At a shooting in Portland involving #antifa, one was killed & five injured. Early investigation indicates shooting happened between local resident & the armed militants. Antifa are calling for destruction of evidence & to not cooperate in investigation.https://t.co/KYv1kgoAfv
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
Police released an update to the press release about the mass shooting involving #antifa. They say investigation “indicates this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner & armed protesters.” Antifa left the scene & won’t cooperate.https://t.co/CQJAO4BqZq
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
thank a street medic today. donate to your local medic collective. take a wilderness first aid or street medic class. buy an IFAK. learn how to stop a bleed. hug a friend. take a walk or scream into a pillow. rest, mourn, rage, and prepare.
— molly conger (@socialistdogmom) February 20, 2022
The LARP ended in a gunfight with a local homeowner in his own neighborhood.
Last night there was a mass shooting in Portland at Normandale Park where armed #antifa & far-left militants were gathering for a direct action. One female is deceased & there are five others injured. #Antifa are claiming shooting was politically motivated pic.twitter.com/68n38GAsPV
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
After the mass shooting involving #antifa at their gathering in Portland last night, they're calling for comrades to delete evidence from social media & to not talk to investigators. pic.twitter.com/2djBBVtWlb
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
Violent extremist #Antifa member Melissa Lewis (who filed a frivolous & now-withdrawn lawsuit against me for retweeting her in December) claims one of the armed people on her side got a "chunk" out of another person. No suspect(s) details have been released by police. pic.twitter.com/lz3h0ZQKBu
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
Disinfo #antifa accounts are spreading false claims about the shooting in Portland. They falsely claim I posted a flyer about their event & that I was involved in the shooting.
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
Marysa Leyva says it is time for me to die. Felony suspect Alissa Azar says I have blood on my hands. pic.twitter.com/6RrBm1iZ5G
The group involved in the mass shooting last night in Portland is this group. They carry out armed direct actions where they attack people in public. This multiple-victim assault incident from May 2021 still has wanted suspects by Portland Police. Info:https://t.co/bJhzo84eaK pic.twitter.com/foXIimc3UZ
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
.@PortlandPolice are doing a press conference right now about the #antifa-involved deadly mass shooting last night. The conference is being crashed right now by two antifa members screaming about white supremacy. https://t.co/oPhGH8yDbo
— Andy Ngô ???? (@MrAndyNgo) February 20, 2022
The smartest move we have made in recent years is that we stopped engaging with these people. We have left them alone to fester and rot and LARP in their metros.
Contributors at /pol seem to believe this was black gangbangers vs antifa. If true it would seem even groids are sick of these freaks. Interesting…and amusing.
You make it sound like the dissident right took the highroad and is just biding its time, waiting for the perfect time to emerge into the mainstream.
What actually happened is that the DR so lacked institutional and popular support that it got stuffed in a locker, where it remains to this day, in self maintained ideological ghettos with absolutely no idea how to organize itself.
1. There was a conscious decision around early 2018 to stop engaging with these people. The consensus has largely held since then. Even when there are real world events, it is things like Patriot Front doing flash rallies and avoiding engaging with Antifa. There used to be all of these public standoffs, but it doesn’t happen anymore because no one sees any upside to it.
2. There isn’t any need for a “Dissident Right” anymore because almost everything it stood for has gone mainstream over the past two or three years. There are only a few exceptions. It is still taboo to talk about the Jewish Question, but even that taboo has faded somewhat over the past two years. It is becoming easier to talk about the issue. As for basic stuff like immigration or trade or foreign policy, that stuff is mainstream now
OK, it’s mainstream to “talk” about immigration, trade and foreign policy. But not much is actually being done especially on the migration invasion.
Typing on computer key boards in comments sections isn’t stoping the migrant invasions.
Why can’t some local sheriff like the former Great Sherrif Joe use the COVID issue to target illegal aliens.
Do these migrant invaders have COVID vax cards or TB, Measles vax cards? If they don’t they get rounded up and deported.
Mr. Ryan,
The leaders of both your parties wish and maybe even pray for your destruction. The best way to destroy a people is what I have called the 3 I’s—-Immigration, Integration, and Interbreeding. This is being done at fever levels.
It is truly amazing to see a Republic where the Presidents can arbitrarily invoke a mass invasion of a country. The idea that the USA is a special country with institutions that protect her are a farce of course. When a people and her government are corrupt then nothing can protect them.
As always I enjoy your comments.
A wise and intelligent comment by you.
That is exactly their strategy. They accomplish it through mass gaslighting the masses in the West by a vast Sidney Gottlieb inspired MK Ultra perpetual programming via a myriad of their outlets of persuasion, power, and influence.
Now for something lite.
The Simpsons: Protestant Heaven vs Catholic Heaven
This is what peaceful protesting is all about. Screw those violent, evil truckers.
In this upside down society we live in nothing will come of these lowlifes. No mass arrests, no shutting down their finances and no consequences of any kind. They’re free to terrorize any one they want. Meanwhile in Canada the opposite is happening.
Fagtifa fu*ked around,and found out with the wrong homeowner. Hahahahaha.
Truthfully, the best way the deal the pestilence that is antifa, and their advisers and donors was demonstrated by the SA and NSDAP.
Agreed. But who can do what needs to be done here in North America with these ANtifa, BLM scum. Yeah, we wish we had the SA of the NSDAP but we don’t.
The Proud Boys were the only ones to contest the streets in in USA 2018-2020 and they got broken up.
I always thought White biker clubs were our best best. There is even a biker club called “The Cossacks” – they would be perfect.
@Jaye Ryan,
Yeah, outlaw biker gangs could easily lay the hurt on antifa, but they have their own rivalries with other MCs, and they’re smart enough to see that both BLM and antifa are under under the protection of the FBI, ATF, Dead, and all the other alphabet agencies of the jewnited states department of judeo-justice. They would prefer to keep a kid on the federal heat they already have to deal with.
Thank you for your compliment above and that video of the Simpsons was very funny. Thanks for sending it. I hope you and your dogs are in good health.
Remember when Mitt Romney tweeted in support of Antifa? That tweet is still up.
And as usual, the corrupt FBI does nothing to Antifa.
My news sources say it was a White biker club.
I’ve always favored recruiting White biker clubs to contest the streets with the worst Antifa, cult marxists maybe not Black riots.
There is a USA biker club called “The Cossacks” – they would be perfect for fighting J perverts, J cult marxists, sexual degenerates.
@jaye ryan – You’re on to something there! In an area adjacent to my location, a small local biker club actually did stand up to BLM. They simply showed up, and they peacefullly and (relatively) quietly outnumbered the raggedly little band of Negro worshippers just by occupying the space.
There is just enough of the old-style traditional male motorcycle riding culture here to do that. But it is fading fast.