Joe Rogan rips into media:
— TheBlaze (@theblaze) February 11, 2022
“The answer isn’t to silence me. The answer is for you to do better.” pic.twitter.com/fYoBj6AAa9
Joe Rogan’s use of the n-word is another January 6 moment – CNN https://t.co/JhrVTmAEgz
— John K. Blake (@JohnBlakeCNN) February 13, 2022
As I said this morning, the “journalists” are getting worse at their jobs. The “mainstream media” also no longer really exists.
“(CNN) – The podcaster Joe Rogan did not join a mob that forced lawmakers to flee for their lives. He never carried a Confederate flag inside the US Capitol rotunda. No one died trying to stop him from using the n-word.
But what Rogan and those that defend him have done since video clips of him using the n-word surfaced on social media is arguably just as dangerous as what a mob did when they stormed the US Capitol on January 6 last year.
Rogan breached a civic norm that has held America together since World War II. It’s an unspoken agreement that we would never return to the kind of country we used to be.
That agreement revolved around this simple rule:
A White person would never be able to publicly use the n-word again and not pay a price.
Rogan has so far paid no steep professional price for using a racial slur that’s been called the “nuclear bomb of racial epithets.” It may even boost his career. That’s what some say happened to another White entertainer who was recently caught using the word. …”
Oh … he broke one of our precious norms!
This is like Louis Theroux in his documentary on Nick Fuentes and the Groypers wokesplaining that we can’t joke about non-Whites because of historical differences in power between racial groups.
In the old days, there were only a few large platforms based in New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC. The news cycle was made in these places. The news was then vertically beamed down out across the country where it was passively consumed by a captive audience. Gatekeepers controlled the narrative and determined who had access to these platforms. Louis Theroux would go out on safari and shine a spotlight on weirdos like the Westboro Baptist Church who were laughed at by the professional class.
Today, the “mainstream media” is still doing the same thing, but the people who are watching can shine the spotlight back on the people on television like Don Lemon or Brian Stelter and mock them. They can talk to each other and organize and spread news horizontally across all kinds of platforms.

“The answer is for you to do better.”
That will be a cold day in hell.
“we can’t joke about non-Whites because of historical differences in power between racial groups.”
As if the vast majority of WHITES haven’t been powerless.
Joe Rogan should been talking about the H-1B…L1B visa program for the past ten years…..The N word is just silly shock jock stuff that does not challenge the WHITE GENOCIDE system in any serious way…
“Journalist” today read what their bosses dictate off a teleprompter. They don’t investigate anything in real time. They’re just reactionary robots.
This is such a f**king distraction and non-controversy. He said nigger er I mean nigga out loud, holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEMOCRACY IN PERIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The media oligarchs want full on CCP level censorship and the end of the internet as we knew it. Rogan gives various guests a full hour for a detailed discussion of various items, (as varied as Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking about how Pluto was an overhyped 30s media event over an asteroid and not really a true planet sized mass, to health experts skeptical over the necessity of the lockdowns.) He is very popular and fairly vanilla, yet they can’t allow him and want to crush him for this very reason. No spontaneous open discussion anymore, everything has to be well thought out in advance by a committee of their “college educated” political commissars. No free speech, no open discussions. They are so in bed with the CCP they want their system of media here and see it as the final step to making them “safe” in the diaspora. Which of course it won’t, someone with neurosis always finds something to worry about and if they had their way they will find something else to attack.
“Rogan breached a civic norm that has held America together since World War II. It’s an unspoken agreement that we would never return to the kind of country we used to be.
That agreement revolved around this simple rule:
A White person would never be able to publicly use the n-word again and not pay a price.”
Only God can do that, and HE has said it is OK to hate the ‘other’ and to keep them in subjection for eternity- JUST LIKE THE JEWS’ TALMUD does, to the GOYIM.
FUCKING, GOD-DAMNED KIKES. They all deserve to die. Rom. 1:32