I overestimated Joe Biden again.
In 2021, I discounted the impact that the tidal wave of federal spending combined with supply chain issues would have on driving up inflation. We were repeatedly told at the time that this was “transitory inflation” which was expected to taper off after a few months.
In 2022, I assumed that high inflation would persist for a few months before tapering off over the summer. I also assumed that Joe Biden and the Democrats would find a way to dodge a big foreign policy crisis like a war in Ukraine. Instead, we have a clusterfuck in Ukraine, which has led to an energy shock and runaway inflation that is hammering the working class and middle class. Secretary of State Antony Blinken could have avoided the crisis by simply saying publicly – that Ukraine wasn’t joining NATO – which he had already said privately to Zelensky. He stuck to the non-open open door policy.
Next year, I will have to think more like impulsive blue check liberals on Twitter. Obviously, I personally wouldn’t have made rash foreign policy moves that were guaranteed to aggravate inflation and gas prices ahead of the midterms because I think in terms of experience and consequences of actions. Twitter was only thinking that Vladimir Putin is an evil dictator who must be severely punished.


I think 15% is more accurate although Congress gave themselves a 20% raise. There will be slaves that will not be able to show up for work soon.
“I think 15%”
You’re still too low.
I use my ‘ground beef index’ , among other things, they all range in at around 19-20%.
Good point. Average people do not buy Rolex watches and Ferrari cars.
So proper way to caluculate inflation is watch those items on what most people spend their money. Food electricity fuel .
In Europe also nominal inflation is something 10 % but when you watch food price’s then it looks more like 50 %
” slaves that will not be able to show up for work ”
More and more ppl will turn to dope dealing and other forms of crime, just to survive.
Our overlords know this, I think it’s a part of the overall sinister scheme to degrade our society, so that it will be vulnerable to rule by an autocratic absolute tyranny.
I think our Satanic elites are losing control but this is still part of their plan. Ukraine too.
Fake News Department: There’s no natural “peaking” to inflation once it gets started. Anyone claiming that inflation will peak on its own is pushing fake political news.
Inflation is way higher. Shadow stats. Also all this is part of the plan, it has nothing to do with elections. They want everyone starving and breathing for a solution like a one world currency.
They want PEASANTS starving and breathing for a solution like a one world currency.
If you’re not among the chosen elite, you’re a peasant.
As good as it is, even shadow stats is lacking.
He uses the old 1980 method, that the Carter admin. fudged to understate housing inflation, by replacing housing costs with ‘imputed owners equivalency’, gibberish.
“Rachel Maddow to cut back her MSNBC show to once a week”
Even with a ocean of jwzish privilege, her show won’t float.
“In 2021, I discounted the impact that the tidal wave of federal spending ”
Admit it, even with your good mind and knowledge of zog’s systematic lying, the media has a subliminal influence on your thinking.
Just admit it, the power of media is so pervasive, that even the most hardened skeptic is swayed by the power of the media current.
We’re all human, we’re all influenced by the behavior and opinions of those ground us, even if they are artificial and contrived in the studios of major media.
Again, I’ll make a tedious repition.
Notice how none of the major media will do an investigation into the US gov stats.
That alone shows the coordination and collusion of USZOZ and media.
This was done with the euro conversion. Prices doubled or tripled and the ECB just denied it. You could do the homework and calculate it from old price lists but crickets.
Fake News Department: There’s no natural “peaking” to inflation once it gets started. Anyone claiming that inflation will peak on its own is pushing fake political news.
Inflation is ZOG’s surreptitious method of making us pay for their profligate spending on wars, social degeneracy, bureaucratic disasters, etc.
The weight of their errors falls on our backs.
The real inflation rate being experienced by the vast majority of the U.S. population is at least double that, and unlike all previous hyper-inflations, this time there is no bank interest for ordinary savers (any residual savings are being stolen by inflation). The Empire of the Almighty Dollar is all-powerful, so it no longer needs to hide its true nature and intentions for the “homeland” population.
Socialism is the only true ethno-nationalism. You will see!
Of course It’s all Putin fault according to the Biden administration. He responsible for everything.
The skyrocketing inflation rate, since Ron Klain entered the Oval Office has to be the highest since the Confederacy’s last years
Third world status is accelerating. We are going to make Weimar Germarny look stable by comparison at this pace.
These statistics are more accurate than the ones that the judeo-American empire shovels out to the http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts
Scroll down to Inflation-Flash (April 12).
Conservatively, this is the worst inflation increases in 75 years.
More lies. 8.5 is way too low.