Imagine my shock.
The Democratic Party is evolving into the party of affluent, college educated PMCs, especially White women who LARP like they are in the Handmaid’s Tale, who live in coastal metros.
“Democrats now have a bigger advantage among white college graduates than they do with nonwhite voters, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll.
Why it matters: We’re seeing a political realignment in real time. …
In the Times/Siena poll, Ds hold a 20-point advantage over Rs among white college-educated voters — but are statistically tied among Hispanics. …”
Politics is increasingly about how divorced you are from material reality.
“The liberal backlash against conservative advances in the court appears to have helped Democrats most among white college graduates, who are relatively liberal and often insulated by their affluence from economic woes. Just 17 percent of white college-educated Biden voters said an economic issue was the most important one facing the country, less than for any other racial or educational group.
Over all, white college graduates preferred Democratic control of Congress, 57-36. Women propelled Democratic strength among the group, with white college-educated women backing Democrats, 64-30. Democrats barely led among white college-educated men, 46-45. …
The fight for congressional control is very different among the often less affluent, nonwhite and moderate voters who say the economy or inflation is the biggest problem facing the country. They preferred Republican control of Congress, 62 percent to 25 percent, even though more than half of the voters who said the economy was the biggest problem also said abortion should be mostly legal.
Just 74 percent of the voters who backed Mr. Biden in the 2020 election, but who said the economy or inflation was the most important problem, said they preferred Democratic control of Congress. In contrast, Democrats were the choice of 87 percent of Biden voters who said abortion or guns was the most important issue. …”
This explains why Richard Spencer sounds like a wine aunt. These people are now the base of the Democratic Party.
BIPOCs are being pushed out of the Democratic Party by two things … the insane cultural preferences of libtards in places like Portland and San Francisco which are too extreme even for them and the fact that non-White working class voters have to live in reality and can’t afford to prioritize issues like “trans” rights, abortion, democracy in Ukraine or being utterly obsessed with 1/6 when rent is unaffordable.

I think that this is not a news, leftists in Europe and USA have already been in universities for at least 20 years. They influence universities with their ideology and their professors. That’s where they spread the woke bullshits.
Gramsci’s March through the Institutions has been wildly successful, much more so than Karl Marx’s Economic Determinism.
Exactly, with Gramsci marxists started to think the control of institutions, especially universities and courts and magistrates
I can’t remember where I read it, but someone suggested that if the US gov stopped backing Student loans, the entire Left would collapse within less then a generation. Simply doing that and nothing else.
I believe it. It would probably only take (at most) about five years for the Left to collapse, it is a creature of the State. An economic collapse will have the same effect as cutting off money to schools, the money going bad will effectively de-fund the Left.
University types, especially all the fraudulent “studies” types i.e. Black Studies, Women’s studies, Hispanic studies, Queer studies etc. will starve without their university sinecures, they are damn fools to wreck the State. They can’t help themselves however, it is the perverse logic of the Left to bite the hand that feeds them.
I am telling the freedom push ends whence the innocent are harmed. Christianity and Christian morality is superior, is the highest form of morality and people will not stand for freedom if it means the innocent are to be harmed. The Jews and the Irish want to have sex with your kids, do they have the freedom do they have the right? Over my dead body.
Hey robert and banned hipster STFU about the Irish! Nobody believes your idiotic bullshit lies about them. You’re just 85 IQ losers.
@Gary—-Lets leave it up to those with an open mind to decide things for themselves, does that seem fair to you Mick?
It will play out as usual, whites 60% Republican, Blacks 10% Republican, Browns 30% Republican. Nothing has changed, except the demographics are getting darker.
This proves that white women suck. Slightly more white women than white men vote Democrat which is why bitches are all mudsharks am I right Fellow White Men? Also the Irish are worse than the Jews.
The problem is we aren’t discussing Hitler and the Nazis enough. We should do a banner drop with quotes from Mein Kampf and hold public protests wearing uniforms.
Take your antipsychotic meds. Make sure that they’re kosher certified.
There should be no fertilizer shortage from sanctioning Russia with all the BS you are known to sling here and on other websites.
Which part triggered you? You are one of those Jewish Nazis who spam every blog with Hitler fetishism then go report to SPLC right? Frank Colin fan one presumes.
I guess it is working, fewer people fall for the Anglin style gimmicks these days.
The only people that have an issue with quotes from Mein Kampf, engages in projection, and stirs up unnecessary drama in pro-White circles are members of the tiny hat tribe.
Btw, your appearance on The Myth of the Twentieth Century was the episode that basically caused that show to proverbially jump the shark.’
@Banned Hipster aka (((Fellow White Man))) – I suppose it is better that you display your impotency here in the comment section than in your inflatable rubber doll, which is the only thing remotely female that you’ve ever been within 6 feet of.
link — Poll of Republican primary voters. DeSantis beats Trump among those with college degrees, 32-28. But Trump wins non-college, 58-21. This is why pundits fail to see Trump’s strength
‘vote harder’
Trump has my vote, if his winning brings about secession and Balkanization.
Universities are seminaries of the New Religion
Indeed. Church of Woke seminaries. It’s the actual state religion of the Empire of Lies, despite its followers’ endless complaints about not wanting to have “your religion imposed on our bodies”. They fully intend to impose their religion upon anyone who disagrees with them. These monsters are not going to be reasoned with. They will have taste the sword before any of them even begin to think of negotiation.
And people wonder why I say that 80% of higher IQ Whites deserve to be wiped out. Honestly, 80% is being generous. In reality it would be closer to 90-95%. The world doesn’t need these worthless subhuman parasites.
You are just saying that because you are an anti-white. You hate white women and you want to genocide the smartest whites, like the communist Jews did to the Poles.
Lots of Jews agree with you.
I don’t want to genocide the smartest Whites. I want to genocide 80% of the smartest Whites, who happen to be terminally libtarded genetic refuse. The rest are fine.
Forced sterilization for Whites with IQ above 110. Also, ban academia and shut down public education. White Nationalism can’t win so long as too many Whites are smart and educated. Its the most counterintuitive thing ever, but its also the truth.
To everyone else: No, I’m not being ironic or sarcastic. Smart, educated Whites are the cancer of humanity.
Don’t equate education with brainwashing. Lots of stupid people complete college “education”. Our enemies control the narrative.
Common sense trumps people with high IQs. I now people that are extremely intelligent but don’t have a lick on common sense.
Good point. There are some ideas and notions which are so profoundly stupid that only someone with a doctorate degree could believe them.
What is it about education that rots the brains of whites?
I have plenty of degrees and have traveled all over the world, even lived in a foreign (non-English speaking) country for a while. Far from shaping me into a libtard, these experiences made me a radical white nationalist. Awareness of history is awareness of the unique achievements of European civ; awareness of science & biology is awareness of race IQ differences and human biodiversity; traveling widely shows you the stark black & white differences (no pun intended) between ethnically homogeneous White or Northeast Asian countries, and third-world crapholes like India or negrified “diverse” cesspits like Baltimore, St. Louis, etc.
So what gives?
The democratic Party used to be the party for working class white people, not now. Slowly the woke crowd has taken over. They didn’t call themselves ‘woke’ back in the 1950’s, but it has remained the same communist dog crap, attempting to destroy democracy and western civilization.
They pursue policies that help rich people, the ones that are as screwed up and crazy as they are. The yuppy leftists are big on blaming white people for everything, it wasn’t white working people who wanted American industry shipped over seas, they needed the work. It was Wall Street, too big to fail banks, billionaires, people like the Koch brothers and Mitt Romney. This wasn’t racism, unless you want to call Mitt Romney working some hapless Chinaman six days a week, ten hour days, for 90 cents an hour, racism.
It wasn’t poor white people who wanted open borders, letting anybody in the world come in here and squat, it was the billionaire class wanting cheap labor and the usual hack politicians..
These damn nigger lovers need to get some kind of a grip, and they could start by looking in the mirror. They do everything they can to make ordinary people’s lives worse while they go about being some pompous asshole lecturing everybody else about rathcism.
If you follow the link and look at the data, you see they polled less than 1k people; 849 to be exact — so I’m not sure how seriously to take the results of a political poll from such a seemingly small, and probably not very representative, sample of people.
But if you’re dead set on finding a takeaway, the most obvious one is this: women being able to vote is a problem.
Over all, white college graduates preferred Democratic control of Congress, 57-36. Women propelled Democratic strength among the group, with white college-educated women backing Democrats, 64-30. Democrats barely led among white college-educated men, 46-45.
Paging Lexi (once again) …
Only the White race produces these masses of race traitor scum because only the White race has been systematically targeted with with a cradle-to-grave campaign of brainwashing by the god damned kikes who were allowed to take over the schools & mass media, especially after their victory in WWjew. Being shrewd & perceptive, they knew that Whites, especially women, are by far the most naive of the world’s races; the most trusting; the most susceptible to the inculcation of phony, baseless racial guilt if it’s imposed by those in Authority. Easily-herded ruminants forever anxious about their social status, who would rather die than be considered Flyova White Trash by their fellow sheep & their (((shepherds))),
Swallowing The Narrative & getting credentialed means being rewarded with the most lucrative & influential jobs; recalcitrance lands you on Shitbird Avenue in Loserville.
The ultimate blame lies with the former rulers of the institutions the jew hairworms infested & usurped: they believed their universalist, hyper-individualistic “progressive” bullshit, so when the unified, aggressive kikes came slithering in, they just meekly spread their ass cheeks.
Now we all pay the monstrous price.
Probably the only purgative is a civil war the likes of which will make first one look like a 4-H club skit. Well then, the sooner, the better.
>Only the White race produces these masses of race traitor scum …
Since this particular poll asked about a preference Democrat v Republican, maybe instead of blaming Whites you label ‘race traitor scum’, it makes more sense to condemn the GOP, since obviously it is not an attractive alternative to many white voters — and honestly, I don’t blame them: I don’t need even one hand’s worth of fingers to name the Republican politicians I would consider voting for — even the MAGA man himself spent most of his presidency kissing the asses of Jews and ‘minority Americans’ — in fact it was so bad that a significant number of nationalist, Right-leaning white voters, especially men, decided not to hold their noses and vote for Trump again in 2020; they deserted him — it goes without saying that mainstream Republicans are even worse.
Just a suggestion.
I didn’t vote for the Orange Turd in ’20 either, but I certainly didn’t vote for the senile commie. The fact remains that no other race would be so weak as to buy the lies puked up by a invasive alien tribe that so transparently hates them and seeks their destruction. Even the stupidest niggers have just enough sense to stick together against outsiders.
… only the White race has been systematically targeted with with a cradle-to-grave campaign of brainwashing by the god damned kikes who were allowed to take over the schools & mass media, especially after their victory in WWjew. Being shrewd & perceptive, they knew that Whites, especially women, are by far the most naive of the world’s races; the most trusting; the most susceptible to the inculcation of phony, baseless racial guilt if it’s imposed by those in Authority.
How many decades have the (((usual suspects))) completely controlled the media and all schools (K-12 through University)? At least 50 years – many more in a number of cases. If there is one single takeaway from this fact (yes it is a fact), it’s that any white parent sending their offspring to Jewish-controlled public edumacation is literally committing child abuse. You might as well sacrifice them to Moloch directly. The exposure to the endless stream of sewage from Jew-owned media is as bad. Yet the morons continue to support their public schools (government schul gulags) and continue consume sewage from Jewsmedia – and pay the Jews to poison their own kids! Is it any wonder Jews laugh in contempt at the retarded goyische kopf whites? Even now, nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to pay to send your kids to their indoctrination centers or consume their filth. All you have to do is make it a priority to stop doing so and they start to lose some of their power.