— Amber Heard (@realamberheard) June 1, 2022
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) June 1, 2022
UPDATE: Amber Turd is getting one of the biggest ratios in history on Twitter. LMAO.
BREAKING: Attorneys for Johnny Depp: “Today’s verdict confirms what we have said from the beginning — that the claims against Johnny Depp are defamatory and unsupported by any evidence.” https://t.co/zCitxTSXr7 pic.twitter.com/6PT32omBTw
— ABC News (@ABC) June 1, 2022
Johnny Depp said the jury “gave me my life back.” Amber Heard said she’s “heartbroken.”
— The New York Times (@nytimes) June 1, 2022
Get the latest following the verdict, in which a jury found that Depp was defamed by Heard but also that she'd been defamed by one of his lawyers. https://t.co/vumYhF2P3M pic.twitter.com/3rOeNa2KY8
Don’t get too blackpilled, bros.
BLM has peaked and crashed in popularity.
#MeToo has peaked and just suffered a devastating defeat.
The Great Replacement has gone mainstream.
Twitter is about to fall under the control of Elon Musk and become a siege engine of “misinformation” in the culture war.
The Wokelash is sending the “permanent progressive majority” into the dustbin of history.
Roe v. Wade is about to be struck down by the Supreme Court.
Margaret Atwood is saying The Handmaid’s Tale is coming true. The ideology of Gilead is going mainstream.
If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism. The “New Woman” made her debut a century ago. The culture could easily start trending in the opposite direction.

The both of them were shown throughout this downright nasty trial to be equally disgusting human beings as far as I can see. I think they deserved one another. The jury shouldn’t have given either one of them anything but maybe a matched set of baby pacifiers and a lifetime supply of whatever is being prescribed for extreme narcissism these days. Depp and his best bud Marilyn Manson will no doubt celebrate soon by doing whatever Satanist freaks do to celebrate such things. “Manson” has been accused by multiple women over the last couple of years of very abusive behavior but has declined to file any defamation actions against any of them. I wonder why? Birds of a feather…..
Manson has always been a creep. That’s always been his appeal to women.
Manson has no appeal to women. Any man worth over ten million dollars can presumably get a girlfriend orbtwo or three, Hunter. That doesn’t mean his type is particularly attractive. The most epic heartthrobs of pop culture are much more, shall we say, normal-looking? The Beatles, Jon Bonjovi, Elvis Presley.
I disagree.
Women throw themselves at weirdos like Marilyn Manson and Charles Manson. Serial killers and mass shooters also get fan girls who become obsessed with them. There is a certain type of women who get involved with people like that and act all shocked when they get burned.
“Serial killers and mass shooters also get fan girls who become obsessed with them.”
The overwhelming majority of sexual paraphiliacs (i.e. perverts) are men. A tiny percentage of women are hybristophiles.
I don’t judge men by the disordered of your sex, because I’m not a hater looking for a reason to hate. You, on the other hand, are an ugly mirror image of a radical feminist.
I’m not sure why it is difficult for you to acknowledge that some women are attracted to freaks and weirdos and serial killers and mass shooters. I think you might be first woman who I have ever known who downplays this. Thus is so obvious that I don’t know why you think it is controversial
” Serial killers and mass shooters also get fan girls who become obsessed with them. ”
The incels found the answer here. Good looking criminals get crazy women to obsess over them, but if you are ugly, you’ll just rot in jail with no attention.
The good looking law abiding men are all taken, so a good looking criminal might just be the next best thing for a single woman.
“‘’m not sure why it is difficult for you to acknowledge that some women are attracted to freaks and weirdos and serial killers and mass shooters.”
Hunter, you didn’t say “some women.” Had you done so, my response would have been different. You said:
“Manson has always been a creep. That’s always been his appeal to women.”
“Women throw themselves at weirdos like Marilyn Manson and Charles Manson.”
Consider choosing your words more carefully.
Now, that said, I still don’t think women are particularly attracted to freaks and weirdos. On what do you base this assertion, Hunter? Surely you have more than Marilyn Manson, a multimillionaire, to go on if you’re willing to make such a sweeping generalization.
Nor do I think women are attracted to serial killers. Indeed, serial killers often become so precisely because they are so repulsive to women that they cannot get sex, with which they have a singular and unhealthy obsession, without literally imprisoning and raping them. They kill to conceal the crime.
For every woman that sends a love letter to an incarcerated serial killer, there are hundreds of millions who don’t. Yet, you choose to judge women by the actions of the tiny minority rather than the overwhelming majority. That is indicative of a person looking for a reason to hate, Hunter.
Now, to be fair, I will certainly acknowledge that women tend to be attracted to psychopaths, who have spent their entire lives learning how to appear to be something they are not, to feel something they do not feel, and to want things they do not want. They are studied manipulators who know how to get what they want from people. It is the mask that attracts women, not the soulless predator behind the mask.
Ted Bundy had a girlfriend. Her parents loved him. He had everyone fooled. When coworkers alerted her that a police sketch looked rather like her handsome boyfriend, she notified the police. He fooled them, too, and went on to kill again.
Jeffrey Dahmer convinced police that nothing was amiss after a naked teenage boy bleeding from his anus was seen running away from his house. They dismissed it as a lover’s spat. Why do expect women to be any better at resisting the psychopath than men?
I think you are overinterpreting my throwaway comment. All I was saying is that some women are attracted to weirdos like Marilyn Manson. It is not really a surprise what happens to them. Granted, I could have phrased that better, but that is what I meant. I was never saying that ALL women are attracted to serial killers, mass shooters, etc. Obviously, that is not the case.
This is what happens when you don’t read a comment in full. “Women throw themselves at wierdos…” was in fact qualified in the next sentence, e.g. “There is a certain type of women …. ” which one can easily shorten to “some women”. We’re not even talking about a majority here, but a minority sufficient in size to create an observable pattern. Lexi was jumping to a conclusion about HW’s remark. Likewise, there is a certain type of man who likes to engage in gratuitous and unjustified violence for sexual arousal too. They are often career criminals or work in law enforcement. This does not mean such behavior is nascent in all men as claimed by some of the more noxious exemplars of feminism.
“The overwhelming majority of sexual paraphiliacs (i.e. perverts) are men. A tiny percentage of women are hybristophiles.”
BINGO and you just laid down an Ace as to why “transgenderism” is a social contagion amongst all these young girls who outnumber boys now self diagnosing themselves with this condition five to one. In the past almost always boys were perverts of this sort. Either ultra gay men who got off getting their butts reamed by tricking straight guys by wearing women’s clothes, or autogynephilliac heterosexual perverts like Bruce Jenner or James Pritzker who get off by prancing around in women’s clothing.
Uncle Charlie received lots of love letters and marriage proposals while in prison. And he never had any trouble finding women when he was on the loose between his prison sentences. So I would say there are a lot of women who are attracted to “bad boys”, even if they don’t look like Johnny Depp or Jon Bon Jovi.
Think about the significance of that.
Our culture has been rotted out by the Jews
Just a fact.
Everyone here knows this
“Our culture has been rotted out by the Jews”
For centuries, yet the goy never wakes up.
“Everyone here knows this”
Too bad the general populace doesn’t.
“Our culture has been rotted out by the Jews”
“Jews are the fungus of civilization”…..some German Chancellor.
Hunter, you should read the Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi. He is redpilled on marriage, dating, and advice for men. I just finished his book and it has a lot of truth buried in it.
I have started to view modern day normie women in the trust by verify frame and proceed with confidence but caution. Cultural Marxism and the advent of birth control has caused Western womanhood to be destroyed.
“”Manson” has been accused by multiple women over the last couple of years of very abusive behavior but has declined to file any defamation actions against any of them.”
Probably because doing so would bring more attention to his horrific behavior.
But you see Hunter and the incels he panders to don’t really care about that. In their view, women deserve anything a man of their own choosing ever does to them. Though, of course, if a man is treated badly by a woman, that is never, ever his fault. It doesn’t matter how many boring nice girls next door he rejects, either.
Seriously, are you surprised that Marilyn Manson is a creep? It’s not that we don’t care. It’s just … isn’t this blindingly obvious?
This is like the Filipino whores who my brother-in-law is always dating and trying to make into housewives. The last one he was with literally called him “Dummy” in front of me. It was her nickname for him. Of course she left him in the end. It was his own fault
They will marry him and take his home and money from him. Does he have something against dating White women?
The only woman who was ever good to him and who was worth a damn was a White woman. He has been through several of these Filipino whores and it has ended the same way in every case.
“It’s not that we don’t care. It’s just … isn’t this blindingly obvious?”
OK, I’ll go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you do care despite your rather callous comment that abused women shouldn’t “act all shocked when they get burned.” You deserve that much, at least.
The problem is that many incels and assorted misogynists greatly enjoy hearing about White women being beaten, raped, maimed, and even murdered by intimate partners. After all, if, as you say, women knowingly reject decent men for deranged psychopaths, some schadenfreude among the former is hardly surprising, though most aren’t so crass as to come right out and say “the bitch had it comin'” in so many words.
These incels are black-hearted sickos, Hunter. Don’t adopt their talking points without examining them thoroughly and critically. You will find that they are almost always lying.
Now, what I find lacking in your treatment of this issue is any apparent concern for the truth. Rather, I see male triumphalism, wagon-circling, and us-vs-them thinking. This woman either defamed Johnny Depp, or she didn’t. The jury found that she did. Fine. Hopefully they’re right, in which case, this should be celebrated as a victory for truth over lies, not men over women.
Are you surprised that Marilyn Manson is a creep who abused women? Seriously? Who knew? What gave it away?
As for the incels, they have always called me wignat feminist precisely because I don’t share their view of women. I don’t hate women. I am happily married. I think feminism is as stupid as MGTOW. It is two sides of the same coin.
@Lexi — “Rather, I see male triumphalism, wagon-circling, and us-vs-them thinking. This woman either defamed Johnny Depp, or she didn’t. The jury found that she did. Fine. Hopefully they’re right, in which case, this should be celebrated as a victory for truth over lies, not men over women.”
Lexi, you have it exactly correct. Whenever I see an article appear on any racial Right website, especially this one, in which the woman is the “baddy” I know it’s going to be verrrry ugly in the comments section.
The MINOs (males in name only) here — and I do believe Hunter Wallace is an exception usually, and is a genuinely real (and good) man — blame women for everything that is wrong, with very little nuance and zero subtlety. Astonishing stuff, since White MEN are the ones who created Western civilization, who founded America, and then pissed it all away.
And, yes; the attitude from most men on the racial Right is “the bitch had it coming”.
@Old Enough to be Your Mother,
“The bitch had it coming.” You’re God Damned right.
Is this guy meeting them over here? Or is he actually going over there repeatedly and bringing one after another over here? I work with this unbelievably selfish older Chinese mail order bride whom the old dope who owns some local shoe store brought over. This selfish woman is like that “Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa” rich spoiled brat from the 70’s Willy Wonka movie. She’s incredibly rude to everyone at work other than her superiors as well. They say this old man had a real marriage with an American women and has an adult son and his American girlfriend living at home and both hate the guts of this gold digging mail order bride bitch. Her cheap ass puts regular 87 octane gas in her sugar daddy’s Porsche 911 he lets here drive around instead of premium 93 octane and the engine rings like a hammer on an iron anvil, dumb shit. The guy is rich and she makes cut up hotdogs in ramen for lunch at work and then sits in the front seat of the 911 splashing all that crap all over the interior. You don’t eat inside such an expensive car, idiot. But still hard to see how you can keep going back and bringing over more of these gold diggers after one “relationship” goes bad.
“It doesn’t matter how many boring nice girls next door he rejects, either.”
I don’t think that is the essence of the problem, rather a lack of social contact itself as a result of isolation in modern life. It already started back with television but got worse with the internet, social media, and video games. The breakup of the family, relatives moving cross country cutting the extended family network from our lives. Breaking up social networks formed in high school in order to move on to college, then a third location after graduation. All this never took place in rural societies with high birth rates and nearly universal levels of marriage. Look at how pernicious mandatory college has been on society. These friendships and romantic relationships adolescents form in their own communities during high school used to be the glue for lifelong social networks. Now they are told to “forget it all, it’s just temporary” and “you’re going to college.” Then they are forced to repeat the entire process again in college only to have all that break up and go off to some urban center and try again? Sure a few social extroverts thrive in this scenario, but many people struggle and this is one piece in the puzzle of this atomized “bowling alone” society we live in. The problem I don’t think is rejecting the nice girl next door rather than the next door neighbors being strangers.
Personally, I could care less about two Hollywood losers suing each other.
“, I could care less about two Hollywood losers ”
Hey, it keeps the public stupid and diverts their attention from serious matters. What more could you ask ?
I would hardly call Mr. Depp a “loser.” At 58 he’s got millions of dollars in the bank and millions of young women swooning over him. Only incels would exhibit bitter resentment against him. But then again they exhibit bitter resentment against the universe itself.
I paid no attention to this at all. Lies were probably told by both sides, as usual.
good i hope she falls into deep depression and kill herself the filthy slag
Hail Depp
@Confederate holdout in exile – Re: “Hail Depp”.
Depp is a shitLib degenerate scumbag who hates Confederates like you.
I will hail him NEVER.
“Depp is a shitLib degenerate scumbag”
That’s 90+% of jewywood.
Pervs and the people they associate with.
I know buddy! it was said tounge in cheek
He is trash as all Hollywood people, but this is still a huge L for feminism
Wow, you must be a very weak man to say such a thing. Who cares about Johnny Depp.
“If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism. The “New Woman” made her debut a century ago. The culture could easily start trending in the opposite direction.”
The SPLC is in the business of scaring people into sending shekels to fight imaginary threats.
You can forget about turning back the clock on feminism, Hunter. There is no appetite at all among normal men for a backlash against women. You will never win this fight, because you see, half of the people are women, and most of the other half don’t hate their moms, their sisters, or their daughters. Of course, ideally men would like the law to protect their loved ones while letting them act as they please. That being impractical, most are content to accept the rule of law.
Normally, I would agree, but I have seen lots of polls like this over the past two years. This poll isn’t an outlier. I’m surprised it took so long for the SPLC to do their own poll to find out how far “extremism” has spread. Undoubtedly, they were turned on to this by monitoring this website.
You can bet that that a poll conducted by the SPLC is tilted by design to foment and validate whatever agenda the SPLC happens to be working on at the moment.
I am a bit perplexed though as to why we are engaged in this discussion about two white trash Hollyweirdos.
I agree Hunter. MGTOW is a growing phenomenon. Just look at the state of dating today with the toxic dating apps and Tic Tok. I don’t blame young men for not wanting to play the game.
Feminism wrought this and young men aren’t having it.
Disliking feminism does not equate to disliking women. Feminists maintain, for all practical purposes, that women have worth as human beings only to the extent that they can behave like men. Somehow masculinity isn’t toxic when feminists embrace it. As feminists despise femininity, they reveal themselves as the real haters of women.
“Disliking feminism does not equate to disliking women.”
In theory, this is true. In practice, however, reactionary antifeminists invariably hate women. They cannot justify their repressive agenda but by reference to women’s supposedly wicked impulses.
“Feminists maintain, for all practical purposes, that women have worth as human beings only to the extent that they can behave like men. Somehow masculinity isn’t toxic when feminists embrace it. As feminists despise femininity, they reveal themselves as the real haters of women.”
On some level, I agree with you here. I don’t like the feminist attitude towards women’s traditional roles, either. The funny thing is, though, feminists promote traditional femininity despite themselves, as I have pointed out before on this site. Contrary to all the sky-is-falling hysteria about just how awful Western women are, the vast majority of us are doing traditionally feminine things. On the other hand, women tend to emulate men more in macho societies.
I have to wonder if Juri isn’t right to believe that there is this misanthropic nihilism inherent in the White race that has to be rooted out by any means necessary. One can’t totally blame this bad seed in the Jews even though the were adept at cultivating it.
But it’s pretty bad when even the Chinese have the derogatory name “Baizuo” for White liberals. If they got pregnant, their men would never be so stupid as to sacramentalize abortion or engage in telescopic philanthropy the way White women suffragists (who even then opposed abortion) did by agitating to emancipate and enfranchise Black slaves.
Just for you Lexi:
The Nature of Women and the ‘Woke’ Problem
Anyone who is perceptive of current social and political trends in America knows that women — especially White liberal women — play an inordinate role. They are almost always at the forefront of any protest lecturing others about ‘systemic racism,’ ‘white privilege,’ ‘toxic masculinity,’ and the need for ‘equity’ in every sphere of life. … Go to any Leftist protest, and you will witness crowds of angry women with posters and picket signs on behalf of their political cause. The sheer numerical dominance of female protesters, in fact, often serves as the impetus for some men to join the cause so they can have easy access to all the women. The point being that women are the ‘weaker sex’ and not just physically, but emotionally and in terms of critical awareness.
Also read the text at the following link: link
Women is pronounced wahmen.
@Lexi and Hunter:
“If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism.”
Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree with both of you.
As someone who, as a child, always heard the saying that “your rights end at the tip of my nose,” I have a different perspective.
I believe what young White men the main victims of “Wokeness” (and any one else with any degree of common sense is rejecting is the rights of the “minority” taken to its most absurd conclusion, i.e. “Lia” Thompson.
The stage when one is initially designated a “protected” class is the most seductive and most dangerous. Feminism was initially supposed to open a lot of opportunities to women, i.e. equal pay for equal work, opportunity to compete for sports scholarships, and access to credit. For example, in the early seventies, a military wife I know whose husband had been deployed to Viet Nam before she found a home to rent was denied, because they wanted a man living in the premises.
I dropped out of feminist activism in the late seventies because I could clearly see the nihilistic anti-woman agenda seeping through, abortion on demand accelerating to infanticide and even then, they were pushing the LBGTQ nonsense.
Anyone who dissented, preferring to focus on bread and butter issues that were designed to help their families or what they hoped would be their future families (or cast a jaundiced eye at the Democrat left) was purged. In other words, you had a right to their own opinion.
You seem to be accepting leftist cartoons of past gender roles. What needs to end is female careerism, women need to return to normal motherhood and “careers” need to be freed up for all these disenfranchised men whose don’t have jobs because some rich guy has his barren wife piddling around in what should be a male breadwinner’s position. Besides, this pandemic has shown that the little ladies really don’t want to have “careers” and would rather stay at home playing with their kids all day. That is what this “work from home” silliness the women insist on is really about. I see them refuse to come back and can tell by their pitiful output and increased inaccuracy in their work that very little actual “work” is being done at home, it’s all just playing with their kids, eating ice cream, and daytime TV. They proclaim that “we have entered a new age of flexibility” and think this work from home gig is going to last. Sadly they are very mistaken and are too naive about what has been going on with the American economy over the last 20 years to realize all they have done is a paid study for their boss on the feasibility of outsourcing their position to India. Where someone can do it for a tenth the cost without all the distractions. A whole new batch of job losses to outsourcing is about to commence for a lot of these female make work positions.
I am not sure why you are so impressed by these polls.
I am older than you and I have observed for decades unpopular issues like illegal immigration never get dealt despite widespread opposition.
The griping of the plebs never matters in the end.
I’ve spent the last 20 years shouldering the costs of being labeled a “hate group” and “extremist” for my views. Sure, there is no guarantee that anything will be done about it, but it is a good thing that my views are becoming more conventional. If nothing else, it will lighten the load on my end.
Good post, Mr. Wallace. But are you so sure that Musk will actually pull the trigger and buy Twitter? I’m not.
It is just going to drag out for a while
Don’t get too blackpilled, bros.
BLM has peaked and crashed in popularity.
#MeToo has peaked and just suffered a devastating defeat.
The Great Replacement has gone mainstream.
Twitter is about to fall under the control of Elon Musk and become a siege engine of “misinformation” in the culture war.
The Wokelash is sending the “permanent progressive majority” into the dustbin of history.
Roe v. Wade is about to be struck down by the Supreme Court.
Margaret Atwood is saying The Handmaid’s Tale is coming true. The ideology of Gilead is going mainstream.
If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism. The “New Woman” made her debut a century ago. The culture could easily start trending in the opposite direction.
Great job, HW! You’ve played a vital part in getting the job done! Enjoy your time off!
I’m trying to highlight the positive more these days. We get too cynical, too negative, too blackpilled at times.
” highlight the positive more”
Absolutely !
Otherwise it becomes a death spiral into a black hole of paralytic defeatism.
People, not all but a lot of people, are tired of wokism. It’s about 14 years that wokism spread madness and before the Covid stuff and Ukraine war the situation was worse because all energy was focused on woke shit. Let my only to say that Miss Heard (whether she is wrong or right and Whether she is mentally stable or not) is a very beatiful and cute girl.
Johnny had thought that too. He left his wife for her. Men who choose partners based on their looks are in for trouble. Men who think women are just toys, and only their looks matter, are naive.
Of course, we have to choose our partners based first on their personality and character and then also on their looks.
None of you get the point.
Abuse is split more or less equally between the sexes, but the Anglo world has been gaslit into thinking it’s something men do.
In Norway and Denmark the woman movement was organized around women shelters, so it was more of a practical thing, than the academically led feminism found in Sweden, the UK and the USA. The women running the shelters then experienced the real world, where policemen, taxidrivers and their husbands showed that not all men were bastards, as they helped them, and then the feminists got sons and grandsons.
Don’t get me wrong, these feminists are still sort of rabid, but not on the scale of what Academia can create by often lesbian women, and the somewhat grounded feminists discovered that women was half of the abusers, so laws were changed, and the woman shelters opened up for men with kids, and was renamed something else.
The dam of hidden female abuse of men and children might not come crashing down, but this trial means that the all men are monsters, so believe all women mantra is over.
“None of you get the point.
Abuse is split more or less equally between the sexes, but the Anglo world has been gaslit into thinking it’s something men do.”
Lol. You can’t argue with dead bodies. Husband abuse isn’t a thing that anyone cares about because of the simple fact that they can defend themselves, and to the extent it takes place, there just aren’t nearly as many serious casualties.
And you have to remember that a certain percentage of men killed by an intimate partner are gay men killed by another man. I don’t know how many, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it were a majority.
” simple fact that they can defend themselves, and to the extent it takes place, there just aren’t nearly as many serious casualties.”
Hahaha, hang around a police station.
Only a woman can turn a frying pan or rolling pin into a lethal weapon.
(Especially black women, but they are probably well justified.)
Of course if a woman surprises a man she can injure him — or in rare cases even if there is no surprise — but I guarantee you, a woman would need a lot more than a frying pan to injure me.
To appreciate the difference in strength between men and women: the average 80 y/o man has more grip strength than the average woman of any age, and it isn’t even close — link — in general, the average male has approx 50% more grip strength than the average female of the same age.
So Lexi is essentially correct: men can defend themselves against women.
Don’t forget the ACLU’s role in ghost writing the piece thst led to the lawsuit. The ACLY, $PLC and ADL are go to sources for the media.
Depp might have been a wreck who blew all his money like MC Hammer, but there was no evidence he was some vicious wife beater or a psychopathic violent guy. Herd must have concocted this libel with her attorney to try to fleece him out of what he hadn’t wasted on $6000 bottles of wine and gold plated toilet paper holders. This is the worst form of lying “bearing false witness” we are warned about when parents try to use the ten commandments into threatening us with hellfire for not admitting we dipped into the cookie jar as kids.
Every female I know backed Johnny Depp and hated Amber Heard.
Same here
I was never a Johnny Depp fan, but I never found Amber Heard’s claims credible based on the fact that history is a great predictor of the future and prior to Heart’s accusations, there were no rumors of or out of court settlements with rumored victims of abuse by Depp.
Prior to Heard, Depp dated high profile women who were on their own success track. I think this scheming little nobody saw that Depp was a drug addled man on the decline and thought she could realize a huge pay day by gaslighting him into suicide.
I guess she was too greedy to plug into his wallet by having a child or two by him, even via surrogate, take a left divorce and child support settlement and be in her merry way.
This vindictive little viper even got help from the Washington Post and the ACLU to punish Depp for his last gasp at self preservation by escaping her clutches. I hope he used them, too, and they are forced to pay through the nose.
Don’t do meth. Damn that’s a nasty drug.
Yeah Johnny Depp such a great guy ..lol
he admits he’s been addicted to cocaine , opiates , alcohol ,marijuana &benzos for decades …
Then he cuts his own finger off and lies to the doctor and says that a large handle bar bottle of alcohol pinned his finger against the wall and severed it when she threw it at him ..
which of course was a total lie and now we’re all supposed to feel what now that this liar beat this shiksa slut in court?
I remember when Johnny Depp fought really hard to get those satanic murderers off of death row or whatever in Tennessee ..
He’s a typical anti white hymiewood piece of shit..
I hope he gets fucking killed by blacks.
Yes sir. The love being piled on to this piece of trash by the masses astounds me.
Marriage: When it comes to socio-economic status, men marry either lateral or down. Women marry either lateral or up. Personally, I know of no exceptions. Including everyone in my family.
> Women marry either lateral or up.
Hypergamy, the evolution of survival.
“Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Lawsuit”
I really care nothing of this matter. A drug addicted man and a bisexual woman………they deserve each other. They’re typical of Hollywood stars now:- there’s always something about them that’s a bit off. The rest of society is forced to hear about their shenanigans daily……….when they likely have other things to worry about and just don’t give a shit.
I’ve long held the belief that money, fame and excess doesn’t make you happy. It doesn’t solve your marital or health issues. Keeping healthy and just having what you need in life should be suffice. A simple life and having very little, means having very little to worry about.
When you pass, your Lambos, mansions and wine collection won’t come with you.
When it comes to socio-economic status, men marry either lateral or down. Women marry either lateral or up.
True — in the past, the example I often used to illustrate this point is a male doctor married to a female nurse; whereas nowadays, with the significant rise in the number of women attending medical school (they now outnumber men), and conversely more males becoming nurses (basically 5x what it was 50 years ago), you would have to look far and wide to find an instance of a female doctor marrying a male nurse — the SES relationship is backwards.
With more women and fewer men attending college generally, the rising professional status of women means there is a smaller pool of men available with (what is seen/perceived as) an acceptable level of SES as potential marriage partners for these women.
But you rarely see this aspect discussed in the context of falling birthrates and the ‘war on boys/men’.