“As long as it takes.”
Americans have four problems – inflation, gas prices, the economy, groceries and paying the bills – and everything else polls under 5%.
Defending democracy in Ukraine is the top priority of probably less than 1% of the public who are detached from reality enough to focus on such issues.

Economic pain is even worse in Europe, e.g., Germans’ electric bills now 3x from earlier, and so –
The Chairman of the German Parliament Energy Committee, far-left Klaus Ernst, has just called for all sanctions on Russia to be lifted, and to get back to work on the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia
Poland’s right-wing government, long popular for its conservative and nationalist social stances, but leading the Ukraine war drumming and inviting millions of ‘war refugees’, is now finding its popularity sinking given the economic hardships … lefty types are suddenly surging in Poland with the (unreliable) promise to make life affordable again
Putin will win the game soon
“Americans have four problems – inflation, gas prices, the economy, groceries and paying the bills”
Soon to be unemployment.
Can’t say I’m dissapointed after they’ve destroyed all our monuments and desecrated Nathan Forests grave.
This seems kinda out of the blue.
I saw that
That’s the problem with all these Jewish polls. The most important issues are filtered out. The Jew says suddenly the immigrant invasion matters to no one. The Jewish polls are there ro mislead you.