1. Who stands for Ukraine: Liberals and conservatives alike. Don’t forget the degenerates that push for LBGT rights.

  2. Max Boot would look great in a striped pajama uniform with a yellow star stitched on it. He is the quintessential jew – an arrogant, neurotic coward who engages in no useful, productive labor and has a hostile alien mentality.

    • The only thing jews fear is NS. Why? Because the NS had their number and didn’t fall for their victim-hood status.

    • Russian goals depend upon international support. They are currently winning in grand strategy terms because they have fostered good will with most of the world, creating a worldwide coalition that stands against the American empire. They must walk a very fine line to keep diplomatic cover from these other states. They can’t just start carpet bombing civilians like American zogbots do all over the world, or they will quickly find their allies abandoning them and they will be done.

  3. Zogboomers everywhere are gushing over Ukraine. Boomer brainwashing is something to behold

  4. 16 APR, 16:17

    Over 23,000 Ukrainian troops, foreign mercenaries killed – Russian Defense Ministry

    According to the major general, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s recent statements to the Western media that Ukraine has about 2,500-3,000 service members killed in the operation are a lie

    MOSCOW, April 16. /TASS/. The irretrievable losses of the Ukrainian army, National Guard and among the foreign mercenaries are 23,367 people, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.

    According to the major general, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s recent statements to the Western media that Ukraine has about 2,500-3,000 service members killed in the operation are a lie.

    “The Russian Defense Ministry has reliable statistics on the true losses in the Ukrainian army, National Guard and among the arriving foreign mercenaries, which Zelensky is frightened to communicate to the people of Ukraine. To date, irretrievable losses are 23,367,” Konashenkov said.
    — TASS website

    • Bruce is not a swishy, effeminate homo, he is basically just a transvestite, a guy who likes to dress up like a woman. It must have something to do with all the steroids he took as a professional afflete. But he does represent/embody the ridiculous, absurd state of modern FOX News style “conservatism”.

  5. The Democrats are obviously for Ukraine. The usual Military Industrial Complex controlled establishment Republicans. As for the Republicans who don’t support Ukraine….that’s all politics. If Trump was in office the US would probably be at WWIII with China and Russia. That was the whole point of the US Government releasing Covid-19 on China through a Chinese medical lab. Make it look like China was having problems and the “Trade War” would really begin with US companies looking for other options. Notice I typed other options not actual Economic Nationalism here at home because the cost of everything would be so high nobody could buy anything. Inflation would be the worst ever….what we see now would be nothing in comparison. So in reality because of the Jew money system and greed….it’s make it nearly impossible to make products affordable at home. Regardless the US through Trump wanted World War III. Covid-19 jumped across borders and we had the pandemic. Russia retaliated by invading the Ukraine I think out of protest for what the US did in China.

    Something tells me our Confederate ancestors saw the US becoming a Diverse Multicultural dump that thought it would be an Empire and rule in the World. We know the US might have been the leader for a while but now the D, the R, and everybody else can’t get along and what’s left of American culture has been deleted since 2020.

    Our Confederate ancestors was right. We should remember and go forward for the good of the South and Western Civilization. Deo Vindice I type for a reason….I believe in it. Deo Vindice !

  6. “I stand with Ukraine, I dont want them to fall under the sway of NWO transhumanists.”

    They’re exactly who and what the Russians are fighting in the Ukraine, and beyond.

  7. Another reason not to support the Ukraine: it seems they have iced Coach Red Pill for doing nothing more than telling the truth. The Ukraine is a thuggish Judeocracy.

    • Well said, RC. But why did “Coach Redpill” go to the Jewkraine in the first place, especially under present circumstances? Was he a CIA spook or an aging GenXer looking for adventure?

      • “Well said, RC. But why did “Coach Redpill” go to the Jewkraine in the first place, especially under present circumstances? Was he a CIA spook or an aging GenXer looking for adventure?”

        He married a Ukrainian woman and has two kids; IIRC one of them is like 7 years old so he’s not been in Ukraine for too long and he doesn’t speak the local languages. But, his money will go a lot further in a poor country like Ukraine so that probably explains why he is there (along with his wife being Ukrainian). And the Russian invasion caught him by surprise so he didn’t really have a good chance to flee, especially once he was back in Kharkov with his family and surrounded by Ukrainian troops. I doubt he’s a spook; just a former sex tourist who found a wife in Ukraine.

    • “The Ukraine is a thuggish Judeocracy.”

      Created by the CIA and controlled by Victoria Nuland(K) ,through Dimitri Yarosh. She was the head honcha in the 2014 Maidan coup.

      Jews have a genocidal hatred for Russians and Ukranians, that goes back forever. They hate them, even more than they hate other Europeans/Whites. The Tsars were on to their subversion and tricks, early on. Especially since they kept trying to overthrow the Tsars, and stage revolutions in Russia, even before they invented Communism as a weapon against Humanity.

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