The bottom line:
- Ukraine falls
- Europe is destabilized
- Joe Biden is humiliated again on the world stage
- Gas prices and inflation explode
- China is emboldened to take Taiwan
- The timeline of the decline of the American Empire has been greatly accelerated
Let’s be clear.
This is the inevitable result of Joe Biden’s foreign policy. These people overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014 when Obama was president and have been pumping weapons into Ukraine for years and inviting Ukraine to join NATO. They’ve been running Ukraine out of the State Department to the point where Donald Trump was impeached over a leaked phone call with Zelensky.
This ISN’T a situation that people like us have either desired or created. We are 100% ideologically opposed to this. We don’t support the American Empire or NATO. We think even less of the idea of expanding the Empire into far flung places like Ukraine, Georgia, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan which the geniuses who run our foreign policy in Washington have been doing for the past twenty years.
Now, it has blown up in their faces again and not for the first time. This is how all decadent, radically overextended empires crumble. If it had been up to us, we would have never gone down this road, but this is where we are now and where the foreign policy establishment has guided us.
You are about to pay for it big time.
Note: I disagreed with Saagar Enjeti on the likelihood of Putin invading Ukraine. I thought it was plausible in light of Russian troop deployments. The “intelligence community” is usually a bunch of liars, but the fact that nothing that is happening in Ukraine is really in Joe Biden’s interest and will likely prove to be politically disastrous for him spoke for itself.
How ’bout a rousin’ chorus of Springtime For Hitler and Germany? No wait, that’s Springtime For Putin And Russia!
The predator must be dealt with, that means you kyke.
@Stephen E Dalton
How about “Putin is a hero, Biden is zero.”?
Wheels are coming off the Empire!
I gave a speech about it last year.
The Gay Washington Fag-Pyre. Ruled with a heavily-medicated fist by Sleepy Joe and his sidekick, the Brown Bimbo.
Shoes! Shoes! It’s another Holocaust! Well at least Shlomo has the Ukrainian gold reserves safely evacuated and tucked away somewhere for safe keeping. Whew!
have they found the concentration camps for 6 million gays yet?
How many more hours before Zelensky leaves for Israel, taking the Ukraine’s treasury with him???
The Yankee and Judeo/Catholic establishment are only pissed because someone else invaded a small country they can not tolerate the competition
Russia this time beat them to it, no more “Pride” parades in Kiev and that´s a very good thing
Funny thing though; Putin was saying that the Anglos desired Russia and Ukraine to go to war with each other.
Maybe Putin will march all the way to the Atlantic and execute Macron, Merkel and the rest of the traitorous faggots en route, setting up a based imperium to save Christian Europe.
First, their disastrous response to Covid, now this. It’s as if our overlords are deliberately doing their damnedest to destroy what’s left to dwindling White America.
Asshole Eyes doesn’t dare send his “White supremacist”-purged mud/trannyfag “army” that couldn’t whip a few thousand Taliban rags to war against a REAL army, and the Russians know it.
The chinks know it, too: look out, Taiwan…
Brandon & his kike scum butt-puppeteers have already lost; it’s just infuriating that we Whites who were against this shit for years will now have to foot the bill…
WE AIN’T FOOTIN’ NO BILL, MAH NIGGA! f**k dat sheeit…
The western response here has been so funny. Western front men like Macron coming out to give buzzword speeches about “our values” and “who we are.” President Brandon just lying low in the white house nursing home with a case of depends and freezer full of Ben and Jerry’s. NGO goons telling people to donate money to LGBT organizations because Ukrainian trannies are being threatened. The entire image of western power was just shattered in a few hours.
All they can do is threaten these impotent sanctions. But China has Russia’s back, so what good are western sanctions? Russia won’t have access to Western markets? They won’t be able to import ponzi schemes and insurance scams from the west? What exactly does the west have to offer anyone? The only thing the west had going for it was the illusion that it was an unassailable powerhouse, and they destroyed that illusion themselves with their bungled Ukrainian coup. How many western allies are going to see the writing on the wall and jump ship after this?
I see no particular reason to think that China will liberate Taiwan Province any time soon, but I guess we’ll have to see how it goes.
Oy Vey, The “Nazis” are invading Ukraine again and implementing gas chambers, masturbation machines, holocoasters and concentrations camps.
The American and British mockingbird
jewsmedia has already said and written that the Russian have “hit lists,” and are using mobile creamatoriums. No BS.
It’s anaddah shoah.
Don’t suck off Putin too hard, he’s still a little false flagging oligarch lovin scandemic extortionist gangster. Don’t get googly eyed just because he and his government said some based shit.
I think it is tragic.
I don’t like to see war between White countries.
I agree 100%.
Well, that dickhead Jew Zelensky, threatened to acquire or build nuclear weapons which was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back!
Completely agree. All to hope for is that it ends quickly and some kind of unintened good comes out of it. A guy can dream, can’t he?
@Brad. A good source of mine claims Zelensky has already gone.
I would be shocked if he hasn’t already fled with national treasury like the puppet in Afghanistan
Zelensky is hiding in Poland for the time being.
Moldavian jews are providing asylum to Israelis and Ukraine jews.
Wonder if he was able to get all the bags of cash on the plane to Jerusalem? I read the immortal Azov battalion (Ukronazis funded by a Jew oligarch) have already fled to Poland. Curiously, Barnhardt, who was all in favor of the Rotten Banana Empire’s overthrow of the Ukranian government in 2014, seems to have changed her position. She raises a very interesting point hardly seen elsewhere:
The Saker seems to have called the invasion in advance.
According to Vox Day, it’s all but over now. If the Jew clown-in-chief isn’t already on the plane with bags of cash, he will be soon.
Hopefully the numbers of dead will be minimal. Zelensky was threatening to obtain nukes, which might have already been brought there under orders from Nuland, et al. If so, Putin had no choice.
“our values”
men who are women
women who are men
others who are neither
dead fetuses
impotent parents
censored opinions
canceled accounts
neverending regulation
constant surveillance
unsafe streets
safe spaces
smart phones
retarded bluechecks
know-it-all journos
invasive advertising
compliant consumers
“our values”