The modern definition of "right-wing" is anything that threatens the power, material interests, or socioeconomic status of the professional-managerial class. https://t.co/Arw8abTQpl
— Shant Mesrobian (@ShantMM) March 16, 2022
The same shitlibs who were terrified of COVID who were deterred from going outside for two years over a virus with a 99% survival rate aren’t afraid of getting into a nuclear war with Russia over Donbas.
Note: In charting the fall of the American Empire, future historians will realize that two mistakes were enfranchising women who are swept by their emotions and the social impact of Twitter.
“Note: In charting the fall of the American Empire, future historians will realize that two mistakes were enfranchising women who are swept by their emotions and the social impact of Twitter.”
The mistake was not insisting that New England leave the Union, when they wanted to secede. However, the fatal mistake was in making a Union with them in the first place.
The Spanish-American War, and the U.S. entering WWI, were the nails in the coffin for whatever remained of the old Jeffersonian republic. If the Spanish-American War had ended in failure, they might not have been so eager to become the empire of social justice and daemonocracy, later on in history. The American public certainly didn’t want it after the failure of WWI.
Z., For Dixie, too.
End Reconstruction. End the War.
I always thought New England would’ve been happier in a union with the Canadian Maritimes instead of with the USA. Didn’t they threaten to secede during the War of 1812? Even back then New Englanders already had a reputation for being cold and disagreeable. Maine was part of Massholechusetts until 1820.
These Jews will fight to the last goy.
>The same shitlibs who were terrified of COVID who were deterred from going outside for two years over a virus with a 99% survival rate aren’t afraid of getting into a nuclear war with Russia over Donbas.
Brad I remember, you were one who was terrified of the covid scam and took the MSM side. Why the change of heart?
The virus was real enough.
The war in Ukraine is also real. Both situations are being used to push a preexisting agenda though
>The virus was real enough
Even the MSM is backtracking, they admit it was ‘probably’ the simple flu with 99.8% survival rate. It was all for the death vaxx roll out, another jewish depopulation plan.
Don’t you think your covid hysteria was unjustified?
Yes the war in Ukraine is real and only White people are getting killed.
There’s no de-population plan. There is however, a plan for greatly decreasing White genes worldwide. Race-mixing propaganda, Environmental conscientiousness propaganda encouraging zero reproduction for Whites, feminism, materialism, hedonism, etc.
The virus was most definitely real….every hospital where I live had freezer morgues on wheels in hospital parking lots because the corona virus killed lots of old people…funeral homes were stacking corpses in these freezers in the back because they couldn’t be processed fast enough…
It was a virus that killed people over 60….Grandparents and Parents…
Brad stop being a pussy and admit you were wrong about the covid scam. Open your comment section back up, what are you afraid of? Being wrong?
We all know HW doesn’t like to admit he’s ever wrong about anything. But I have a feeling the Branch COVIDians will re-emerge from the gloom after the midterm elections to try and re-impose their nightmarish mask, vaccine and social distancing rituals. If they do they might encounter more than just passive resistance from me, because I’ve McFuckin had it.
I’ve said many times what I got wrong about COVID:
1.) The initial disinformation (January/February 2020) that was on Twitter that appeared to be coming out of China which showed people collapsing in the street.
2.) The lockdowns (April/May 2020) were pointless and accomplished nothing because a thousand different jurisdictions each doing their own thing and with limited patience couldn’t stop the spread of the virus.
3.) I assumed the vaccine would quell the virus (early 2021) when in fact it only encouraged the emergence of new variants.
COVID is still around. There is even a new variant. The media has just lost interest in it and have moved on to Ukraine hysteria.
Are you still scared of covid Brad? Or of being wrong?
That whole production was to bring out forced vaxx mandates and to scare the public like always do.
Fear is the best weapon in silent wars,
No, I have already had COVID. It is a real virus. It is never going away. It seems like everyone has accepted this now
HW doesn’t want to admit he was lied to about the whole “covid” scam. Never underestimate the lying media when it comes to pushing lies, scams and hoaxes just like when it comes to pushing wars foe their own personal gain.
Seriously Brad do the math.
How long would it take to make ‘billions’ of vaxx, the glass viles to hold them and the equipment for storage never mind the facilities?
It’s like the math and time in the holohoax, it doesn’t add up.
This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory’, we’re talking billions of injectable vaxx for the public in a short time they say.
Do you find that math and timing odd Brad?
I’m not trying to give you a hard time, I just want you to see reason. Thank you for opening your comments again.
COVID is more imaginary than real, HW.
Yup, these people are afraid of their own shadows these days
As long as goys are willing to join the military, wars will continue to be waged by ZOG.
I use my considerable IRL credibility on the subject to dissuade young Southrons from joining.
Giving women the “right” to vote was a catastrophe. Except for the scheming, diabolical “progressives” who promoted women’s suffrage. They knew exactly what they were doing and exactly what the results would be. The advent of social media completed America’s transformation into a neurotic, feminized and judaized joke of a country.
How that came to pass is an interesting tale. The first large political entity to grant women the right to vote was the Wyoming Territory in 1878. It was alone for some time but by 1900 they could vote in quite a few states already. The 1920 amendment was the icing on the cake – right on the heels of prohibition (1918). In the period just before, the usual suspects managed to change the constitution so there would be a federal income tax (1913) and senators would be elected by popular vote instead of by the state legislatures (1913). The fateful year 1913 also brought the federal reserve act, whereby congress handed over the issue of money to an unaccountable private banking cartel. It’s all connected to the concentration of power and wealth into certain hands, which often rub together in celebration.
Retardation have finaly broken trough the last corall and are roaming freely on the plain!
Yeah and this from “John” “As long as goys are willing to join the military, wars will continue” way to go being a brave volunteer for a system that hate you and want you dead, This is especially true for Southrons
Some day we will be able to fight for ourselves for now our men should no die for New England woke politics
These journalists could always go join the reddit volunteer brigade if they care so much. The Ukraine is looking for more cannon fodder.