Roe’s Demise Is a Victory For Republicanism

We live in a republic, not a pure democracy.

I was thinking about this last night before going to bed. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

1. Roe is likely being struck down by a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court.

2. Democrats will try to “codify Roe” before the midterms, but will fail due to the Senate filibuster. Roe is going to get struck down because Democrats are just unable to compete with Republicans in rural states. Joe Manchin won’t go along with abolishing the filibuster.

3. Three of the five justices (Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett) who are voting to strike down Roe were appointed by Donald Trump who lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, but who won via the Electoral College. The Supreme Court also chose to make George W. Bush president over Al Gore. The president is elected by electors who are chosen by the people of the states, not directly by the whole people.

4. By taking so many extreme stands on cultural issues to appease wealthy donors and coastal urbanite libtards, Democrats have narrowed their coalition and lost critical elections which has gradually reshaped the federal courts. The rural and White working class bias of the Senate and Electoral College is titling the system against the Democrats and it is getting worse. Even when Democrats win by a landslide like in the 2018 midterms, they don’t pick up enough Senate seats to pass the progressive agenda.

5. The demise of Roe is the beginning of the “democratic collapse” that has been the subject of so much discussion in recent months. This could be the beginning of “The Handmaid’s Tale” and America’s descent into “authoritarian” White Christian heteronormative patriarchy and nationalism.

The demise of Roe is the biggest victory ever for social conservatives in the culture war.

Note: Rod Dreher is so happy that he is on the verge of publicly repudiating himself for blocking me on Twitter and not voting for Trump in 2016.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I believe I predicted this on this site a few weeks back. This is a last ditch ploy to mobilize their fanatical base and has been in the works for some time. Shlomo also wants full blown live fetus/baby harvesting in Satan occupied states like New York, Virginia and California.

  2. I kind of liked the idea of the Left and minorities taking out their own trash even if I despise the people behind Planned Parenthood. A White woman even considering an abortion is not likely to raise a child that’s going to be a White Nationalist. And forget about what a a muslim, jewish, negro or hispanic mother would raise.

    A few years ago, an underaged illegal alien wanted an abortion. Conservatives were all up in arms that a potential anchor baby would be aborted.

    • Mitt doesn’t know his current stance on abortion (or anything else) yet, he is waiting for his opinion polling firm to tell him. The same can be said for the majority of worthless Republicans.

      The last thing they wanted was for the abortion question to become front and center six months before an election. Now they will publicly have to take a stand, for or against, without an inch of compromise. The Republicans were quite comfortable being against abortion as long as they didn’t have to do anything about it.

  3. To be clear I am not for abortion but I also am not for the other extreme!! Monotheistic global “messianic” monarchic communistic J-M-C-M Sharia autocracy!!

    The American Enclave of Oligarchical Collectivist’s System is dying. Its death is coming just as surely as a man who thinks he can eat poison every day is sure to die. For but one example of many, the System’s law enforcement and justice system is breaking down — to deal with the non-White onslaught we can choose a police state (ie. the oligarchical collectivists judaeo-masonic-christian sharia totalitarian autocracy) or Somalia-like anarchy (ie. WFO borders for ungovernable 4th generation anarchic warfare (or police state sharia-noahide totalitarianism, the choice they want you to make, ie. surfdom under the oligarchs totalitarian autocracy) — or the third way alternative: a racial state, White living space. Nothing else will do.

    Unfortunately Dixie will choose autocracy, and it won’t be “national” by any classically definition but judeo-masonic-christian “propositional” in nature (Galatians 3:28):

    “5. The demise of Roe is the beginning of the “democratic collapse” that has been the subject of so much discussion in recent months. This could be the beginning of “The Handmaid’s Tale” and America’s descent into “authoritarian” White Christian heteronormative patriarchy and nationalism.

    The demise of Roe is the biggest victory ever for social conservatives in the culture war.

    Note: Rod Dreher is so happy that he is on the verge of publicly repudiating himself for blocking me on Twitter and not voting for Trump in 2016.” ~ Hunter Wallace ~

  4. “The demise of Roe is the biggest victory ever for social conservatives in the culture war.”

    I suppose so, but I sense some over celebration.

    This doesn’t mean a nationwide ban on abortion, it means abortion is now a state by state decision.
    Most Red states will ban it, but all the Blue states will continue to allow it.

    “Balkanization of the states along partisan lines (de-facto racial lines right now) is the absolute best outcome of this.”

    Agree 100%!

  5. The abortionists will just go to the states that will perform abortions. I wish it was outlawed period except for emergencies like rape or incest or other extenuating circumstances but not used as a form of birth control.

  6. >Roe’s Demise Is a Victory For Republicanism

    Perhaps also for federalism (‘The abortionists will just go to the states that will perform abortions’):

    linkBeauty of federalism. Let California subsidize the nation’s abortion, reflects the values of the state.

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