Mitt Romney: Tulsi Gabbard’s Treasonous Lies May Cost Lives

Mitt Romney is calling out Tulsi Gabbard.

Tulsi condemned the existence of American-funded biolabs on Ukrainian soil. The existence of these labs isn’t in dispute. They have been acknowledged by Victoria Nuland. Even the “journalists” are saying that these labs have been an open secret for years. The WHO has also asked Ukraine to destroy the deadly pathogens stored in these labs. It would seem prudent in light of both our experience with COVID and the fighting that has gone on at nuclear power plants like Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia.

Apparently, you are a traitor who is parroting Russian propaganda though if you ask obvious questions about the origins of this war. Why are there American-funded biolabs on Russia’s doorstep in Ukraine? Why has Congress been flooding this country with weapons for years? Why was Trump impeached for threatening to halt the arms shipments? What was the Florida National Guard doing in Ukraine in February? Why was the Ukrainian Army holding joint exercises with NATO last fall? Why can’t our diplomats simply rule out NATO membership for Ukraine? Why were U.S. senators like John McCain and Chris Murphy on the ground inciting a revolution in Ukraine at the Maidan in 2014? What did Lindsey Graham mean when he said in Ukraine that 2017 would be “year of offense” against Russia? Why did Adam Schiff say in Trump’s impeachment trial that we were using Ukraine as a proxy to “fight the Russians over there”? Why did Hunter Biden have a lucrative position with a Ukrainian energy company?

Why is Tulsi Gabbard a traitor for asking these questions? What exactly is she a traitor to anyway? Is she a traitor to George Soros, the Atlantic Council and the New World Order? Did Tulsi swear an oath of allegiance to Ukraine? Is Donbas an American state? Are we supposed to be loyal to NATO? Are we citizens of NATO? Do we pledge allegiance to globalism, militarism, neoliberalism and imperialism? Is there an American Empire abroad like the old British Empire? If so, should Americans be willing to fight Russians to the death over the status of Donbas like British soldiers used to die in, say, India or Sudan?

The relentless meddling in Ukraine by people like Mitt Romney has been an unmitigated disaster for Ukraine, Russia, the United States, the European Union, the American working class and middle class. The big winners of this conflict are Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and China. Iran was bold enough to launch an attack on the U.S. consulate in Iraq over the weekend and to openly take credit for it.

Note: Far from being a “fascist,” I have always been opposed to the militarists and imperialists in American society like Mitt Romney. All of these people are far more eager to plunge into wars in distant parts of the world and situations that we barely understand than I have ever been.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mitt Romney is not just a RINO and but he is a traitor to his race. That is more important than being loyal to America.

    Working class Whites need to wake up and stop supporting these politicians that don’t care two bits about them.

  2. I have a question for senator romney, senator why are their so many mormons in the intelligence agencies ? Won’t they let your people any further up the ladder, in the military industrial complex senator?

  3. If Mittens wants to go fight and die for Khazaria, he should feel free.

    He can underwrite a bunch of LDS volunteers.

    They can call themselves “The Joseph Smith Brigade.” When they aren’t occupied terrorizing civilians, they can ride their bicycles/tanks around Odessa, Lviv and Kiev passing out LDS literature and jello salad recipes.

  4. Tulsi Gabbard might be the last honest Liberal in the United States. I was so disappointed she gave in and bowed out of the Democrat US presidential race and backed the senile system guy Joe Biden.

    Tulsi has spoken out against open Black anti White racism like our Chicago’s BLM/LGBT mayor Lorrie Lightfoot announcing she would no longer give interviews to White reporters.

    Tulsi has spoken out against the terrible J Neo Conservative wars in Iraq which she served in.

    Mitt Romney is now my least favorite RINO, Cuckservative and he’s so typical of the top of the now corrupt LDS Church, Church of Latter Day Sissies – pretty much all LDS pols suck are for open borders immigration, wave the flag and support the Harvard and Yale system/support any and all Jew wars. The J*ws tried to throw the Presidential election for Hillary by getting an LDS guy with a CIA background to run for President in Utah to skim off Conservative votes for Donald Trump. It almost worked.

    The anti White globalist J*s just love to package the Great Replacement, all their wars, regime changes with some nice, wholesome, super White spokesman like Mittens Romney, Jeff Flake. Mitt Romney’s father George Romney was exactly the same as his RINO son Mitt – George Romney was governor of my mom’s state of Michigan when he let Black communists and Black criminals burn down Detroit in 1967 then he tried to get the GOP Presidential nomination in 1968 running as a pro Black Civil Rights moderate Republican. Working class White voters in Michigan and everywhere else went for law and order candidates Richard Nixon and George Wallace.

    I really hate Mitt Romney and hate what the LDS Church has become – a club for nice, neat, well dressed cowards, sissies, cucks who just agree with whomever is in the room with them at the time. The original LDS Mormons had a lot of bad ass cowboys like Porter Rockwell. If I have see Mittens Romney in public in some airport lounge I’ll call him out challenge him to a fist fight. I guarantee you Mittens Romney has never been in a fist fight, never had a beer.

  5. How are there so many cases of rare diseases such as Plague and Congo fever in Khazarkraine if the ethnically Russian people were not being experimented on like guinea pigs, as the leaked information suggests?

    Gabbard is the same as Tucker Carlson. Both belong to the system and although they speak some truths it is to draw you off track and make it easy to accept the crucial lies. Regarding Romney, I have said before, when the warmongering hyper-capitalist Mormon billionaire ran against Obama, Obama was probably the less evil choice!

  6. Mitt sucks, always has. He has some nerve calling Tulsi a traitor and unpatriotic. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel and that filthy bastard Mitt is one of the biggest scoundrels. He would sell his own grandmother for a nickel if he thought it would advance his sordid career as a scumbag politician.

    Gay “marriage” was made legal in Massachusetts by the State Supreme Court against the State Constitution (according to a couple of the State Supreme Court justices) and public opinion while Mitt was Governor. He had the legal ability to veto this decision which would have thrown it into the thoroughly corrupt State Legislature which wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Mitt did nothing.

    An initiative petition was started to make gay “marriage” a ballot question. The corrupt state Attorney General’s office ruled the petition inadmissible because it was going to pass by a mile and the corrupt legislature was afraid of the fags. Mitt, acting as Governor could have forced the question on the ballot where the public would have voted against gay “marriage” by a good margin thus the fags and communists couldn’t allow the question on the ballot. Mitt did nothing again.

    The guy is horrible thus he is a very good Republican politician.

  7. Okay, I’ll say it: Tulsi/2024. With yours truly as vice president. if you want peace (Tulsi shutting down the War Machine permanently) and prosperity (JRC’s USA sovereign wealth-funded universal basic income), that is your ticket. Vote for us, people.

    • You REALLY do not need to worry about running for office. Stick to the apex aspirations for posters here: not having to keep brushing cockroaches out of your underwear in your 30-degree flophouse room.

  8. I don’t vote but if I did I would vote for Gabbard over every single Republican right now parroting the Ukraine good and Russian bad narrative. She at least has come moral compass.

    • She was the only Democrat with any decency in the last election. Of course, the party and media shunned and attacked her. America sucks.

  9. These people are not leaders. They just have a lot of money, which buys connections and power. They are not better or more knowledgeable than us. A farmer is probably a better leader than Mittens, who looks like some Mad Men actor.

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