“If you compare that to every single other president at this point in their first term throughout polling history, this goes all the way back since the 1940s, he is the worst on both,” CNN’s Harry Enten says. “Inflation is eating his presidency alive.” pic.twitter.com/bBobX3ZPA5
— Virginia Kruta (@VAKruta) July 14, 2022
I don’t think it is Joe Manchin so much as Joe Biden’s approval rating on the economy.
The Wall-Street “socialist” (((Bernie Sanders))) accuses drooling old Joey Shitpants of selling out the working man. While I certainly enjoy mocking conservatards for guzzling the Flavor-Aid (Jonestown, Vintage 1978) served up by the R-jerseys, the stuff served up by the D-jerseys to the proles is even more insanely retarded. Proles who believe anything coming from that orifice get a Darwin Award with clusters.
“WHITE people don’t know what’s it like to be poor.” Bernie Sanders
“Food lines are a good sign, it shows people are getting food”. Bernie Sanders
(Only a jw could think in those twisted terms.)
I’m a white who’s certainly not wealthy. It’s angers me intensely to hear a rich Jew tell me I don’t know what it feels like to be poor. Sure I’m no victim. I work and have a mortgage, bills and taxes. I have good health and good home………but boy do they make you pay for it!
Taxes at every turn.
I can;t believe that old commie jew is still around pushing his off base lies.
Watch this, 10min, worth your time.
Our planned destruction.
Download this. 62KB, keep it for future reference.
Thanks. I’ll send it to a few of my conservative acquaintances that support those that want them destroyed. They don’t believe me, maybe they will it when it comes the the horses mouth.
Does Bernie have four or five houses now? I’ve lostvtrack.
Dementia Joe is crashing and burning, taking the whole GloboHomo Pedo Shopping Mall Empire with him, it’s not Joe Manchin’s fault either. If Dementia Joe’s BBB agenda had been implemented the spiral down would have been even faster. Joe Manchin actually saved Dementia Joe from worse trouble caused by his own moronic policies. The more Dementia Joe’s “good ideas” get implemented, the faster the train crashes into the wall.
Wait until Cackling Kamala becomes Mr. President, the jokes will write themselves. She will make Dementia Joe look like Prince Metternich at the Congress of Vienna by comparison, she really is that stupid.
” Joe is crashing and burning, taking the whole GloboHomo Pedo Shopping Mall Empire with him,”
Sadly he isn’t taking it with him.
(((GloboHomo Pedo Shopping Mall ))) will continue, with a new clerk at the front desk.
We do not need Bernie’s Jewish form of Capitalism. The Great Reset is about the long held goal of merging Capitalism and Communism. The new era of the CapComms.
China was first as a CapComm. It is their version of CapComm we need. Encouraging private employment snd privately owned homes, while nationalizing the entire financial sector along with the parasaitical insurance sector.
All the banks, hedge funds and vulture funds, and the all the foundations, Blackrock, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Gates, Rockefeller, Ford Foundation, all the college foundations, and the entire insurance industry, all of it, should be nationalized.
That would free us from the hyena elite. Of course, in this country pharma and the entire medical system are Jewish and so it all needs to be abolished. We need non Jewish medical guilds that can compete freely against the Jewish AMA cartel.
The transition to CapComm is a crisis, but it is also an opportunity. Defanging the entire financial and insurance rackets will make the national divorce much easier.
Bernie’s Jewish Communism is borrow and spend. Then the bankers control the world. That is also called keyensianism, mmt, progressivism, conservatism, liberalism, and many other names. It is all Red Communism. The Chinese system is very different. In China rogue bankers are SHOT.
@Brad, You should send a copy of the cartoon to Manchin.
“China was first as a CapComm. It is their version of CapComm we need. Encouraging private employment snd privately owned homes,”
A person can’t own a home in china, CCP owns it, you just get a lease.
No unions.
Work at foxcon, no thanks.
As he said at the time, Manchin blocked BBB because he didn’t want to extend the earned income tax credit, which helps poor people; he thought it was too expensive (but so far he has voted in favor of all military aid to Ukraine) — if Sanders had stuck to that he would have a point — but like all secular moral absolutists, it’s all or nothing — he’s too stupid for any kind of subtlety.