The Washington Post is contacting people whose donation info was leaked and who gave as little as 40 dollars to the truckers to ask them why they did so
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) February 16, 2022
Email provided to me by a source
This sounds like illiberalism and authoritarianism to me.

It’s clear from the very first bizarre statements that Trudeau made about these people who just want the normal life we had in 2019 to resume being about “hate” that the elites view ANY organizing by white gentiles as nazism. They can’t tolerate any sort of mass movement by who they view as conquered people and the rubes are just starting to figure this out. Exactly the same as how Fulan Gong’s exercise club freaked out the CCP. I am wondering who exactly are the jews who are behind Trudeau? This response isn’t normal, it is clearly jewish psychological “cossack paranoia.” Who pulls Trudeau’s strings?
Trudeau reminds me of Charlton Heston in the last planet of of the apes movie holding down the doomsday bomb while dying, blowing up his whole world around himself. Pretty stupid kid.
Look at how they embraced the BLM Antifa scum rioting in 2020 vs. the CCP level suppression of ordinary people who just want to be able to sit down at a diner again like they did in 2019? Hopefully people see Trudeau the way they viewed the Martin Sheen politician character after he picked up the kid to use to shield himself from the bullets in that 80s movie. (Which by the way was a hit job against Reagan with yet another liberal portrayal of him as a madman about to launch the nukes.) I bet if the leftist cancer were as far along then as now we would have seen the same repression and lies that they used against Trump used to the same degree against Reagan. We didn’t have universal “college” attendance starting with the boomers to the same degree though at that time. This universal college brainwashing is also a big part in the decline. Now virtually everyone under 70 was part of it. This leftist project to have able bodied young adults spend their time hearing jewish intellectual critiques of their society instead of doing real work is another pillar of our decline along with the mass media and primary school systems.
They do it because they fear no reprisal or consequences.
Here is a guy who was at Charlottesville who was definitely on the side of Antifa, BLM and other Leftists. Hosterman is a “sr. software engineer @ ADL CTS.”
Not long after the leak the following tweets appeared on his Twitter acct.
Daniel Hosterman
H. sapiens; anti-fascist; C. l. familiaris lover; secular humanist; gamer; photographer; sr. software engineer @ ADL CTS; he/they. Opinions are mine alone.
Durham, NC
Daniel Hosterman
Feb 13
Dollar-wise, that looks like this:
US: $3626223.5
CA: $4311287.0
IT: $3098.0
GB: $77065.0
DE: $24971.0
SE: $5767.0
HK: $1869.0
BE: $3002.0
IE: $7226.0
AU: $33734.0
Daniel Hosterman
Feb 13
Taking a quick peek at the GiveSendGo convoy donation leak. The numbers of donations by country for the top ten countries looks like this:
US: 51666
CA: 36202
IT: 78
GB: 1831
DE: 300
SE: 143
HK: 19
BE: 53
IE: 162
AU: 588
Shouldn’t the hackers and all those helping to spreading personal/private information to the public all be brought to justice, found guilty and go to prison and pay for all the damages their crimes caused?
The Washington Post is contacting people whose donation info was leaked and who gave as little as 40 dollars to the truckers to ask them why they did so
Anyone who takes illegally leaked private/personal data and uses it as club to attack a victim of such data breach should be charged with a crime and jailed/fined. This would put a stop to all this “hacking” — the data they revealed would become “jail bait” for anyone who maliciously tries to use it.
The Washington Post should be sued for millions and millions of dollars for intimidating a victims of a hack.
The Bezos whore at the WaPo & all the other jewnalists are gleefully exposing the little people for daring to give their little donations in order to makes examples of them to spread fear to control the rest of the Flyova White Trash.
“You’d better keep your fucking mouths shut, scum – or we’ll make sure you get shitcanned, too.”
“Shouldn’t the hackers and all those helping to spreading personal/private information to the public all be brought to justice, found guilty and go to prison and pay for all the damages their crimes caused?”
Certainly. Those who destroy others should themselves be destroyed. And they must be.
It’s all about preserving the threatened, Anti-White regime. Laws be damned. Laws are like pie crust, made to be broken.