The American Far Right’s Jeffersonian DNA

This is a hot take.

I will flesh it out later tonight.


Far from being “authoritarian,” COVID revealed how distrustful the American “far right” is of authority, conformity, experts and technocrats and how zealously this swath of the population pushed back against all of it. In contrast, it was PMC shitlibs who couldn’t get enough of the mandates. These people leaped at the opportunity to boss other people around and to force their views on others. BTW, have you noticed how swiftly the whole herd has moved on from COVID over the past month?


Now that Ukraine has replaced COVID as the Current Thing, it seems like the overwhelming sentiment on the “far right” is suspicion of the narrative about Ukraine combined with a desire to stay out of it and to focus on our own problems at home. There is no enthusiasm here for leaping into World War III with Russia. It is, of course, the jingos like Sean Hannity and Mark Levin on the Right who have always been enthusiastic supporters of militarism and imperialism and the “far right” which has opposed it.

Right, so the same people who wore masks for two years and who lived in terror of COVID have done a heel turn and are now ready for regime change in Russia and imposing a No-Fly Zone in Ukraine and going straight to World War III. Terrified of COVID. Fragile enough to be harmed by “hate speech” on Twitter. But ready to charge into nuclear war though!

So, what should we make of this?

There are experts on television like Timothy Snyder and Jason Stanley who look at the “far right” and who see “fascism.” Isn’t this a strange sort of “fascism” though? A “fascism” which is dovish and instinctively suspicious of authority and the government and which is hostile to militarism and imperialism? A “fascism” which is loudly opposed to censorship and which wants to protect our civil liberties and abolish the “intelligence community” and which ridicules portly, incompetent Pentagon generals festooned with medals from wars which they lost in Iraq and Afghanistan to a bunch of militias?

The basis of the “fascism” charge is that the “far right” clings to traditional views about race, sex and gender, but this really says a lot more about the recent history of liberalism. In the 20th century, liberalism moved from being defined by politics and economics to being defined by culture. Liberalism is now synonymous with social liberalism or the cultural liberation of the individual from his own tradition. It became mixed up with modernism and critical theory. It also became associated with a strong state and the rule of technocrats and experts – the opposite of what it had been in the 19th century – as well as imperialism. The truth is that modern liberalism branched off into what it is today around World War I.

Liberalism went through a tremendous change in the 20th century. It absorbed modernism, cosmopolitanism and antiracism. It rejected nationalism which had been associated with liberalism in the 19th century. It was heavily influenced by people like H.G. Wells who was an advocate for a World State. It absorbed all sorts of fashionable European intellectual trends like postmodernism and critical theory. It also increasingly became synonymous with the growth of the PMC as the college educated population ballooned in the late 20th century.

Today, American liberalism has been so influenced by and coopted by and impregnated by all of these imported 20th century fads and trends that it spawns radicals who topple monuments of Thomas Jefferson. Liberalism finds itself estranged from Middle America. Is that because Middle America and the White working class has suddenly embraced “fascism” or is it because it has changed by embracing things like open borders and the 20,000 new genders discovered over the last decade?

Yes, it is true that we like Vladimir Putin’s hostility to progressive gender ideology. We agree with him that it is a scourge on civilization. This doesn’t mean, however, that we want to model America on Russia or believe that such a thing is even possible. Rather, it means that we still believe in what everyone believed here just a decade ago before insane people created “trans” culture on Tumblr. We see it as another destructive advance by social liberalism in the tradition of gay marriage and feminism.

Joe Biden’s vow to defend “every inch of NATO territory” also reveals how liberals see the world. America’s official borders are meaningless lines in the sand like the borders of countries in the European Union. America is just “the Homeland” now. The real border of the American Empire, which Republican senators are obsessed with, especially since the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, is over there in Ukraine on the front lines in Donbas. We don’t live in a nation anymore so much as the headquarters of global capitalism or the New World Order or the “Free World.”

Once again, we have this quaint, antiquated view that America is still “the Homeland.” It is not the American Empire. We don’t see the world as our elites see it. We don’t grasp the vital importance of fighting to death with Russia over Donbas or occupying Afghanistan for 20 years. America’s elites believe in all sorts of things like this which we don’t believe in like white privilege, systematic racism, the 20,000 new genders and so on. The definition of “fascism” is clinging to traditional values, being behind the times, not up to speed with our elites and their evolving agenda, not standing up to clap for them and embrace the latest fad or war which isn’t in our interest.

Ask yourself a simple question … who is threat to the Bill of Rights? Who hates the First Amendment? Who hates the Second Amendment? Who hates the Fourth Amendment? Who hates the Tenth Amendment? Who wants to dump the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College? Who really lusts after absolute power? Who believes in world domination?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are experts on television like Timothy Snyder and Jason Stanley who look at the “far right” and who see “fascism.” Isn’t this a strange sort of “fascism” though? A “fascism” which is dovish and instinctively suspicious of authority and the government and which is hostile to militarism and imperialism?

    Yes the talking-head “experts” are full of shit (as usual). They don’t even understand the proper definition of fascism, which was a ‘third way’ position in the socialist spectrum, as was national socialism. Mussolini was a socialist before he adopted fascism. His version of it was quite Italian of course, and included a dollop of imperialism harking back to the Roman Imperium. Why the hell would any western country want to take over Ethiopia? Taking Albania wasn’t exactly a plus, either. Like war, colonialism is a racket.

  2. Liberalism in America=Homosexual Pederasty…

    Proof:behold Hillary Clinton….Queen of the White-Kharzar Liberals…

    How many preteen Russian Girls did Hillary Clinton rape on Jeffrey Epstien’s Carribean Pederast Rape Paradise?

  3. Jefferson’s ideal of the yeoman farmer was a great idea. But he didn’t realize that farmers are literally sitting ducks who need to be protected by the military. His neglect of a professional military in his philosophy and in real life was a serious flaw. Also, I might be wrong here, but did he ever say whether his yeoman farmers would be using slaves or just their own free white labor?

  4. The system is so rotten that they can not give up even single inch . Giving up launches snowball effect and the entire cardhouse collapses very fast.

    • I believe Uncle Adolf said “kick the front door in and the entire rotten edifice will collapse.” We are about at that point I think.

  5. “the ‘far right’ clings to traditional views about race, sex and gender”:

    These views are not only traditional, national and ethnic, they are also true, factual, scientific, biological, natural and universal.

    “COVID revealed how distrustful the American ‘far right’ is of authority, conformity, experts and technocrats and how zealously this swath of the population pushed back against all of it”:

    Yes I agree the American far right, and also the mid-right, mid, so-called “left” and far “left,” are distrustful of everything, being brought up and participating in the usury (capitalist) system of exploitation, cheating and deceptive advertising, they fully expect to be deceived – and actually admire clever deception – and they know nothing else.

    What the pandemic also proves is that the capitalist right is (1) scientifically challenged and illiterate, (2) too selfish and distrustful to cooperate with others and REALLY follow rules including classical rules of hygiene that would have not only limited but eradicated the disease, and (3) much more interested in the health of business (small, medium and large businesses) than human welfare. Of course the U.sury S.ystem had no intention of eradicating or even controlling the pandemic, and the unserious haphazard rules it put forth could never have worked.

    I agree that the term “fascism” is misused, or misapplied, like “Nazi.” I have been told never to use the term Nazi again, not even “Zio-Nazi,” in reference to the Khazarkrainian thugs who hate and murder Russians and destroy Russian Orthodox churches.

  6. Whomever ends the Petro$ will be my hero. The rest will come into line. Left or Right no longer matters to me. Occupy Wall Street was partially correct I think. The system is rigged and controlled. Look what the system did with the Gamestop shorts.

  7. However it was Jeffersonian to send the new navy around the world, to the Barbary coast to deal with the pirates. Jefferson was not an isolationist. Slightly off-topic: The Chechens were recently let loose in Mariupol, and the Zio-Nazi thugs are trying to escape them, dressed as civilians. But the Chechens are catching most of them. Even Chechens are less barbaric than the Zio-Nazis who torture Russian soldiers they capture, or shoot them in both knees or the tailbone so they will be crippled for life. Chechens are fierce fighters who have mastered close-quarters urban warfare, but they are in a different class from the Zio-Nazis who serial-rape Russian women under their control, march civilians ahead of them down the street as shields, fire cluster bombs and white phosphorus into crowded civilian areas, and stage false-flag demolitions of civilian infrastructure everywhere, and commit many other serious war crimes, with the U.S.’s full support and encouragement. The Isolationist-minded don’t care and want to ignore it.

    • “The Isolationist-minded don’t care and want to ignore it.”

      That is certainly true of the rank and file. The powerless leaders of the isolationist-minded, uncertain as to which side will prevail, are faced with the choice of being traitors if Russia succeeds or remaining irrelevant if it doesn’t. They prefer the latter. That is why they contort themselves in knots to justify “not having a dog in this fight.”

    • If the isolationist minded people in the U.S. had been in power there wouldn’t have been shipments of Stinger, Javelin and other missiles to the Ukraine years before this war started. If the isolationist minded had been in charge there wouldn’t have been a CIA overthrow of the duly elected government of the Ukraine. If the isolationist minded were in charge the archives of the CIA, FBI, DHS etc. would have been published destroying those agencies’ ability to engage in their horrid crimes such as ISIS and the false flag gas attack in Syria.

      If the isolationist minded were in charge there would be much more peace, prosperity and liberty at home and abroad. There wouldn’t be massive profits for the MIC, Our Greatest Ally would be on their own and the world would be a far better place. I almost forgot to add this to the list too: there wouldn’t be the very real danger of nuclear war hanging over the world now either.

  8. Fascism is forcing an ineffective and unnecessary vaccine on the population and starting WWIII?

    The intelligent people on the right are fascists. Just not cartoon characters.

  9. We need to let the bankers know they are on their own if this Ukraine conflict leads to another financial collapse.

    Think about this, why should a Russian corporation pay its dollar denominated debt? We have shut them down and shut them out of our markets and out of European markets. Why wouldn’t they default? It can’t hurt them. The Russians are rich in real things like gold, minerals, furs & precious gems, fertilizer, oil and natural gas. It maybe that we are playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun.

    • Not really.

      The virus is real. The official death toll is over a million now. It is just that it falls so hard on the elderly. Most people who have had it are fine. Especially those who had Omicron

      • Hunter,
        Yes the virus is real. I know from the number of people missing from work in recent months. The minute someone is back from their two weeker, someone else is suddenly I’ll with it, and it’s a real inconvenience.
        I haven’t had it myself (to my knowledge), but might fake one to get a two week break. Why should I miss out?!
        Most people who die from it appear to be the elderly, and people with other, underlying complications.
        The best way to combat it is to just be healthy. That gets you home every time.

  10. The American Identity has been lost. I’m not just talking about from a Christian and White racial perspective. The whole thing has been lost. I agree that the US is more like the center of Global Capitalism and the New World Order. It thinks it runs the World but Russia and Putin said….nahhh. We can all think how wonderful or bad things was in the past. However we can only live here, now, and go forward solving problems. Deo Vindice !

  11. >how distrustful the American “far right” is of authority, conformity, experts and technocrats

    I guess you’re not ‘far right’ then.

    • There are degrees of mistrust.

      I’m sure there are conspiratards out there who are claiming the war in Ukraine is a massive psyop

      • How do you know it isn’t? It’s the left that has been going after Russia for years now. McCain wanted a war with Russia. Now the rest of the RINOs do too.
        The bankers are always trying to run everything, here and abroad. This is very much like the “weapons of mass destruction”. Putin doesn’t want a NATO with nukes sitting at his border, plus, read Russian history about the Ukraine.

  12. The problem is the Global American Empire and the historic America nation are incompatible. I have seen many right wing politicians claim that America is no longer a serious nation. But what thy don’t realize is that it is not a nation at all. It is an anti-nation that makes war both domestically and internationally on all manifestations of nationalism, more especially Ethnonationalism. Welcome co the American Anti-Nation!

  13. “instinctively suspicious of authority and the government and which is hostile to militarism and imperialism?”

    Authority is not always to be mistrusted. Never in my lifetime or probably in any generation of my family for centuries now have we had a good leader who could be trusted.

    Government must always be kept in check and at bay while it is the apparatus of authority that is not held by our consent.

    Imperialism is always bad, because ot draws resources and attention away from home.

    Militarism the way I understand it is an essential characteristic of any culture that intends to survive.

    At any rate pacifism is gay. Every man in my family for generations going as far back as we know has served in the military of their time and place. My brother and I are the first to spurn the service because its so clearly for an empire off the rails.

    In the time of Jefferson, states had militias. I’ll serve in one of those if the time comes. Until then, I’ll do what hill people always do throughout history, keep my head down and my knife sharp, my gun oiled and at hand.

  14. TJ would never have supported a totalitarian ideology like Fascism or National Socialism. He admired the Roman Republic and the Golden Age of Athens.

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