Charlie Kirk: "Deputize a citizen force, put them on the border" in order to protect "white demographics in America" https://t.co/SrgcKpL3Oi pic.twitter.com/5mwCchVkyY
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) September 23, 2021
There is an undeniable War on White People in The West.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 28, 2022
CPAC is going on in Budapest.
As much as we complain, there has been a considerable change in tone since 2019.
Why do we have dozens of “law enforcement” agencies if we need to deputize citizens to do their job?
You may find this post/sentiment interesting: link
Collapse of empire takes some time. Gorbachev came to power in spring 1985, Berlin wall came down autumn 1989. 4 and half years later.
Trump came to power 5 years ago.
I do agree with that it says a lot about how far the conservative mindset has moved when Viktor Orban addresses CPAC. However, I pray the mindset of the average conservative continues this rightward shift-Lord knows we need it.
“I pray the mindset of the average conservative continues this rightward shift”:
I hope they move so far from conservatism that they finally turn socialist, REAL left. Orban’s right populism is not the correct answer for Hungary or for the world.
However, I think that the Orban government’s relatively good behavior (compared to other NATO U.S. satellites) should be rewarded with a share of defeated Khazarkraine – the small adjoining part, Zakarpattia Oblast, that has an ethnic Hungarian majority, where the Hungarians have been badly mistreated by the Khazarkrainian regime. It should always have been part of
Hungary: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakarpattia_Oblast#:~:text=The%20Zakarpatska%20Oblast%20%28Ukrainian%3A%20%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%2C%20romanized%20%3A,Its%20administrative%20centre%20is%20the%20city%20of%20Uzhhorod.
>Hungary’s authoritarian leader
I’m not sure if I should regard this kind of rhetoric from CNN as a sign of their desperation, or just their (continued) dishonesty — how is, or can, Orban be ‘authoritarian’? — only in the sense that the alliance (of two parties), which he leads, did so well in the latest Hungarian election that they now hold an absolute majority (i.e. there was no need to form a coalition with another party or other parties, which usually means concessions and compromises) — so he and his party do now have the authority, granted by voters, to manifest their philosophy via a legislative agenda.
This is another aspect of secular moral absolutism: democracy is sacred until it delivers a heretical result — then it is ‘in peril’.
“Authoritarianism” is wanting Hungary to continue to exist
Far right authoritarian Shlomoshill. Orban should disclose all gifts and payments from Soros.
What country wouldn’t want to experience events like this?
Pride festival in Gran Canaria – which was attended by 80,000 people – is linked to Spanish monkeypox outbreak as well as two cases in Italy while European total reaches 100
(Not that I believe all the fear porn about ‘monkeypox’.)
>“Authoritarianism” is wanting Hungary to continue to exist
Also wanting to maintain public decency.
Just another indication that transnational white supremacy is a thing, is being created, and is on its way.
The Christ hater Heidi Bierich has got a new racket, she is the head of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. Global, it is global now.
Who is making white supremacy a global thing and why?
As I wrote last month, legendary GOP strategists Lee Atwater explained how the Republicans would co-opt the issues the Democrats would ignore in order to get the “working class white vote” – at the time, Dixiecrats, between Nixon and Reagan they turned solid GOP.
Five years ago the Republicans attacked Steve King for saying something like you can’t rebuild America with other people’s grandchildren.
Now – five years later – Bob Whitaker’s Mantra is the very center of mainstream politics. King of all Media Tucker Carlson has risen to the very top of the Legacy Media in no small part by simply playing defense against the openly anti-white.
Now, Charlie Kirk, the GOP’s only hope for some sort of “populism” for the young voters, has to quote Bob Whitaker.
Notice too that the “White Nationalist Movement” has done anything and everything in their power to discredit and disrupt the natural appeal of Bob Whitaker’s Manta.
The White Nationalist Movement wants to discussing anything, and everything, except for anti-whiteness. They want to argue about Hitler, Christianity, fascism, socialism, Jews, anything and everything except for pushing back against anti-whites and anti-whiteness.
So if you’re pro-white, the best thing to do is BE A NORMIE REPUBLICAN and be pro-white.
Don’t waste a minute of time with the Jews and Feds of the “White Nationalist Movement.”
So if you’re pro-white, the best thing to do is BE A NORMIE REPUBLICAN and be pro-white.
It’s difficult to think of anything less promising than trying to be ‘pro-white’ from within the as-long-as-they-come-legally, chamber-of-commerce GOP.
Throughout the entire West, the nominally ‘conservative’ parties are useless on immigration: it was Merkel (CDU) who set aside the Dublin Accord, inviting more than a million migrants to flood into the country; and since Brexit, the Tories have presided over record levels of migration from outside the EU into the UK.
One of the worst things about the political system in the US is the absolute stranglehold of the two party system — even in a neoliberal, ziocucked country like Germany, the AfD was able to rise from nothing to being solidly represented in the Bundestag within 10 years (after the 2017 national election they were actually the largest opposition party) — something like that is impossible to imagine in the US.
> One of the worst things about the political system in the US is the absolute stranglehold of the two party system
The “stranglehold” is a product of the winner-take-all, first past the post voting system. It is baked into the way votes are counted.
> from within the as-long-as-they-come-legally, chamber-of-commerce GOP.
Because of the nature of the voting system, there are two parties. The GOP does not “stand” for anything – who ever shows up, registers Republican, than votes for officers and the platform are the new GOP.
The GOP used to be the liberal party, then they were the conservative party, and they will change yet again. The Democrats used to be the conservative party, then they became leftist, etc.
The point is, the two parties are nothing but technical artifacts.
If you can’t “take over the GOP” from the open borders crowd, then you can’t take over the Democrats, and you can’t build a third party, then don’t bother to vote. Or, really, even bother posting as in what is the point?
“Taking over the GOP” happens all the time. But, of course, the Jews and Feds of the White Nationalist Movement aren’t going to take over the GOP, or do anything at all, except for get stupid young kids in trouble for various things.
For white Americans, especially those interested in stopping immigration, the way to politically engage is to take over one of the two parties, or preferably, both.
First thing to do, ignore the “movement” cranks.
How soon people forget. Remember Bob Whitaker and the American Freedom Party? That man had more political experience than probably 90% of pro-white people put together and even he didn’t bother proposing that. Mr. Whittaker’s idea, as I remember it, was to create a single issue party, promote that heavily, and then try and get one of the major parties to ‘steal’ the issue for themselves to get votes. That had far more chance of succeeding that trying to take over one the major parties. Didn’t work out because people couldn’t stay the dam course.
Good points Hipster. For years Anti-Whites ignored the Mantra. Now they’re talking about it, albeit to discredit it. I don’t like the term “white nationalist” for reasons you listed but mainly because it’s a term Anti-Whites like to label us with. We should use the term Pro White. You are either Pro White or Pro White Genocide. There is no other alternative.
What were the ‘good points’ — could you clarify that for me?
In particular this was absurd:
The White Nationalist Movement wants to discussing anything, and everything, except for anti-whiteness.
I’m not sure who in the ‘White Nationalist Movement’ he follows, but with the ones I pay attention to, ‘anti-whiteness’ and non-white immigration and migration (e.g. asylum seekers) is literally all they focus on, with the possible addition of disproportionate crime committed by non-whites.
An example is PA in the UK, and their current campaign of distributing leaflets to inform Britons that they will be a minority by 2066 — they also organize other forms of practical activism.
The way he continues is equally absurd:
They want to argue about Hitler, Christianity, fascism, socialism, Jews, anything and everything except for pushing back against anti-whites and anti-whiteness.
Of course Jews and the ‘anti-white’ activity of organized Jewry, including promoting censorship, are at all times an appropriate topic for discussion (some overdo it a bit).
But when people who regularly put out hour long podcasts etc, it’s natural that you will hear some of these topics discussed, as well as other relevant historical context — but they are marginal topics, or background info, and not the focus of White Nationalists.
Sometimes one of our guys sort of gets a hearing from the likes of CPAC, National Review, Conservative inc back in the day – Buchanan, a little David Duke, Tom Tancredo, Joe Sobran and Sam Francis – and then the media thought police, RINOs, cuckservatives, Koch Brothers and Js of all kinds close the opening and there are pushes for distracting J Neo Con wars.
Thais d’Escufon is a young woman involved in rightwing/identitarian politics in France — she has a new video out where she makes some interesting and relevant points about political discourse and activism — although she speaks French in this video (she does speak English), there are English subtitles — invest a few minutes and watch it here: link
Lovely girl. Intelligent, articulate and committed to fight for her people. She is nothing at all like our “e-thots” .
Orban got control of the media. That is how it is done. Only way to do that here is to secede. The elections are rigged.
Kirk is right about them bring in nonWhites to decrease the White population but that is no secret, they have been doing that for a long time. The ADL would have you believe otherwise by calling it a White supremacist conspiracy theory.
Is the U.S.’s satellite Hungary being joined in NATO by Austria now? AUSTRIA (not just Sweden, Finland, Bosnia, Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, etc.) is being pressed to join NATO as a full member alongside Hungary: https://antibellum679354512.wordpress.com/2022/05/21/campaign-underway-to-have-austria-follow-finland-sweden-into-nato/
I am sure the Rainbow Empire is generously bribing these little countries to join its Axis of Evil.
Instead of shaking their heads like disapproving school marms those CNN commentators should have said they understand why so many conservative Americans are disenchanted with the Republican establishment and politics as usual. Orban represents the kind of strong, responsible leader who doesn’t exist in this country but ought to. But then again CNN is part of the Oligarchy’s propaganda machine, so we can’t expect them to be America First.