Diversity and inclusion make us stronger. As we celebrate #Pride2021, we recognize the important contributions of LGBTQI+ persons to our Alliance, and we reassert our commitment to the freedom & dignity of all. #YouAreIncluded pic.twitter.com/EkIkORrfT0
— US Mission to NATO (@USNATO) June 28, 2021
No one bothered to ask us.
“Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there has been near unanimous denunciation of President Vladimir Putin, from President Joe Biden calling Putin a “war criminal,” to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell describing him as a “ruthless thug.”
But the Ukraine invasion has found a significant pocket of support from prominent figures on the far right including white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who regularly gushes about Putin on his Telegram channel. The war is also a hot topic in QAnon chatrooms where Putin is often portrayed as a hero. …”
Here is my answer:
1. Non-Interventionism – I’ve had the same foreign policy views for the past 20 years. I have consistently been motivated by my opposition to American imperialism and militarism. I strongly oppose the American foreign policy establishment which seeks to relentlessly meddle in the internal affairs of foreign countries and to dominate Eurasia. I developed these views during the Iraq War in my youth. My views have hardened through all the campaigns that followed in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iran and now Ukraine and due to all that I have read about previous campaigns and wars in the 20th century.
Basically, I believe that the CIA and NGOs are constantly trying to subvert and overthrow foreign governments. The United States has sponsored something like 80 coups over the past 100 years including the one in Ukraine in 2014 which sparked the present crisis. Specifically, the United States has no vital interest at stake in Ukraine and particularly in the Donbas region, but our government has spent years flooding that country with weapons, training its military, engaging in regime change covert ops, etc. Ukraine has been turned into a “battering ram” or a “lethal cat’s paw” which has been used as a tool against Russia.
I’m not “pro-Putin” so much as I am an anti-interventionist. My worldview can be summed up in three words: KNOCK IT OFF. Before it was Ukraine, the political establishment was waging a proxy war against Russia in Syria. Syria was destroyed and American troops are still occupying part of that country. It sparked a massive refugee crisis like the one in Ukraine. It created a hotbed for terrorism. It was a humanitarian disaster. It set the country back decades. We even supported the “moderate rebels” (al-Qaeda).
Anyway, I have always had strong views on our foreign policy, which is why I voted against George W. Bush twice. It is why I refused to vote for John McCain. It is why I voted for Ron Paul twice. Then I voted for Trump. Then I broke with Trump when he attacked Syria. Now, I am angry with both parties who are trying to plunge us into World War III over Ukraine. Everything that I have written about the subject for the past 20 years reflects my sincere and principled opposition to the American Empire.
I believe the American Empire should be dismantled. I support abolishing the “intelligence community” and curing the virus of militarism that has so obviously infected the Pentagon by severely slashing its budget. We should focus our attention on North America and the Pacific and securing our own border. We should mind our own business and stop trying to dominate the rest of the world.
2. Anti-Globalism – Seeing as how I don’t support the project of making the world safe for neoliberalism and multinational corporations, I don’t support all the institutions that have sprouted up to further that objective. I have never supported NATO. We were told that NATO was created to contain communism, but obviously that was a lie because it expanded after the collapse of communism. NATO isn’t a “defensive organization” either. It was used as a weapon to intervene in Yugoslavia and Libya. NATO was created to keep American forces in Europe after World War II. American troops should have been withdrawn from Europe decades ago after the end of the Cold War, but instead our leaders have committed us to defending a bunch of small countries in Eastern Europe which are nothing but trip wires that could cause World War III. Expanding NATO into Ukraine was always a foolish idea. Many people like John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen said for years that it could only lead us down the road to war with Russia.
3. Russophobia – Russophobia has been getting worse and worse in this country for years. It seemed like Russia broke the brains of American liberals in the 2016 election. These people have been consumed by a pathological fear and hatred and loathing of all things Russian ever since. Liberals fell for all sorts absurd conspiracies about Trump based on the Steele dossier.
It has been amazing to watch. We are regularly accused of bigotry, “hate” and xenophobia, but all that we wanted in the 2016 was two things. We wanted to improve relations with Russia. We also wanted to avoid a war with Russia in Syria. Hillary Clinton supported imposing a No-Fly Zone in Syria which would have triggered a war with Russia. This simply made no sense to us at the time.
There is a deeper cultural division at work here. There have always been Americans, especially in the Midwest and the South, who have wanted to mind their own business and get along with the rest of the world and live in peace in their own country. There have also always been Americans, especially in our Eastern states, who are incapable of minding their own business, who are hypocritical busybodies who stick their noses in the affairs of others, who seek to dominate and control and destroy others. These people believe the United States and the entire world should remade in their own image. They are hostile to pluralism. They are a menace to normal Americans at home and to foreigners abroad.
It is important for foreigners to grasp the Yankee Question and its impact on American domestic politics and the course of world history. Just a few months ago, Joe Biden came to the pariah state of Georgia, a place where “21st century Jim Crow” is practiced, and declared that over half of its population were his domestic enemies. American corporations have cancelled and boycotted Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Indiana and other American states for years now for supporting traditional values and have threatened to use their economic power to bully and crush other states who oppose the “trans” agenda. Throughout their entire history, these people have been known for conformity and fads.
The same people are using their same tools for the same reasons to cancel Russia now. The average Russian doesn’t control their foreign policy anymore than we have any say over our foreign policy in the United States. The average Russian is suffering from inflation like the average American. It is easy to relate to Russians when you see that the same people who hate Russians also hate the American South and White America and seek to destroy our culture and wipe us out of existence too.
4. “Journalists” – “Journalists” lie about everything.
They are lying about the war in Ukraine too. It is easy to see through all their lies. The same people who condemn disinformation, misinformation and malinformation are parroting Ukrainian propaganda. There was the “Ghost of Kiev.” There was the Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. There was Snake Island. The mainstream media is recycling propaganda from the “intelligence community” and PR firms who work for the Ukrainian government. FOX News is nothing but a platform for retired generals who work for defense contractors. They are trying to emotionally manipulate the American public in order to create a climate of public opinion favorable to their policy objectives.
The situation in Ukraine is complex. There has been a proxy war going on there between the United States and Russia for the past eight years. Ukraine is a country with lots of ethnic and cultural divisions. There are parts of Ukraine which have historically been a part of Russia like Crimea and Donbas. There are other parts of Ukraine which have historically been a part of Hungary and Poland. Ukraine is a vital interest of Russia for cultural, historical and strategic reasons. There isn’t another place on earth including the Baltic states which are as important to Russia, but “journalists” are peddling their familiar simple morality tale about evil dictators and the evil things they do for no reason at all.
5. Inflation – Has anyone noticed that gas prices are $4 a gallon, $5 a gallon, even $7 a gallon in some places because of this? Inflation is spiraling out of control in large part due to our foreign policy. The American middle class and working class is getting hammered right now.
6. World War III – Is the status of Crimea and Donbas worth the risk of World War III? The answer is unequivocally no. The vast majority of Americans didn’t even know their government was fighting a proxy war with Russia over these places.
7. Our Priorities – We’ve spent the last year talking about censorship, cancel culture, the erosion of civil liberties, the rise of the surveillance state, refugee crises, illegal immigration, inflation and all sorts of other negative trends before this crisis exploded. I have spent years and years on this website writing about how our foreign policy creates these refugee crises. Now, it is causing inflation and worsening a host of other negative trends in our society. It is all converging in this war in Ukraine.
8. Corruption – As if all that were not enough, Ukraine is a sewer of corruption. It is a kind of miniature ZOG on steroids which Western elites have used for years as their own personal piggy bank. We don’t have anything against the Ukrainians. It is just that we recognize that their government is clearly controlled by the same type of forces that controls our own government and that there is a nexus of these forces at work on Ukraine. The idea of risking getting involved in a nuclear war over Zelensky and the Ukrainian government is breathtaking in the way that this propaganda has been rolled out.
The bottom line: we’re not liberals.
We have no interest in world domination. We have no desire to remake the world in our own image. We have no interest in the region and even less interest in fighting Russia over its future. We’re not interested in meddling in the Russian World. We don’t believe the existence of the Russian World is any threat to us either. Maybe it is for Ukraine, but that is for Russia and Ukraine to sort out.
This is where there is a deep level of agreement. Russia wants to be an island. It wants to foster, cultivate and develop its own Russian Orthodox civilization. Putin wants Russia to be a civilization state. Liberals can’t stand the thought of this. Liberals believe in their own hegemony and universal claims and destroying all opposition, but we don’t and can’t stand them for many of the same reasons.
Liberals are calling for regime change in Russia. They won’t stop until the Pride flag flies over the Kremlin like it does over NATO and all of our embassies. We’re not under any illusions that these people are capable of tolerating us. They will resume their unrelenting war against us as soon as they finish off Russia.
Joe Biden sniffs little girls on the campaign trail…
Why do White Liberals worship the homosexual Jew Oligarch Zelensky?
Why are we suppose to worship Jeffrey Epstien’s friend Hillary Clinton?
Vladimir Putin by many orders of magnitude…is a better human being than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris….
I agree. When the liberals don’t like him, that tells us what we need to know!
What the MSM calls “Far Right” are patriotic white Americans. We realize that our country and all Western Countries are not ours anymore. Our society belongs to the Beast. We are ruled by transgenders and hostile immigrants who came to live off of our work while they burn our cities. Russia has a lot of problems but they are not committing national suicide by immigration and feminism. 50 years from now, 100, 200 years from now, Western Civilization will go on in Russia. It will be dead and gone in the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ and all of Western Europe. Why should I fight for a bunch of socialist foreigners who hate me? Im not talking about Klaus Schwaab, Im talking about the mud slide that he buried us under and their coalition of Tans weirdos, feminists, lazy drug addicts. You know. Democrat base voters.
“Russia has a lot of problems but they are not committing national suicide by immigration and feminism.” According to some, they actually are, but I do not know the truth of the matter. It’s certainly not as bad as it is in the zombie West, though.
“White Supremacist Nick Fuentes” – that is the state of the US Far Right in a nutshell – when that little greaser faggot(the same can be said of Anglin) is the face of a movement.
Anglin ans Fuentes are talking heads who represent themselves – in contrast to true rightists like you who never miss an opportunity to stand up for Globopedo! Why haven’t you joined Azov battalion of Judeo-Nazis yet, Schlomo? They really need your help down in Mariupol. I read the cauldron there is now pretty much limited to Azov-Stahl, so you might need to fly in as a super-pedo to stand up for democracy in Country 404.
@Christop1970 You sound boomerish. There’s a lot of right people who like Nick and Andrew. You probably are still cheering on the Republicans.
Here’s my answer: Give all legal support and encouragement to Vlad to break the Petro$ so our children have a chance to live free. Oppose any chickenhawks that support Ukraine in comments, support and voting. Voting might actually be important this year even with the fraud.
Putin is perceived by the Far Right as de facto leader of the opposition to Globohomo, the controversial American-dominated spread of Western decadence, military aggression and corporate imperialism across the world. Rightly or wrongly he represents pretty much everything the Far Right embraces, such as nationalism and a RETVRN to traditional values. It shouldn’t be difficult for anyone to understand that, not even the gray colored NPCs who read USA Today.
The dispute between Russia and Ukraine goes back centuries and is none of America’s business. But the ZOG regime in Washington is making it our business. Therefore we must support Vladimir Vladimirovitch.
“We were told that NATO was created to contain communism”:
The truth is: The Warsaw Pact was created to contain NATO and other U.S. imperialism. The U.S. went back to its cold war against Russia immediately after Operation Barbarossa was defeated. The U.S. began re-creating Banderite anti-Russian terrorism in Galicia (Ukraine) in 1945, until Stalin’s very efficient NKVD penetrated the operation and stamped it out, and the U.S. was feverishly preparing to atom-bomb Russia out of existence by 1950, but the Russians suddenly developed (in 1949) their own nuclear arsenal for self-defense. The U.S. (Truman’s newly created CIA) overthrew democratically-elected communists in Italy and Greece, putting the Mediterranean under firm control of puppet right-wing dictatorships immediately after WW2, and the U.S. also tried to destroy communism in China and Korea, and managed to hold on to Taiwan and the southern half of Korea (to this day).
So it is clear that the Warsaw Pact was a defensive measure in reaction to U.S. aggression.
You were also told that the Berlin Wall was built to imprison Germans. The truth is: The wall was built to keep capitalism from ruining the half of Berlin that was not occupied by the Empire. Many Germans who experienced both systems say they really miss the wall, and “The wall should be rebuilt twice as high!”
Your defense of the governmental system that has killed more humans than any other group in history is pathetic. It’s all lies and just hasn’t been tried by the “right people”, correct?
“the governmental system that has killed more humans than any other group”::
You have been deluded by the System that really did kill the most humans, and that will continue to do so as long as it exists, until it is replaced by a better system worldwide or it drives the human species to extinction. Your understanding of modern history, at least, is apparently very deficient.
“just hasn’t been tried by the ‘right people’, correct?”
Socialism wherever it has been tried has always been on a war footing from the beginning, always in a life or death struggle with the old system that is still predominant and intends to regain full control. Of course I don’t believe that any socialist movement, government or leader is PERFECT, but only that socialism is superior and must replace capitalism – just as capitalism was superior to and had to replace feudalism and monarchy.
Everything I wrote above is entirely accurate. I suggest that you begin to view history from the vantage of the exploited, ruined lives of the vast majority, instead of through the Elites’ and upper middle class’ distorting propaganda lens.
“This is where there is a deep level of agreement. Russia wants to be an island. It wants to foster, cultivate and develop its own Russian Orthodox civilization. Putin wants Russia to be a civilization state”:
I also share in your deep level of agreement. Ethnocentrism and ethno-national socialism are natural and healthy human tendencies. Capitalist cosmopolitan “atomism” is unnatural, and very unhealthy for the vast majority of mankind, and its endless imperialist war to maintain global monopoly and increase profit is very destructive to the natural environment.
Russia has not died yet, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. It remains alive with a healthy natural tendency toward ethnic Russian socialism and Russian Orthodox Christianity.
Don’t Forget: The politicians are trying to deflect people’s anger away from themselves and onto Russia.
Remember that YouTube video that went viral, where some Russian guys posed as Ukrainians, and they called McCain? His ego got the better of him, and he went off on how we should have war with Russia. It was really awful. A lot of people thought it was treason, to go beyond government and talk about these things. They even had subtitles so Russians could enjoy the conversation. It really showed how much he hated Russia, but you have to wonder why…or did he just want some war?
I listened intently to Stephen F. Cohen on radio broadcasts and he stated that we were in a new cold war with Russia which is even more dangerous than the first one, and that much of it centered around Ukraine and our expansion of NATO further eastward. He wrote a book based on these radio interviews which he titled War With Russia?
Sadly he passed away about a year and a half ago. I so wish he were still here.
Of course, he and his tribe want a war with Russia, so they can have both the US and Russia destroyed.
You knocked it put of the park with this one, Hunter. Brilliant article.
Agree. This is a superb and concise declaration. This Judeo-Yankee passion for tikkun-olam is a menace to every single person on earth. It needs to be killed with fire. Those who advance it are rabid dogs in the service of the devil. I think it’s bigger than Judeo-Yankee though. The same gang is at work in all of the west: UK, EUSSR, Australia, New Zealand.
Jews throughout the world have promoted this hatred of Russia. In the 1930’s and 40’s Stalin prosecuted Jews through his show trials. In the 1960’s the Soviet Union supported Arab governments over Israel and Jews NEVER forgive or forget actions like that.
Our present situation can be laid at the feet of Jews.
If our globohomo enemies insist on calling us “far right,” we should start referring to them as the far wrong.
I like that idea. Spread the meme Biden and his allies are not the Far “LEFT,” they’re the FAR WRONG!
This once mostly White western government that 160 years ago invaded the states in the AMERICAN south killing many southern soldiers and waging total war against southern civilians totally destroying their economy, putting a blockade around the South, putting sanctions of necessities and causing tremendous food shortages and medical problems that affected not only Southerners but even the Yankee prisoners of war who suffered tremendously in the POW camps such as Andersonville. And the lingering effects of this uncivil war affected the health of the Southern citizens that lasted for decades. Plus these Yankees played race politics to divide and conquer the South with the sham Emancipation Proclamation that old freed the slaves in the states Lincoln no longer was the President over (actually the Yankee abolitionists were hoping for a slave uprising but were disappointed when they learned the slaves didn’t hate the Whites in the South as much as these degenerate Yankees did.) and putting escaped black slaves and free Blacks in the Northern Union Army in separate segregated units so the mostly white Southerners were forced to fight a racial war against these all Black northern military units. And then after the war the revengeful (they just couldn’t hurt the South enough could they?) Yankees promoted Blacks over the Southern Whites during a sham “Reconstruction” period inciting more and more racial hatred to keep the South in a state of siege that finally backfired when the Blacks and this racial hatred moved up into the Yankee states and cities in the North (and of course these “nice” Yankee hypocrites blame this too on the Southern Whites).
And then after this the national Yankee hypocrisy just continued on and has gotten even worse so now this proud Yankee Empire thinks it has the right to lecture other nations on waging war against civilians while in the meantime since beating down the civilians in the South it dropped nukes on two whole cities practically wiping them out killing thousands of citizens. (You would think after doing something as horrible as this the beast would keep quiet.) But no, this killer hypocritical monster, the Yankee Empire, needs to be stopped DEAD in its tracks once and for all!!! The sooner this happens the world would be a better place!
Secede now!
May God Save the South!
When the govt media complex along with the left, Hollywood , etc. supports war and destruction of Russia, it’s only right to support the other side not so much in war but to put a stop to the jew NWO that will be the destruction of all of us. Anyone that resists the globalhomo regimes around the world should be morally supported.
The lies that: Sodomy is normal, that Tranny men are anything but blokes in a dress, or that the Biden COUP was lawfully elected, I deny, six million percent!
I LOATHE and DESPISE, yea, HATE with a godly hatred, everything that US Mission to NATO Twitter post stands for! Every single person involved with it, is damned. Religiously damned. They deserve to di, as St Paul states in Romans 1:32.
I believe that Vladimir Putin is seriously acting in Christendom’s best interest, and is the total opposite of the antipope Jorge Bergoglio. The living SCHISM between East and West has never been more apparent, than at this time. With that insight, I cry ‘SLAVA, PUTIN, SLAVA!’ Evan as I find certain Byzantine phyletistic elements, disgusting….
Rinaldo Nazzaro is getting a lot of mentions lately. He is the FBI plant designed to connect Putin to “white supremacy” in America and to the don’t laugh, don’t laugh, the transnational white supremacist movement. BAHA
Since Russia has been canceled, the Russians know they have to win this war because losing or becoming a stalemate will be as they have admitted the beginning of the end of the Russian state. It isn’t so much because of being canceled, but more that Russia’s enemies and allies will no longer fear or respect her because if she can’t deal with Ukraine and Zelensky how will she deal with NATO and the United States?
Putin put all his chips in and he needs to win, there is no turning back. This is the point of no return. Prepare for the long haul, this isn’t going to be a short war.
If you support the demise of Russia in this war, you are supporting a uni-polar world and the strengthening of the New World Order. It is safe to say that any asshole with a NATO or Ukrainian flag on their twitter account is a globalist.
Hunter likes live and let live. Digging in one’s own garden. And that would be nice. However it is not what we have.
We heard it from the puppet’s mouth, ZOG will be sending the 82nd into Ukraine. Their goal is to defeat Russia and install a puppet government there. And they will be using chemical weapons.
As many on both sides have said, as Putin said last week, this is not about Ukraine. It is not actually about Russia either, meaning, Russia is secondary. As Putin said, Russia is the one country standing in the way of their real target, their real economic competitor, China.
ZOG wants to attack China from the West. Peel off Tibet and Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia too. Russia is blocking them.
This is World War 3, not a little border dispute. The target is China. Putin continues to block them. It is driving them crazy.
“Hunter likes live and let live. Digging in one’s own garden. And that would be nice”:
I always say that a good nationalist must also be a true internationalist, and we cannot ignore any evil abroad and especially not the greater evil at home that is doing evil abroad.
No nation can be isolationist in this world of eight billion people, and foreign policy always was the most fundamental issue of politics, that cannot be ignored.
A system (I won’t call this a real country or a real nation) that exploits the people of foreign nations is also, ipso facto, exploiting the vast majority of its own homeland population. But the majority of the homeland population is corrupted, and approves of the looting abroad because they think some of the loot trickles down (they get things without working or cheaper than they should).
China is run by the same folk that ran the USSR-but they are Asian-mixed. Unlikely they are Han Chinese. We have a few decades of Western media kissing China’s ass. China doesn’t mind that.
China is not the Westerner’s friend and I don’t think it is anti-globalist, it just needs a China-focus due to the problems with population and resources.
It does feel like the Tribe is losing control–as Henry Ford said, when the immorality of the control gets too strong, people rebel.
They hope to hold on by hijacking business and perhaps causing a famine but chances are the public will quickly overthrow the globohomo governments. They have no military support since they are so anti-nationalist and police need to feed their families too.