Future historians will look back on the origins of World War III, which resulted in the downfall of the American Empire, and conclude that racist internet shitlords who opposed NATO expansion and wanted better foreign relations with Russia and to end a few lingering frontier wars and to refocus on long neglected domestic priorities had the coolest heads in American society while the political establishment had embarked on a dangerous, reckless and foolish course of action.

Note: Joe Biden’s leadership continues to impress us.
International Jewry, Israel, Christian Zionists, Neocons, MAGAtards, Con Inc, Jack Posobiec, Richard Spencer and the 5% Cringenats united in support of Jewkraine.
As the world turns.
Also, on the left, some of the dissident left that had appeared to be anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist, such as Aaron Mate, have outed themselves now with their support of Khazar-kraine and opposition to Putin.
Inside Russia, the Fifth Column (globalists, friends of the West) are extremely active and loud, trying to make it appear that the war is opposed and that Putin is hated by the vast majority of Russian people, when in reality Putin and the war have their overwhelming support. Western media amplifies their lies.
All legitimate Russian news websites are under very heavy attack by the Empire now. They are on again off again, or they load very slowly. Just try to go on Sputnik, for example. Well, you can get there through Tor but it will be watched. I recommend viewing The Saker blog while it is still available, and the Moon of Alabama blog. Please don’t give ANY views to U.S. and other Western so-called “news” sites!
Link to the Moon of Alabama blog, with excellent informative comment threads: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/02/disarming-ukraine-day-4.html
Also the Saker blog, which has extremely heavy traffic although it is watched and “Not Secure”: http://thesaker.is/
Canada has announced a ban on sales of Russian vodka. Some are calling it Freedom vodka now. Not recommending, just reporting.
Well, one thing that is true is the ethnic Ukrainian people hate the Russians and appear to not be willing to go down without a fight as Putin expected them to fire it once and drop the weapon like the Italians in WW1. Similar to how the Southerners resisted the Yankees who hated them and were gearing up to send a large army down there, slavery irrelevant by this point in the conflict. Really, Putin is acting like Lincoln, forcing a people who hate Russia back into the fold. I guess to his credit the CSA was not about to enter into any imminent defense pacts with major European powers and have the redcoats once again stationed in America. Hopefully the fighting won’t get that bad and Zelensky will surrender or agree to some sort of neutrality and non militarized status the way the Israelis won’t allow the west bank to have a large standing army. I do give the comedian a good amount of credit for courage for not fleeing like the Afghan puppet and hope he doesn’t get killed as that would be bad optics. RT was talking belligerently about jailing him for war crimes, not realistic if you want an acceptable outcome.
The Ukrainians have at least 15 operational nuclear reactors, nuclear fuel, nuclear waste, schools of nuclear physics, and have the practical knowledge of how nuclear weapons work and how to build nuclear weapons. When asked about Zelensky’s nuclear threats, Putin said he took them seriously. We are not talking 1993, we are talking 2022!
The National Review and Politico, I believe it!
There’s a good chance the Russians will use the top secret Nazi wonder weapon from WWII, the deadly masturbation machine, on Jew and Roman Catholic politicians.
“Future historians will look back on the origins of World War III, which resulted in the downfall of the American Empire, and conclude that racist internet shitlords who opposed NATO expansion and wanted better foreign relations with Russia and to end a few lingering frontier wars and to refocus on long neglected domestic priorities had the coolest heads in American society while the political establishment had embarked on a dangerous, reckless and foolish course of action.”
I read this and LOL’d, ’cause it’s true. Hello, future historians.
Relax, Russia doesn’t have rainbow diversity troops and doesn’t have a chance in WWIII.
The U.S. isn’t doing a one TRILLION dollar upgrade of its nuclear arsenal with no intention to use it AGAIN. The rich can survive in luxury bunkers and eat food grown in plastic hothouses with filtered air. Israelis have bought up a large portion of southern Patagonia, the southern tip of South America, to be safe from harm at the most distant far end of the earth. But you the working masses live and die in the belly of the Beast. But Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. The mills of God grind slowly.
things are reaching the point where Biden may be unable to hold his fudge.
oh, wait….
he can’t anyway.
The US and NATO wanted a war with Russia and if they keep on interfering they might get one.
If anyone survives WW3, the next war will be faught with sticks and stones.
No, with NAHTZEE flying saucers from Antarctica.
What can the Russians crash the space station into? Won’t the American astronauts stop them? Will it become a re-enactment of the battle aboard the Drax space station in the James Bond movie Moonraker? It is also highly reminiscent of the movie 2010 from 1984 which I watched on its release while a teenager in high school. Russia and the USA are at loggerheads on Earth while a salvage team of three American astronauts are aboard a Russian spaceship en route to Jupiter. The American leader Roy Schneider (Heywood Floyd) confronts the Russian mission commander Helen Mirren (Tanya):
Dr. Heywood Floyd: [Looks around the table to see the cosmonauts all nervous and edgy; sighs, takes off glasses] All right, what’s going on here?
Tanya Kirbuk: What do you mean?
Dr. Heywood Floyd: Well, I may not be the swiftest guy in the world, even when I’m not hung over, but I do seem to remember a process where you people ask me questions and I give you answers and then I ask questions and you give me answers and that’s the way we find out things. I think I read that in a manual somewhere.
Tanya Kirbuk: Your government wanted us to awaken you when we reported our findings. We did that. You are here to help us reactivate the Discovery and its computer systems because that is United States territory. You are authorized to observe other aspects of our mission. We have no other obligation.
Dr. Vladimir Rudenko: A lot has happened while you have been asleep.
Dr. Vasili Orlov: It is not our choice.
Tanya Kirbuk: The problem in Central America is growing worse.
Dr. Heywood Floyd: This looks as if you’ve detected the presence of chlorophyll.
Tanya Kirbuk: [interrupts him] The United States is threatening a naval blockade.
Dr. Heywood Floyd: [interrupts her in turn] There’s nothing but ice down there so how can there be any chlorophyll?
Tanya Kirbuk: [interrupts him again] You know and I know that my country cannot allow a blockade.
Dr. Heywood Floyd: How fast it is moving?
Tanya Kirbuk: [continues to talk over him] We are under instruction…
Dr. Heywood Floyd: Listen, just because our governments are behaving like asses doesn’t mean we have to. We’re supposed to be scientists, not politicians, how fast?
Tanya Kirbuk: Doctor Floyd, I am also an officer of the Soviet Air Force…
Dr. Heywood Floyd: HOW FAST?
Dr. Vasili Orlov: One meter per minute.
Dr. Heywood Floyd: [speaking to her] Don’t worry, I’m just observing.
The only good one was 2001 A Space Odyssey. Kubrick wouldn’t show the aliens, because he said it would be like seeing god.
The twin parties (two right wings of the same Beast) are marching in lock step and almost the entire U.S. population is marching too. Glenn Greenwald says: “It is genuinely hard to overstate how overwhelming the unity and consensus in U.S. political and media circles is. It is as close to a unanimous and dissent-free discourse as anything in memory, certainly since the days following 9/11. Marco Rubio sounds exactly like Bernie Sanders, and Lindsay Graham has no even minimal divergence from Nancy Pelosi. Every word broadcast on CNN or printed in The New York Times about the conflict perfectly aligns with the CIA and Pentagon’s messaging. And U.S. public opinion has consequently undergone a radical and rapid change; while recent polling had shown large majorities of Americans opposed to any major U.S. role in Ukraine, a new Gallup poll released on Friday found that “52% of Americans see the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as a critical threat to U.S. vital interests” with almost no partisan division (56% of Republicans and 61% of Democrats), while “85% of Americans now view [Russia] unfavorably while 15% have a positive opinion of it”: https://www.greanvillepost.com/2022/02/27/war-propaganda-about-ukraine-becoming-more-militaristic-authoritarian-and-reckless/
More from Greanville Post: “Art of War, Sun Tzu. America harms Russia without suffering a single casualty. America doesn’t care about Ukraine. Its just an attack dog. In a real fight, the attack dogs die first. But the attack dogs can bite and harm Russia. What about America having to spend billions to arm Ukraine so the attack dogs will have teeth? Money is nothing to America. They print their trillions, which come from the people’s debt, while the money created goes to the elite-owned Military Industrial Propaganda Complex, a part of which supports the political/technology/media structure which keeps the country in perpetual war and provides unlimited budgets for war, a perfect cyclical economy that supports the capitalist Big Lie that a number on a ledger created out of thin air represents wealth. Not only that, but the rest of the world eventually helps to pay for the war budget because the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency. Anyone who disagrees will be starved or bombed to the Stone Age, except for China and Russia who can defend themselves. America prints trillions and the world suffers from inflation, not just America. The elites don’t pay for inflation, as their property holdings will increase in value, the people who pay for groceries, rent, and daily necessities suffer from inflation but who cares….”
Another thought: The U.S. has been busy creating and building up the radical Khazar-krainian militias for decades, going back at least to the 1980s, just like it cultivated radical Islam and radical Islamic terrorist proxy forces in the Caucasus and the Middle East.
“And U.S. public opinion has consequently undergone a radical and rapid change; while recent polling had shown large majorities of Americans opposed to any major U.S. role in Ukraine, a new Gallup poll released on Friday found that “52% of Americans see the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as a critical threat to U.S. vital interests” with almost no partisan division (56% of Republicans and 61% of Democrats), while “85% of Americans now view [Russia] unfavorably while 15% have a positive opinion of it”
This will never change until the jews & billionaires who control everything are exterminated.
Most people will never be anything more than fucking emotional, low IQ sheep, to be led by the nose by whoever’s in Authority. This certainly includes most Whites.
Their only real justification for existence is to perpetuate the race from which the intelligent, discerning minority emerges. Those are the ones who must find a way to become the new Authority and save the rest from their contemptible stupidity.