Think about it.
If this had happened, Black people would be living in Wakanda right now. Instead, their descendants like Don Lemon are still living here and suffering under the yoke of White oppression because of the systematic racism, white supremacy and Jim Eagle system that keeps them in chains in states like Georgia.
“One hundred years ago, the Mississippi state Senate voted to evict the state’s Black residents — the majority of its total population — not just out of Mississippi, but out of the country.
The Senate voted 25 to 9 on Feb. 20, 1922, to ask the federal government to trade some of the World War I debts owed by European countries for a piece of colonial Africa — any part would do — where the government would then ship Mississippi’s Black residents, creating “a final home for the American negro.”
The act is a reminder of just how long after the end of slavery some White Southerners were pushing not just to strip African Americans of their political rights but also to remove them from the land of their birth. …”
Isn’t creating a Black ethnostate evil and racist though?
Imagine waking one day in a country without chronic and interminable racial division, without being demonized, guilt tripped and punished for being White, without all the wonders of diversity, without having to look over your shoulder because of insensitive remarks, without our entire culture revolving around the axis of how Black people have been forever crippled by White racism.
Just imagine what it would be like to be done with it. It is finished. It is over. You never have to worry about being judged guilty of “racism” again. Black people moved to somewhere like Ghana or Liberia a century ago. Life would move on from sitting on the stool of eternal penance in front of stern faced Yankees and weeping Black people and toward things like colonizing Mars or exploring Proxima Centauri.
Also re Mississippi –
In 1949 US Congressman John Rankin of Mississippi (1882-1960) “introduced a bill that would recognise as subversive and outlaw the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, the formidable organisation of Jewish cowboys who ride herd on their American cattle”
– Revilo P. Oliver
Too bad they didn’t vote the same way with the jews. There would be no civil rights act, AIPAC, ADL, BLM, Antifa, etc. Whites would be voting for the interests of Whites, not pandering to every racial group like today.
“A Century Ago, Mississippi Senate Voted To Send All Black People There To Africa”
Instead, they sent half of them to California, after WWII.
geez, thanks guys 🙁
I always wondered how the got there.
I think you will find that most Southern States, and even some Northern States by 1922, were ready to help Black folks build empires in Africa.
Have you ever seen the old movie, Emperor Jones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor_Jones
God Bless Theodore Bilbo and the state of Mississippi! I wish the Democratic Party went back to its White Nationalist and Populist roots! Deo Vindice!
LOL, I read in a history of the American Colonization Society that in antebellum days Mississippi plantation owners formed a chapter of the abolition ACS solely to scare free blacks out of their state because they said colonization of free blacks to Liberia would be mandatory. It worked and the free blacks moved north. It’s striking in reading any history of the colonization movement that almost no blacks wanted to go to Africa. So much for racist Amerikkka, it was and is the best place for blacks.
Blacks for the most part, have never wanted to return, and never will. As much as they play the victim day in , day out, they know they have it best when living with waysist Y pepo. There are virtually no whites in Africa…….. meaning nobody to sponge off and be ‘oppressed’ by.
Biting the hand that feeds you beats having no hand there at all. In fact, we’re so oppressive that blacks are still leaving Africa to be among us.
So……..looks like we have no choice than to continue on being these phantom oppressors forever.
“The act is a reminder of just how long after the end of slavery some White Southerners were pushing not just to strip African Americans of their political rights but also to remove them from the land of their birth. …”
The Yankees are experts at blaming Southrons and cattlemen in Wyoming for their failed, unconstitutional policies, criminal, power grubbing schemes, and numerous self inflicted injuries and miseries.
If we didn’t have a Yankee problem, we wouldn’t have most of the other problems, including the Jewish problem. Yankee Puritan SJWs never met a race that they didn’t want to exploit as a weapon, or use as allies, in their eternal war against their ostensible fellow Whites in the Southern and Western formerly United States.
“Imagine waking one day in a country without chronic and interminable racial division, ”
Imagine waking up in a country that wasn’t run by Massachusetts and her fifteen minion States, plus Kalifornia and their fellow White “Ameri(K)ans®.” And being able to elect a governor or dogcatcher, without half the States of Minnesota, or New York showing up to protest, or suit in Federal court, to get the results overturned or reversed.
Imagine waking up in a country where the likes of Joe Biden isn’t the middle finger of people who talk through their noses, in your face.
We need to deport all of the carpetbaggers and their coloured auxiliaries from Dixie, and let the folks in the Inland of the Pacific Coast, deal with the Left Coasters in their urban enclaves in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salem and Seattle.
End Reconstruction. End the War.
“The Yankees are experts at blaming Southrons and cattlemen in Wyoming for their failed, unconstitutional policies, criminal, power grubbing schemes, and numerous self inflicted injuries and miseries.”
This is living in the past. Virtually all of the problems in the US are in both Northern and Southern states. When I went to Virginia about 15 years ago, I was amazed at how more advanced the race-mixing was, compared to the North.
Of course, another option was (perhaps still is) to herd them into a territory set aside for them in America itself. Curiously, this idea tends to fill WNs with rage. It’s like they’d rather be completely racially submerged and snuffed out than to give up an inch of territory. Really a rather bizarre attitude.
Perhaps that sense a hundred years ago, but today, if you privilege territory over identity, you’ll most likely end up with neither.
The Persians took on hundreds of thousands of black slaves for centuries before and after the ‘colonization’ of America….
Where are all their cities that have been ghetto’ized by the freed slaves ancestors and their never ending African tribal warfare amongst each other?
Where’s all their economic death and cultural rot in the name of ‘equality’ and ‘diversity’?
No, it’s our kids and our people that have to know who ice cube and feetsbawl tyrone are ..
To boot these evil, morbidly ugly felonious beasts carry many of our ancestral names as the jew media is always forcing us to ‘get to know’ the names of the newest good boy who ain’t did nuffinz while raping and murdering or assaulting a cop over a
traffic infraction ..
I’ve been suffering from negro fatigue for 20 years and I’m only 25
Didn’t take me long in life to want nothing to do with the dark ones.
I’m not opposed to sending Blacks back to Africa if they are un-American in their beliefs and hate living among Whites. They would be much happier living in the Africa they love and adore. However, there are many Blacks that love America, love God and love family…America style. We certainly need them.
My biggest concern are the God hating Liberals in our nation. We can no longer share the plot of ground between the Pacific and Atlantic with these people! They hate America and almost across the board have committed internal treason within themselves through their hate of our beloved nation. The average, stupid, Liberal (the neighbor across the street or the crazy liberal family member) are the greatest danger to our freedom. These people are radically un-American and we had better figure out how to deal with them or we are going to lose our nation completely if we haven’t already! I say we give them two options…either give up your U.S. Citizenship and leave the country willingly (move to China would be a good choice for them because they love communism) or face being prosecuted as traitors to America and imprisoned for treason. Some may say I’m radical…but freedoms lost on our watch will never be regained in our lifetime…I say it’s time to get lawfully radical! If loving freedom and wanting my children to enjoy the America I grew up in is radical…If loving the country our Founding Fathers left us is radical…I’m guilty as charged! Hell, our own government officials think our Founding Fathers were radical terrorists because they rose up against King George! This pretty much says it all!