Going woke.
Going broke.
Democrats need to keep on winning the black vote by their usual 9-to-1 margin. Embracing super wokeness and fearmongering about Jim Eagle has Joe Biden at 66% with Blacks.

Note: How much of a price did Democrats pay for this with White rural voters? Seems like a lousy bet that backfired to me.
Looks like The Donald tactic with “I love everybody” is paying off.
At the very end communists quit pretending and will use blatant violence like they always did. Then those black thugs who Donald pardoned, have important word to say. When things go full Weimar then few gangs of darkies on anti communist ranks are critical. At least until whites form Sturmbabteilungs and get some brown shirts.
Donald is genius.
Biden will continue to destroy what’s left of this nation. He has 3 years left and the Republicans just talk a good game. When all else fails, start a war with a nuclear power, hide out in your underground bunker and come up when everyone is dead.
There has never been a better time for some “Russkie” or “white supremacist” to slip some novichok or radioactive isotope into Kamala’s highball. This is the time guys, the rule based international order depends on it.
No, we WANT Kamala – the “Brown Bimbo” – in the White House.
There is only one problem, the Jews and the Irish running things on the Democrat side hate her just like they do all the blacks. They just use them to get power and do their dirty work for them. You think they have Kamala mopping the floors and emptying out waste paper baskets in the White House? Where is Big Time AJ? Has he been Hannotized? Has he gotten his booster?
Anglo conservatives should take advantage of this situation and engage again in the practice of kissing negroes’ feet in public places.
The key is to do whatever it takes in order to the Negroes to join the Anglo conservatives and teach the libtards a lesson.
Thank you.
(Slava shithead) how about kissing some Anglo ass,
So what? blacks are going to vote for republicans? Then What?
Off Topic:
Jaye Ryan, what is wrong with your voice? I heard you on the Political Cesspool on Saturday, and you didn’t sound the same?
What s wrong with my voice ?
Black baby boomers are as cringe on the judeo-scumocrat left, as White baby boomers are on the kosher right.
I refer you, HW, to your column about Mississippi desirous of sending ‘Freakin-‘Murricans back to Africa.
The ONLY Final Solution. Until the REAL Final Solution….