorts (I did not read the article yet).
>More U.S. men ages 18 to 34 are now living with their parents than with romantic partners
This sounds (and is) bad; how does this compare to other times in history?
Regular updates on inflation and the cost of living are posted on this site — if you look into it, the cost of housing in many cities and suburban areas (where most of the jobs are) is shockingly high — of course this is a big part of what is sometimes called affordable family formation — then add student loan debt into the equation — Carlson has covered this on his show too, e.g. how society is making it impossible for young people to start an independent life as their parents did.
Yes indeed. “Science” a field now as completely pozzed as English literature. Fauci is truly their posterboy. Take it from “President” Shitpants himself:
Their constituents are pissed out all the covid paranoia and petty regulations. This is all about their internal polling showing their pets may not show up at the polls in November. They also seem to be watching what is going on in Canada and are smart enough not to want to look as stubborn and unpopular as Trudeau.
Carlson’s regime critical show is generally very good (some segments are excellent) and in that sense valuable, maybe even invaluable, since there is really nothing else like it in mainstream media — and I understand the limitations of being on a major network, even Fox — but here you see that ultimately it would not be unfair to describe him as a colorblind civic nationalist, with conservatard leanings — but today I don’t see how any white person could not be aware of just how threatening being a minority in America is for them.
There’s something deeply revealing about the “educated” people who heart #Science so much. Its not about what the science itself says, its about looking smarter and better then everyone else. Its about pride and ego.
“Unlike those rubes and rednecks in the backwoods with their guns and their Bible, I’m a rational fellow who Follows The Science. I’m about facts and logic. And I trust the word of the experts who do the research on #Science and tell us what they found. They don’t lie, because they don’t have an agenda, because #Science is unbiased.”
There’s not a single educated PMC type who doesn’t abide by that sentiment. They exist among Normies, they exist in the Pro-White Movement. I’m bothered that the White Race produces those type of people at all. College Educated Whites and PMCs need to be replaced in their neighborhoods by Section 8, replaced in their jobs by Pajeets, and replaced at the top levels of power by Jews.
#Science is the Catholic Church of the 21st century. And Fauci is the goddamned Pope.
DP- Raised a simple issue about masks being merely a psychological crutch for those who haven’t yet heard that the ‘science’ has changed..in places like Sweden, etc.
( and if the science has changed…like toilet paper- can we ‘roll’ Fauci into a GULAG, prior to public hangings?)
And you would have thought I denied the Trinity (actually, most of my ‘christian’ colleagues already do… stupid, godless Prots…)!
Remember that poll that said highly educated PhD’s weren’t vaccine ‘true believers’?!- well, that ain’t the case, where I am. THESE former Hitlery devotees WORSHIP THIS DAMNED KILL SHOT. And ALL are going to die from it, and THAT will be their false sacrament of ‘last rites’…. straight to Hell.
“Though you pound a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him.” (Prov. 27:22)
God have mercy on the Whites of America.
There’s something deeply revealing about the “educated” people who heart #Science so much. Its not about what the science itself says, its about looking smarter and better then everyone else. Its about pride and ego.
You’ve done a fine job of seeing through the bullshit here. The moralistic preening of the PMCs has nothing to do with actual science, nor has it anything to do with actual knowledge of the issue. They get their “science” from Fauci and their knowledge of the issue from CNN, et al. (gaslight media propaganda). It’s all about proving their higher status to those who pull the strings. Sometimes when they’re preening about their superiority it’s useful to toss a simple question their way: What ever happened to “My body, my choice?” It’s unlikely to cause them to actually think, for most are incapable. It nevertheless derails their insufferable pompous pontificating, even if only for a time.
As Fr. John noted, they could be pounded in a mortar like crushed grain yet their folly would remain. Kipling picked up the theme later on and noted that “the burnt fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the fire” – and so it does.