In the name of public health and The Science, we are immediately shutting down all gay bars and the spas where gay orgies take place after PRIDE events that are facilitating the spread of Monkeypox. Every homosexual male who refuses to take the Monkeypox vaccine is also publicly shamed and stigmatized and hereby terminated from their job on account of this executive order.
“For the second time in two years, the World Health Organization has taken the extraordinary step of declaring a global emergency. This time the cause is monkeypox, which has spread in just a few weeks to dozens of countries and infected tens of thousands of people.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general, on Saturday overruled a panel of advisers, who could not come to a consensus, and declared a “public health emergency of international concern,” a designation the W.H.O. currently uses to describe only two other diseases, Covid-19 and polio.
“We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission, about which we understand too little, and which meets the criteria” for a public health emergency, Dr. Tedros told reporters. It was apparently the first time that the director general had sidestepped his advisers to declare an emergency.
For the second time in two years, the World Health Organization has taken the extraordinary step of declaring a global emergency. This time the cause is monkeypox, which has spread in just a few weeks to dozens of countries and infected tens of thousands of people.Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general, on Saturday overruled a panel of advisers, who could not come to a consensus, and declared a “public health emergency of international concern,” a designation the W.H.O. currently uses to describe only two other diseases, Covid-19 and polio.“We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission, about which we understand too little, and which meets the criteria” for a public health emergency, Dr. Tedros told reporters. It was apparently the first time that the director general had sidestepped his advisers to declare an emergency.The W.H.O.’s declaration signals a public health risk requiring a coordinated international response. The designation can lead member countries to invest significant resources in controlling an outbreak, draw more funding to the response, and encourage nations to share vaccines, treatments and other key resources for containing the outbreak.
It is the seventh public health emergency since 2007; the Covid pandemic, of course, was the most recent. Some global health experts have criticized the W.H.O.’s criteria for declaring such emergencies as opaque and inconsistent. …”
The W.H.O.’s declaration signals a public health risk requiring a coordinated international response. The designation can lead member countries to invest significant resources in controlling an outbreak, draw more funding to the response, and encourage nations to share vaccines, treatments and other key resources for containing the outbreak.It is the seventh public health emergency since 2007; the Covid pandemic, of course, was the most recent. Some global health experts have criticized the W.H.O.’s criteria for declaring such emergencies as opaque and inconsistent. …”
Am I right?
Fighting this pandemic and public health comes before gay orgies, right?
Oh …. so, you are saying it is like that?
Never let a good “crisis” go to waste.
link — You think the police will beat and arrest gays going to bath houses and glory hole bars to flatten the monkeypox curve the way they did with Christians going to church and gyms?
Let’s ask Artur Pawlowski.
Wild, “classic” monkeypox (Congo) is very virulent, about half as deadly as smallpox, yet this new type which spread suspiciously from Nigeria where the U.S. operates two “peaceful” biolabs, is a very mild illness, never fatal, capable of spreading widely, undetected, by symptomless cases. It might be a naturally-evolved disease, or maybe it is synthetic. It is certainly boosting the stock of the main smallpox vaccine maker. I also read about a new, lab-engineered variant of smallpox that is different enough from “classic” smallpox that it could escape immunity from the existing smallpox vaccine.
To acknowledge the inestimable contributions made to humanity by the LGBTQIPXYZ community I propose we change the name from Monkey Pox to Pride Pox; and because we shut down the entire planet to stop the spread of the coof, to stop the spread of the Pride Pox, we really should close all gay bars, clubs and bathhouses.
Nope, the lockdowns are over, nobody should worry about covid anymore because “everybody gets it” according to the Haitian press secretary…no need for contact tracing. So in other words they screwed up the world unnecessarily. After all it now appears anybody can survive covid after Biden and JB Pritzker survived it with little issue, one is 500 years old, the other weighs 500 pounds. But nope, since the poofs are getting this monkeypox thing the press will pussyfoot around it as there are “delicate consequences” for how they spin this thing.
I really dislike queers.
Its dangerous to allow a disease like this to gain a foothold from which it can evolve in unpredictable ways.
What is currently not very dangerous and mostly only present in fag dense population centers could easily change its behavior given the opportunity and enough generational iterations to discover the means incidentally, as is the way all these things become endemic.
A crackdown on faggotry in general is long overdue.
Monkeypox exaggeration helps to fog and cast doubt on the reality of Covid and the shift in U.S. policy. The White House now admits what was its real policy all along, as the WH press spokesperson announces that “EVERYONE (in the U.S.) will get Covid.”
Because the chance of developing Long Covid increases with each new infection by each new strain, eventually, at this rate, about one third of the working class in the U.S. will become debilitated by Long Covid, many cases involving brain damage and lower intelligence, while China’s very successful TRULY science-based Zero Covid virus eradication policy, involving very strict border control, real quarantines, and universal testing, is giving it an even greater competitive advantage with better health and higher average intelligence over the self-afflicted, deliberately endemically-diseased U.S.
The medical system in this country is a joke
I recently fell at work and had a pretty large hematoma on my back near tailbone and I went for a ct scan….
They could only rule out compound fracture of tailbone and the bill was 10,900$
For an X-ray ..even with insurance that i pay 120$ a month for..
Of course the lobby of the ER was packed with Guatemalans , Hondurans , Mexicans and Haitians ….I bet they’re all paying 10-11k a pop too for their issues..
Death to the empire and its never ending scams against whites.
On a side note , the same hospital was just in the local
News bcuz one of their pet sand nigger drs some Muslim scammed 36 patience out of 1.3 billion dollars…
Physicians regional in Naples Florida.
I gave them 200$ the evening I went in after work and my boss reimbursed me…
Far as I’m concerned they deserve nothing
You know how much I pay in property taxes here?
Get real
Patients **
I just noticed this ..I was talk texting haha