The “American experiment” was federalism.
The Dobbs decision only returns the issue of abortion to the state legislatures. This is perfectly consistent with federalism and republicanism. Liberty is self government in your sovereign state. Women still have the right to engage in human sacrifice in New York and California.
Progressivism emerged in the early 20th century. The goal of Progressivism is to strip states and local communities of the power of self government and empower an omnipotent ruling class of technocrats, bureaucrats and experts – armed with the knowledge of social science and the conventional wisdom among PMCs – to solve social problems like, say, racial inequality or climate change.
Yes, these two ideas have always been in extreme tension. Progressives only believe in federalism when it suits them. They are fine with using the Supreme Court as a battering ram to impose sweeping social revolutions on the rest of the country – forced integration, federal control of state elections, interracial marriage, abortion and gay marriage to name just a few of their worst projects. They are only crying foul now that their instrument has been lost to the other side and turned against them.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. History itself was on their side. It was inevitable that the whole world from Alabama to the Donbas would be remade in their image. The “American experiment” itself has failed, which is conflated here with 20th century Progressivism, because of the loss of abortion rights.
Experiment in debt slavery?
Another ugly jw, telling us how to think, controlling our perceptions of reality.
“Jws are the masters of lying”…..Schopenhauer
The American experiment failed when George Washington and the South made a Union with Puritans and Quakers, and others not predisposed to the republican form of government.
“The goal of Progressivism is to strip states and local communities of the power of self government”
But only the Southern and Western States.
The Yankee states still retain all of their sovereignty and rights, plus a lot of special rights and privileges pertaining to federal laws and state legislation. Meaning that they can do whatever they like, without federal censure, or legal action. Or the media taking any note of it.
End Reconstruction. End the War.
“The American experiment failed when George Washington and the South made a Union with Puritans and Quakers, and others not predisposed to the republican form of government.”
There you go Owen! and we are living this hell still today
As always Deo Vindice
“The “American experiment” itself has failed”
The jew says,
As israhell has been on american welfare for over 70 yrs.
Sure hasn’t failed for the jewz.
But this is what American white christians want.
Yankee Empire………0
Tapper and his tribe are the ones responsible for the failure.
@John—–A Jew does not take responsibility for his committed sins. Jews finds a scapegoat and blame their sins on that innocent goat. John, in our time, innocent white Christians are that goat. White Christians who only want to live their lives in peace are to be blame for American ruin.
Hatred of the innocent is the fruit of the Jews. Jews refuse to take responsibility for their own sins.
“The Romans killed Christ” is just the biggest example of Jewish moral deficiencies.
Yep. It started to fail in 1865.
That sanctimonious kike scum, pretending to be a “patriotic American”, talking down to the genuine article about the meaning of the “American experiment”…
Always – ALWAYS – lying jew bastards in the way: on the televitz & in the papers; omitting facts, filtering, spinning & skewing, falsifying our history, doing everything in their power to keep the goyim ignorant of the fact that they stole our birthright.
In the end, there is only one final solution.
This CNN segment with Jake Tapper was done a mere three miles from where I am right now.
These Fikes have Infinite Chutzpah…..
They stole the country, wrecked the country and now they’re the True Patriots at one with the Founders.
“They stole the country, wrecked the country and now they’re the True Patriots”
They always invert reality.
The A?m?e?r?i?c?a?n? Chutzpah Experiment
The American experiment became doomed to fail when those of Jake Tapper’s ilk were given citizenship. For the record, no other country did that at the time. The founders of the US were dangerous radicals who discarded the wisdom of the ages, which told them to exclude Christ killers from the nation, in favor of their pie-in-the-sky “Enlightenment” ideology.
Speaking of Jake Tapper, check out this tweet and especially some of the responses. Here in the immediate several hours after the end of the G7, the woke white left have been making fun of all the traditional Bavarian regalia and presentation used to greet and welcome G7 dignitaries and others. Tapper didn’t do that, (even though, more properly, he should have written “Servus” instead of “Guten Abend” — The latter is too textbook-y, the former is the greeting that Bavarians and Austrians gravitate toward), but the wokies who responded to him flipped their lids.
I should also add that I was at Oktoberfest in 2018 in Munich for its entire run. Thankfully, I have total control of every photo and video of me in Lederhosen.