The Democrats know based on their own polling and focus groups that 1.) their brand has become culturally toxic with swing voters and a large swath of their own voters and 2.) that the culture war attacks are working and splintering their coalition and 3.) they are losing the argument on multiple issues because the information environment has changed as legacy media has declined.
“The hard-left politicsof Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and the so-called “Squad,” once a dominant theme for vast numbers of elected Democrats, is backfiring big-time on the party in power, top Democrats tell us.
Why it matters: The push to defund the police, rename schools and tear down statues has created a significant obstacle to Democrats keeping control of the House, the Senate and the party’s overall image. …
It’s part of a barrage of evidence that the progressive activism of the Squad pushed the party’s image way left of where most voters are — even most Democratic voters. …
Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota says her fellow Democrats are hurting themselves by not speaking out more forcefully against liberal positions that alienate rural America. …”
How bad is it?
Apparently, Stan Greenberg was even more candid in his assessment of the collapse of Joe Biden’s coalition across multiple demographics:
“Greenberg said he’s tired of trying to warn Democrats that they’re driving people away. Fretting about the threat of Trumpism, given that the Democrats are bleeding working-class voters, including Black and Hispanic ones, he told me, “If they don’t listen this time, we’re going to end up with fascism, dammit.”
We’re on the cusp of “fascism.”
As we have stressed for well over a year now, the Democratic Party is two distinct parties. It is shaped like an hourglass. At the bottom, you have multiracial working class voters who lack college degrees and who tend to live in the big cities. At the top, you have the affluent coastal professionals who live in large metro areas. At the very top, you have the oligarchs who are the royalty of the party like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The problem is that the party is becoming top heavy and the base is deflating. White working class voters have been jumping ship for decades and now the margins are coming down with non-White voters.
Note: The correct political strategy against the Democrats is to emphasize how little the top of the party has in common with the bottom and to stress how utterly removed the people on television and in the press and in progressive activist groups are from their own base.
The Jews and the Irish, the people at the top of the Democrat party, they hate Kamala Harris. Watch how they treat her, it will tell you all you need to know about how these Jews and them Irish feel about blacks. You watch.
White voters have nowhere to go. One party wants you dead, the other one just sells you out.
Wait until the retarded folks in the D-jersey base discover their votes mean nothing as well. Unlike pussified whites they might take the real war to the likes of Bloomberg, et al. – which would be highly amusing. It will be very interesting to see how the recent attempt shooting of a Jew running for Louisville mayor (Graig Greenberg) by BLM and anti-gun activist Quintez Brown. They’ll either throw the book and Brown and lock his ass away for decades, or he’ll get a slap on the wrist from the local Soros-appointed prosecutor. White shitlibs are offed by the D-jersey diversity base all the time – and the police et al let the perps walk. Those who survive them rarely if ever reconsider their Church of Woke dogma.
Squad of retards.
“If they don’t listen this time, we’re going to end up with fascism, dammit.”
Isn’t it telling that the ONE ideology that the J-Left fears among all the various ideologies out there, is an ideology that is:
a) Nationalist
b) Populist
c) geared toward encouraging native-born births
d) one in which Usury and other Biblically-denounced sins are not allowed…..
And one in which:
JEWS AND TALMUDISM is THE key construct that points out the INCARNATE EVIL of these people?!?!?
In other words, EVERY SINGLE BASTARD worried about ‘democracy’ is already a SHILL/LAPDOG/CUCKSOCKER of the damned Jews!
Yet no one on the J-LEFT EVER mentions the evils of BOLSHEVISM that their WOKEIST BS has given the REST OF THE WORLD, as even BEING evil!?!?!?
MOLON LABE. Let us experience the most rabid National Socialism that is as racist, ethnocentric, and overtly Christian as can be…. and give US oh, say….. 70 YEARS to try it…..
And then we’ll compare.
I’m so tired of effing Jewish LIES.
“The correct political strategy against the Democrats is to emphasize how little the top of the party has in common with the bottom and to stress how utterly removed the people on television and in the press and in progressive activist groups are from their own base.”
Presumably(sp?), it’s Republicans you’re talking to. Good luck with that.