We’ve been saying the same thing for 20 years.
We don’t want to be involved in these endless imperial conflicts in far flung parts of Eurasia. We’re getting poorer and losing our own freedom at home. We want peace and prosperity at home. We have more than enough problems that we need to focus on dealing with at home.
“As the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war ricochet through global politics, the West has never been more closely aligned. It has also rarely been more alone. Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization plus Australia and Japan are united in revulsion against Vladimir Putin’s war and are cooperating with the most sweeping sanctions since World War II. The rest of the world, not so much.
In a development that suggests trouble ahead, China’s basic approach—not endorsing Moscow’s aggression but resisting Western efforts to punish Russia—has garnered global support. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa blamed the war on NATO. Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, refused to condemn Russia. India and Vietnam, essential partners for any American strategy in the Indo-Pacific, are closer to China than the U.S. in their approach to the war.
Western arm-twisting and the powerful effect of bank sanctions ensure a certain degree of sanctions compliance and support for symbolic U.N. resolutions condemning Russian aggression. But the lack of non-Western enthusiasm for America’s approach to Mr. Putin’s war is a phenomenon that U.S. policy makers ignore at their peril. Just as Western policy makers, lost in fantasies about building a “posthistorical world,” failed to grasp the growing threat of great-power competition, they have failed to note the development of a gap between the West and the rest of the world that threatens to hand the revisionist powers major opportunities in coming years. The Biden administration appears not to understand the gap between Washington and what used to be called the Third World, the degree to which its own policies contribute to the divide, or the opportunities this gap creates for China. …”
It is bad what is happening in Ukraine, but we shouldn’t get involved.
This sounds like “extremism” on Twitter where disputes are normally resolved by the thunderous self-righteous denunciation and cancelation of whoever happens to be in the crosshairs at the moment. This is the position of the overwhelming majority of the world’s population though.
Note: In addition to alienating vast swathes of the Western male population, Twitter is losing the hearts of minds of the Third World right now.

Here is the video of that Chinese plane crash.
You ever seen anything like that before? Something is not right. And this happens right after Sullivan and Biden get belligerent with the Chinese.
The enemies of the US regime right now:
1. China.
2. Russia.
3. Syria after Assad speech
4. you.
i’m proud to be on such a list
“Syria after Assad speech”:
Of course Syria was also on Israel’s (and therefore the U.S.’s) “enemy” (victim) list before the Assad speech,because Israel wants all or most of Syria for lebensraum, from Golan to the Euphrates, and most of Lebanon too, and Jordan, Sinai, and any other Gentile lands that They say were once conquered and exploited by David and Solomon.
China is the modern technocracy that the great reset is the propaganda for “the west” to embrace this style of governance. The Chinese are as communist as Disney inc.
Whites would be extremely lucky to ever have a government as good as China’s. It’s not likely to ever happen.
Their nationalism and more traditional social norms sound appealing but they are essentially a proto new world order: totalitarian (rule by bureaucrat) technocratic police state and you do and believe whatever the government says.
“Whatever the government says” in China is good for society though, so it’s a good thing. Anarchistic opposition to all governance based on some poorly conceived principle is retarded, and these anarchistic premises are the reason western liberalism has been such a useless dead end philosophy.
Westerners are so used to their governments trying to destroy them that they cannot even imagine the existence of governments, like China’s, that actively promote the well-being of their own people.
You make good points but I respectfully disagree. I’ll be honest and say I’d prefer Chinese technocratic rule of unthinking zombie consumers over DC technocratic rule of unthinking zombie consumers.
To be honest, I question whether Whites are even capable of forming governments that actively promote the well-being of our own people. Not because we are incompetent, but rather, because our governments always end up getting dominated by psychopaths who want to lord it over their own people. Something like half the White Race earnestly believes in Social Liberalism and ties it directly to their sense of moralism. Social Liberalism is literally a genetic and spiritual manifestation of Whiteness (there have been many such cases throughout European history)
Classical Liberalism and a sort of Folk Libertarianism developed as a reaction to this inability to form governments that take care of us and don’t lord it over us. The Covid lockdowns were doomed from the start because they were never going to be anything other than a justification for a totalitarian power grab. They worked in China because China has a culture of trust, which doesn’t exist in the West, before *or* after Modernism. The American Revolution was a revolt by one group of elites who didn’t want to be controlled by another group of elites. Same race, same language, same ethnicity, and still, the American founders went their own way.
I misjudged you in the past for being a social liberal. You’re very clearly on the right side of those issues. But you’re wrong about your prescriptions for government and social control. Whites should not strive for a government run by our own people that takes care of us. We should strive for a government that leaves us alone and allows us govern our own lives – which, in fact, most White adults are capable of doing, NPC or not.
Granted, the American system was insufficient to root out the usurpers and psychopaths. More autocratic, fascistic measures will need to be taken in the future – including a commitment to value free speech over private property rights, up to and including nationalizing that private property. I agree with you that the Anglo system failed in that regard. Private property uber alles is a bad idea.
Frankly though, that doesn’t mean a government that doesn’t tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think, etc, is somehow undesirable. I don’t care if Amazon or Twitter is nationalized. I care if some know-nothing fanatic tells me I can’t eat a burger because Earth will turn into Venus. I care if I can’t go outside and live my life because of some chest disease with a less then 1% kill rate. Whites have an awful history at telling other Whites what to do. Our governments need to actively stop us from doing that, not try to forge a hivemind that is fundamentally alien to who we are.
Azov mob was at the 2019 Hong Kong riots, the Chinese want peace.
Patient and trustworthy China still keeps its agreement with Britain to allow Hong Kong a different economic system. Hong Kong and Macau the former Portuguese colony are like “benign tumors” in China. Hong Kong’s capitalism is the fertilizer needed to grow CIA-MI6-Mossad color revolutions. Hong Kong’s capitalism proved almost as ineffective against Covid (not quite as ineffective only thanks to China) as it did in the U.S. and other capitalist countries. Zero-Covid China has one or two Covid deaths per year while the U.S. has 1,000 per day, and Hong Kong is somewhere in between.
This proves the point that Ukraine phony-nationalists are dedicated to fighting for the expansion of the American empire, not for “self determination for the Ukraine.” Were they also assisting Obama’s moderate terrorists in Syria by any chance?
And this happens right after Sullivan and Biden get belligerent with the Chinese.
The “President” of Wokeunduh (Chiquitastan if you prefer) and other deep-state puppets just imposed sanctions on China as well. Brilliant – let’s provoke China into opening a second front in the Globopedo war tour.
“plus Australia and Japan”:
Japan is arguing with Russia over some small, almost uninhabited islands north of Japan that it took from Russia in 1905, in the Russo-Japanese war, in which Japan was supported by Britain and other Western powers. Now the U.S. is urging Japan to demand the islands again, and stirring up bitterness toward Russia.
While you’re watching the Hegemon’s left hand stirring up Khazarkraine, you’ll never notice the Hegemon’s other hand is preparing a big provocation for China in Taiwan:
Speaking of provocations, the big false flag chemical attack has yet to be launched in Khazarkraine. The White Helmets are all in place. Fox News (especially Hannity) keeps telling you that Putin’s gonna do it. It turned out that the Israelis who now want to look innocent didn’t want it on Purim after all. I don’t think it can wait until Orthodox Easter, April 24. After the Pope “consecrates” Russia three days from now seems to be just right.
The same thing happened in Syria. Media was setting the stage with “Assad amassing chemical weapons” fake stories for weeks before the false flag there.
I also remember something similar with the alleged Skripal novichok poisoning (which somehow never manages to kill anyone despite allegedly being the most powerful nerve agent of all time).
“Twitter is on a crusade to remove all anti NATO/ anti Ukranazi accounts – including famous ones like ASB Military with thousands of followers – while deliberately promoting Ukraganda, like the latest ‘all Russian forces in Gostomel and Izyum are surrounded’. I do not understand the utility of this technique unless the plan is to claim that the inevitable total Ukranazi collapse and defeat is due to Russia using chemical warfare or biological weapons” – Exactly! https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/03/lavrovs-history-lesson-russian-forces-develop-routine.html?cid=6a00d8341c640e53ef0282e14aee93200b#comment-6a00d8341c640e53ef0282e14aee93200b The chemical false flag or flags (singular or plural) will “explain Russia’s sudden turn around from failure to success, ” and the “sudden turn around” will also reinforce the false flag. I am still predicting at least one big chemical false flag.
They’re building a “posthistorical world”? After history ends, then what? Our overlords are not only evil, dangerous psychopaths but delusional as well.
Well, I guess after the nuclear hell fire swallows the world, we would be in some kind of post-history type era.
As a counterpoint, none of the “rest of the world” is worth a damn. Who cares what India or Brazil thinks?
ChiRussia’s fundamental problem is that they have no real friends, only vassals held in place by fear/economic necessity, or alliances of convenience with other dictatorships – in which both sides are constantly exposed to duplicity and backstabbing.
“Who cares what India or Brazil thinks?”
Obviously the West cares about them, since leeching value from places like India is the source of most western wealth.
“ChiRussia’s fundamental problem is that they have no real friends, only vassals held in place by fear/economic necessity”
This is the opposite of the truth. All of China and Russia’s alliances have been built on mutual benefit. They offer a reprieve from the threats and punishments that the American empire is built upon, which is why most of the world sides with them.
It’s always been a mystery to me why WNs feel the need to become apologists for Russia’s mafia regime of thugs and gangsters (who send their looted cash & families out of Russia post-haste to the ostensibly obscene, decadent and declining West) or China’s Asiatic ethno-nationalist dictatorship.
Most of the world? Go to the Wikipedia page on the invasion, and look at the map of countries who voted in the UN to condemn the invasion and demand Russian withdrawal. 141 in favor, 5 against, 35 abstentions.
UN voting doesn’t mean anything and often doesn’t even represent the will of the governments involved.
A new United Nations is needed, one not based in NYC, Washington, London, Jerusalem or Rome – especially not Jerusalem or Rome!
Check again on the vote for the sanctions. There’s a reason those memes about “The World” and “The International Community” are going around. Even the Wall Street Journal has jumped the shark and is admitting the truth: America and Europe are alone in their opposition to Russia. No one else cares.
All of Africa and South America refused to support the sanctions. Sure, you can be like “hurr durr, Black and Brown countries don’t matter,” but don’t sit here and act like Russia and China are isolated from the rest of the world when Saudi Arabia and Iran are actually taking their phone calls for oil deals.