Jared Kushner Describes Toxic West Wing War With Steve Bannon In New Book

I’m not on the Trump Train.

Looking back on the Trump presidency, Donald Trump’s decision to bring Jared Kushner and Ivanka to Washington and give them vast power inside of his administration was one of his single worst decisions. Everything that those two touched over the course of four years turned to shit.

They supported the worst people who worked for Trump like Gary Cohn. Jared and Ivanka’s greatest legislative accomplishment was working with Van Jones to pass criminal justice reform. They were the people who were behind things like the Platinum Plan and Trump pardoning all those black rappers in his last days in office. Jared mismanaged Trump’s 2020 campaign so badly that he lost to Joe Biden. This has been overshadowed by Trump insisting the 2020 election was stolen from for him. Insofar as he has a point, it is due to all the changes in election laws that were allowed to happen on Jared’s watch because of COVID in the months before the 2020 election in things like drop boxes and mail in ballots.

From what I have read, Jared and Ivanka won’t be returning for Trump’s 2024 campaign because of how they acted in the aftermath of 1/6. Trump is also mad with them because of all the snakes who ended up turning on him who were associated with Kushner. Supposedly, Trump’s biggest regret about his first term is the sort of people he ended up hiring. I think that is probably true given his narcissism, but I doubt it would be any different in the event he wins the 2024 election and is restored to power. In any case, the damage is done and no one will ever believe Trump again when he promises to hire the “best people.”

Trump has been teasing a big announcement coming next month. We could only be a few weeks away from the official launch of the Revenge Tour.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trump was always Likud and I am my co-bloggers were ‘cancelled’ by the Alt-Right for pointing it out.

    The first time I ever heard of TRS is when we were linked there and accused of trying to ‘divide and conquer’ the ‘moovement’ and ‘infighting.’

    We were an “Op” for not being on the Likud Trump Train.

    Sound familiar?

    Trump was known to everyone, including his Israeli grandkids and life long ‘support’ for Israel.

    You just got trolled if you pointed it out.

    Sort of like a SPAM Astroturf campaign, in fact. Gosh what a big mystery.

  2. “””…Everything that those two touched over the course of four years turned to shit…..”””

    Maybe this was the plan. In Russia there is official term, “kicking to the attic”. It means that some people are especially promoted high places to fuck up everything. Stalin liked such stunts very much because disaster is perfect cause for purge.

    This stunt demands people who are perfect Dunning Kruger effect expression. Very young, very dumb and horrific self esteem. Smart people understand that this is a trap.

    When you bring alcoholic every day bottle, are you good friend or badass who understands that when you keep other guy drunk every day, sooner or later something bad happens ?

    When you give Jews everything what they want, do you make good or are you cold blooded calculator who knows what happened previous times when Jews got everything what they wanted ? Jews never maintained stable power. Every time when they got too much power, they over reached and destroyed themselves.

    In my home country there is big problem that people feeding their pets to death. Sometimes goodness makes more harm than most evil deeds.

    • “In Russia there is official term, ‘kicking to the attic’. It means that some people are especially promoted high places to fuck up everything. Stalin liked such stunts very much because disaster is perfect cause for purge.”

      … and the plan continues with the Biden administration.

      • Uncle Joe was probably picked for herding cattle back to barn.

        With ugly methods. Being old is advantage. You can make a lot of evil deeds, then die and take all crimes into grave with you so your buddies remain clean.

        But thanks to Trump, society has changed so much that all their plans turned into dust. Nobody takes media and science seriously anymore so resistance doomed all their efforts.

  3. Tawdry.

    I feel bad for all decent Americans — many of them must feel disgust, frustration, and anger having to watch the shitshow of politics while trapped in the coercive tax system, suffering the feeling that they’re contributing to it, but nothing will ever change, and there’s also nothing they can do about it.

  4. I’m too jaded to expect anything other than four more years of betrayals & humiliations from Zion Don. My only hope is that his base won’t squander another four years by merely being Dump’s cheerleaders. Influencers literally made careers out of apologizing for Dump & acting like everything was part of master plan, and trumpsters ate it up. It was all so blackpilling that a lot us just dropped from politics.

    I like having Trump in office. I don’t like people putting all their stock in him. The cultism surrounding Trump was always the biggest problem. We should be building & growing, not waiting for Trump to save America.

    • @Anonymous…

      ‘I’m too jaded to expect anything other than four more years of betrayals & humiliations from Zion Don.’

      Yes, but, you’re assuming that another trump term will be bidden by the Blue States.

      They, The Blue-State city-slickers see Trump in 2024 like The South saw Lincoln in 1860 – a symbol for what is totally anathema to them.

      Also, you are assuming that Trump, if reelected, will be essentially hollow, as he was in his first term.

      Maybe, maybe not.

      No, I think we are now fully in volatile times, unlike 2015, and unpredictability will be the incessant face.

      • You’re right.

        Trump Derangement Syndrome is running so strong that these people would lose their minds if he won the 2024 election. Who knows what might happen?

    • The very last non-stupid thing Richard Spencer ever said was telling his fans to join the Trump movement in order to influence it, and ‘not fuck it up.’

      Then Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch invited the Jew media at The Atlantic to film them doing ‘Hitler salutes.’

      Which counts as ‘fucking it up.’

      No chance of having any influence in the Trump movement after that, which was the point I suppose, seems most likely.

      Now white Southern Christians are being radicalized, here comes the Nazi Clown Show to fuck it up, as that is their job.

      • How is the op supposed to work here?

        Christian nationalism has zero appeal to the militant atheist and pagan wing of White Nationalism. Those people are also so anti-Christian that Christians aren’t attracted their cause anyway.

        • Because Christianity is a slave religion. The bible and the quran are slave manuals.
          If you don’t consider yourself a goy, you naturally reject Christianity.

          • Keep telling yourself that lie, and that you are a free individual.
            You will bend the knee, right before hell opens its maw for you….

            “For if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”- J.C.
            Of course, this verse only applies to the White race, the race Jesus incarnated Himself into….

          • “If you don’t consider yourself a goy, you naturally reject Christianity” – Many Europeans in the past did not consider themselves goy and were quite pleased to be identified as Christian. Their Christian faith did not compel them to in any way be subservient to Jews nor to be Zionist sympathizers.

          • “Because Christianity is a slave religion. The bible and the quran are slave manuals.”

            Belief in a perfected celestial patriarch who asks you to engage in both physically and mentally healthy living is good for people. Like listening and learning to obey the drill sergeant against your natural urges for autonomy actually helps keep you alive when the poop hits the fan. Go ahead and view civilized behavior as “slavery,” where did the rock and roll rejection of authority lead? To street people on meth living in tents and violent antifa riots supporting the “right” to lead a criminal lifestyle. Darwin and Nietchze both describe in an eggheaded way for certain types what the natural emotional view religion also describes. A powerful command inside the average man for that which is healthy and prosperous rather than that which leads to self destruction, social collapse, and devastating conquest by outside groups who have their act together. People need to feel this instinctively, not have to intellectualize it out as an egghead who don’t understand how the masses think.

        • Which is more important to you: being White or being Christian? Pick one.
          Being White is an immutable fact; Christianity will accept a kike convert.

          • FALSE Christianity will accept a Jewish convert- but only Orthodoxy mandates that one DENY ONE’s Jewishness, BEFORE the Baptismal water is poured
            Moreover, following the rite, a change of behavior is mandates. So, race alone is not going to save you….

          • Oh, and your dichotomy cannot work.

            To be Christian, is to be White.
            To Be White, is to be Christian….

            If TRUE Christianity is what you mean. Of course, you don’t….. so, you’re merely being a hypocrite.

        • The op is taking rising White racial anxiety and funnelling it into kosher dead ends like the Republican party, judeo-christian civic nationalism, and American empire patriotardism.

      • I don’t think these wignats can fuck anything up anymore. They don’t have the relevance they used to have. Spencer & his circle are toast. Enoch/TRS are consigned to Telegram & really don’t have much of an outreach nor a connection to any political figures. Pro-white Christian nationalists like Torba, Vincent James, & Fuentes have all built successful brands on the basis of having nothing to do with wignats, and political figures have been warming up to them & are frequently using & promoting Gab. Much more will come. Meanwhile wignats have burned their bridges with everyone, and are a leaderless, directionless aggregate of easily manipulated dupes who have not built anything nor established connections with anyone. So I think the ‘Nazi Minstrel’ performance show has been played out. We saw their desperation with the recent DeSantis Nazi spectacle. It landed with a thud. No one cares about Nazi retards anymore.

        The only thing that can still fuck things up are the mass shooters.

  5. sigh..

    Stake in the heart


    Burn the hole body and pour holy water on all this #*$&@

    What else can we do with J vampires?

    I would also say ..,

    Cal Jared Kushner and those like him out.

    Never kiss their as*

    Always take the side of waiters, bus boys, bartenders and servants of these #*$&@

    Obviously we must finesse the JQ but…

    Do what needs to be done.

    • >sickly

      I don’t think Trump looks ‘sickly’ — but he’s 76 y/o, and is showing signs of his age.

      Elon Musk says Donald Trump ‘too old’ to run in 2024

      … Musk added: “Dems should also call off the attack — don’t make it so that Trump’s only way to survive is to regain the Presidency.”

      Trump appears to be more vigorous and is clearly cognitively more capable than Biden — but Trump is dumb, and the knives are coming out for him.

  6. Jared mismanaged Trump’s 2020 campaign so badly that he lost to Joe Biden. This has been overshadowed by Trump insisting the 2020 election was stolen from for him. Insofar as he has a point, it is due to all the changes in election laws that were allowed to happen on Jared’s watch because of COVID in the months before the 2020 election in things like drop boxes and mail in ballots.

    This is a basic point the Trumptards cannot bring themselves to face. Whether the election was stolen outright or not is actually a secondary point, since it was Cheetohead’s retarded insistence on having his devil-worshipping rat-faced son-in-law running things which enabled not only the electoral fraud of 2020, but that of 2018. Thus 2020 ended up being the perfect-storm of Kushner incompetence and evil: The totally inept reaction to the COVID-19 bioweapon deployment, plus even more adoption of Church of Woke dogma with things like “criminal justice reform” (releasing violent dindus to prey on more victims), the moronic ‘Platinum Plan’ and the pardons of every violent negro and Jew swindler Jared could think of. No wars ended. No military withdrawn even from the Trashcanistan quagmire. To top it off, his own daughter – a convert to Talmudic Satanism – tossed his sorry ass under the Jan.6 bus.

    As I remarked down the hall the other day: Sinners can repent but stupid is forever. Time to move on. Dump is already on his way to the trash-heap of history, whether he realizes it or not. He had his chance do try and so something and utterly failed. Note also how Zion Don tossed all his loyal folks under the woke January 6 “insurrection” bus. That’s a fairly reliable indication there was never any good faith on Trump’s part from the outset. Just another damned set of lies.

    • The real truth that Trumptards cannot accept is that Trump himself sold them out (because he was never with them to begin with). Jared and Ivanka are just easy scapegoats for them to pin all of Trump’s failures and lies on. The implication being that if only Jared hadn’t been around, then Trump really would have accomplished x, y, and z that he promised. But somehow, inexplicably, 4d chess mastermind Donald “art of the deal” Trump was outwitted by this awkward mincing brainlet Jared Kushner at every turn!

  7. I am proud to have named beautiful Shiksa Turmp daughter Ivanka Trump as TPC traitor of the year back in ~ 2017.

    Ivanka Trump is the one responsible for brining in that horrible Yid Jared Kushner who replaced pretty much all the immigration restrictionist, make peace with Russia American nationalists except the the other J Steven Miller. I liked Steven Miller, don’t think he was a Neo Conservative.

    • >I liked Steven Miller

      He didn’t seem to be very effective — he had no detectable influence on the Trump administration.

      • Just give it enough time for the facts to start seeping out.

        The notion that he had “no detectable influence” on the Trump White House was wrong even during the years of the Trump White House. But, like I intimated, as more time passes, the more this notion will be seen as wrong. As that story gets told more accurately, concomitantly, the truth about the Trump-Bannon “fallout” (cough cough) will also come out.

        And all that has personal relevance to myself. But, again, that will only be after a lot of time has passed.

  8. Hopefully no one is dumb enough to believe Kushner actually sat down and wrote a book.


    Apparently establishment ‘conservatives’ at Fox are doing an ‘Et tu, BruteFox?’ on Trump:

    Fox News Banning Trump From Network

    The New York Times reported Friday that Fox News has not had Donald Trump on its network in over 100 days, which the paper said was part of a larger strategy to eliminate the former president as a major GOP player. … The decision to shun Trump has been made at “the highest levels” of Fox’s parent company, and is backed by its billionaire chairman, Rupert Murdoch, and his son, company CEO Lachlan Murdoch.

    No surprise.

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