Far-right “journalist” Patrick Howley explains why he is rooting for Putin and Russia: “They want me to care about Ukraine so much and I don’t that it just makes me happy to see when they’re sad. Their misery, their failure, their disappointment is funny and gratifying to me.” pic.twitter.com/wr61e0wJXl
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) March 9, 2022
Congress screws workers to escalate war on Russia@MaxBlumenthal questions lawmakers on the rising cost to Americans of sanctioning Russia, and the massive package of arms they authorized for Ukraine
— The Grayzone (@TheGrayzoneNews) March 9, 2022
Full video: https://t.co/dg76ANB6iP pic.twitter.com/6yf7ommGwP
We haven’t seen the establishment this united since the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan last August. It took them less than six months to incite a new war.
If there is one thing experience has shown unites our ruling class, it is a thirst for devastating foreign wars, refugee crises, a love of militarism and imperialism, picking unnecessary fights abroad that harm working class Americans, creating excuses that can be used to justify expanding the surveillance state, transferring wealth to defense contractors and the chance to virtue signal on Twitter and display their own power, arrogance and self righteousness. They love to draw these simple black-and-white moral divisions between good and evil and Democracy and Autocracy and then go out and punish the evildoers. Justin Trudeau & Co. are on the side of the angels.

No point in listening to the dunderheads in the MSM. Paul Craig Roberts is more insightful. “Biden, the titular head of an empire that has terrorized the populations of 6 countries in the 21st century, slaughtering, dispossessing, and dislocating millions of people, calls Putin a “tyrant” for protecting Russian lives in Ukraine and Russian national security. The WH Idiot joins the idiot Democrat senator Chris Coons from Delaware in claiming, falsely, that the sanctions under which Americans will suffer are “the cost of standing up for freedom” and to stop “tyrants like Putin” from being able “to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.”
” . . . The WH Idiot joins the idiot Democrat senator Chris Coons from Delaware in claiming, falsely, that the sanctions under which Americans will suffer are “the cost of standing up for freedom” and to stop “tyrants like Putin” from being able “to use fossil fuels as weapons against other nations.”
With stupidity even the gods contend in vain.
Perhaps when Starbucks closes for good because there is no No. 2 diesel fuel for the trucks to deliver the carcinogenic shit they serve in their triple Frappuccino, just a little cream, no sugar, a little more cinnamon, some whipped cream on top, LTGBQXYZ coffee, double latte from the androgynous guy with tattoos all up both arms and on his neck too it will get these faggots’ attention. They ride their bikes from their work-from-home jobs doing diversity counseling so they will be perplexed as to why Starbucks and all the other places closed.
Yeah, yeah, gasoline is now $10/gallon (when available) but I don’t own a car so what do I care? I guess I’ll just wait until Dementia Joe fixes this problem like has done such a good job of fixing all the other problems. The guy on CNN said “we” have to sacrifice for “democracy” and if you can’t trust the guy on CNN, an expert BTW, who can you trust?
When it comes to war and Israel, you can always count on the two parties to stand together.
Why don’t we bring back the oil depletion allowance for large scale producers, and increase the tax incentive for small scale producers who produce less than 2,000 barrels a year? When FDR was President, it was 27% for all producers of oil. There would be a stampede to pump oil and drill wells at 27%.
Too make it interesting, why not allow depletion allowances to be sold or traded?
When the oil deletion allowance was 27.5%, gasoline was .25 cents a gallon for high test, .17 cents a gallon for regular!
Because Larry Fink (Blackrock) don’t like any stinkin’ small producers. Most would sell out but he’d still have to pay them even if the money is fake. Some might prefer not to sell out, and they could cause trouble. The usual suspects make far more shekels with the system as it is now. They do have punkass bitches and whores who want regular payments and bling there in the swamp, after all.
On the other hand, we can see what the two parties actually differ on, with the current fight over Iran. Democrats prioritize EU/NATO, whereas Republicans prioritize Israel. Both parties are generally pro-Israel and pro-EU/NATO, but when the interests of the two come into conflict, the parties split down these lines.
And just like that the COV-LARP was over.
Any word on the truckers convoy?
The Uniparty? They both hate America and the taxable unit serfs.
Guinea pigs and tax teats is how they view the comrades of the glorious unity collective.
Funny thing about all the Professional Managerial Class getting wound up for Ukraine at work one of the ‘brothers after seeing the news said: “PUTIN, YEAH HE’S ALL GANGSTER, YEAH!” Blacks respect power and force, they love Italian Gangsters who use the N-word yet have zero respect for the white weaklings who “claim” to be their ally.