Now reading.
I’ve only skimmed over this. It looks good though. I tend to agree with Democratic strategists like Ruy Teixeira who I see as hostages of the lunatics who have hijacked their party. In my view, the Democrats always oversell and fail to deliver on their alleged economic populism while exceeding even the worst expectations of their critics on cultural radicalism.
The Biden administration is a beautiful illustration of this: the $15 minimum wage didn’t happen, student loan debt relief didn’t happen, Medicare for All didn’t happen, the child tax credit perished and so on, but something like 2 million illegal aliens have crossed the border, gas prices are headed toward a record high, crime has exploded, inflation is out of control.
“In 1989, in the wake of the Democratic Party’s third consecutive presidential defeat, we offered our thoughts for the party’s recovery and renewal. Our diagnosis was blunt. “Too many Americans,” we wrote, “have come to see the party as inattentive to their economic interests, indifferent if not hostile to their moral sentiments, and ineffective in defense of their national security.”[1] Worse, we argued, too many Democrats were explaining away these problems or denying them outright. Instead of facing reality, they had embraced a “politics of evasion” that ignored electoral reality and impeded needed change.
This was 33 years ago. But recent developments compel us to renew our warning. The resurgence of inflation caught Democrats flat-footed and was initially dismissed, making many Americans wonder whether Democrats were in touch with everyday economic reality. The way the United States left Afghanistan weakened confidence in Democrats’ management of foreign and defense policy, raising the political stakes in Ukraine. And worst of all, too many of the most vocal Democrats have adopted stances on fraught social issues — policing, immigration, public schools, and others — that repel a majority of Americans. The title of veteran political analyst Ronald Brownstein’s recent article told a hard truth: “Democrats are losing the culture war.”[2] And when they lose this war, they lose elections — as they did in Virginia last November.
In recent years, a substantial portion of the Democratic Party has convinced itself that Americans are ready for a political revolution that transforms every aspect of their lives. This assumption has crashed into a stubborn reality: Most Americans want evolutionary, not revolutionary, change. They want more government in some areas but not all, and within limits. And they want government that respects their commonsense beliefs — for example, that defunding the police is not the path to public safety, abolishing immigration enforcement is not the cure for our southern border, and that it is wrong to exclude parents from decisions about the education of their children. …”
What this all comes down to is their advising Dementia Joe’s kike butt-puppeteers to moderate their tone & pretend to shift their focus away from tikkun olam jewing and onto “kitchen table” issues; to con the schtupid Flyova White Trash one more time with soothing murmurs of concern for their pocketbooks, while still accomplishing their dispossession in the quieter, more gradual fashion that prevailed before the Great Dump Panic.
“Turn down the heat on the White frogs so they won’t jump out of the pot; they’ll still be boiled away eventually.”
It’s highly doubtful that Brandon’s jews will have the wisdom to do it: history proves that when kikes are really running the show in White host countries, their chutzpah is a runaway train that cannot be stopped.
The real way to deliver a crushing, lasting defeat to the scum is for an appealing White candidate(s) with a proven track record of success to come forward to marry economic justice with White majority preservation.
“End the billionaire class, end wokism, and end open borders!” is a landslide slogan.